Bonds (I): Savior





My heart ached, it ached a lot. The pain I felt from this loss was so all encompassing it became really difficult for me to breathe. I lost someone I love again, my bond mate, my husband. And this was the time third time.

It has been seventeen years since I was exiled from my home, or the proper word should be they sold me out. The purity of blood was called into question the moment I became an elder, and that was not something they were really happy about, after all I used to be their warden.

I heard the sound of my cage being shuffled as my caretaker moved me out for a night of display and revelry, a night where the highest bidder among the nobles of this kingdom will get the chance of fucking an elder vampire, right in front of the thousands of other pathetic flesh bags watching, cheering and goading whoever it was that is bound to be my abuser this night. What a life.

The cage went over an uneven part of the floor and I was thrown around within it like a feather at the mercy of the wind. My frail body thrown towards the bars made of mythril, burning me on impact and letting loose the smell of burnt flesh into the air and the confines of my silvery cage. The thick cloak that covered the cage was lifted up, and a man with a scarred face peered into it. The light that came through from his cursory attempt burned my eyes, and not just my burned my skin.

I screeched in pain and jumped back in fright, only for my back to touch the bars of my cage again, eliciting another cry from me as my back was burnt by the magical silver metal.

"Warri what the hell is wrong with you! Close the blinds you idiot, you're damaging her! Do you want to get us in trouble!" A furious voice screamed out.

"But I smelt something burning, I was just checking to see if she was cooking something. Maybe she would have shared some with me, I'm very hungry you know." The scarred man, Warri replied.

"You.... You….. You….Argh! What the hell am I supposed to do with you, you're so stupid!."

And then the cage began to move again. The man; Warri, he's just as broken as I am, if not more. The scars on his body, and the blank look in his eyes was more than enough to show the level of cruelty and depravity of the human mind. He was in pieces, fragmented with so many parts of his soul spread across the void of the ether, lost to the darkest shadows of his mind. It was only a matter of time before I got to that state too, I've lost a piece of my soul three times, and each time more painful than the last. I hated to admit it but, it's now incredibly easy to break me.

We continued on with our journey for another six hours, in which time, the heat from the sun above had made my cage a boiling pot, wherever it is we're going, I had no idea why I was being tortured on the way. We never traveled during the daytime unless I was being punished. But to an extent I was already used to the pain, I was numb to it, I have lived with it so long that it was as normal as breathing was for me. Eventually the sun itself had to go down, and the silence that has been my companion came to an end. We were traveling in broad daylight for the last six hours, but outside of Warri and his companion talking, I have heard nothing. It made me wonder what sort of route we had taken today.

Every week, a different noble hosted the party where I'm to be auctioned for the night, I can't say I was really looking forward to today's activity, especially since my journey to the location has been anything but normal. The cloak that was covering my cage was lifted, and I suddenly found myself in a wide hall. On the balcony above me, there was only one person, a boy.

"My lord Kael, you have paid quite a significant amount of money for a private show with my property. I hope you get your money's worth young man. Hehehe,"

I know that voice, I hated the very sound of it. I could not help the shiver that danced through my spine, or the terror that suddenly griped my heart. Dawson was my owner, and the cause of all my torment. He was the caretaker of the slave house that purchased me. And the man responsible for the death of my bond mate.

" I have to say lord Kael, this is not something I expected from you. Your reputation is spread far and wide, as someone who advocates strongly the rights of vampires. So to be honest this is quite a surprise for me. Can you imagine what would happen if the world knew you rented a vampire elder for your own pleasures?. You would be ruined."

Then Dawson shifted his a gaze to the young boy, watching for any kind of reaction. But Kael was not looking at Dawson, he didn't even look like he was paying attention to the words coming out of his mouth. He was looking at me.

I noticed his gazwa and the intensity within them was not something you would would expect from a teenager. He was young, but he looked wise beyond his age, smart and confident. He was not overly handsome, but he was not ugly either, his brown skin, and short black hair gave him the impression of someone who was more than just a noble, he was like a king, a God, a savior.

Even with my captivity, I have heard rumors about this boy, a human noble born to one the seventh most ancient house in all of Shearath, the very last of his family line. Rumors say his house has existed right from the dawn of the first sun, that they were blessed by the Gods. In present they were a rich family, owning assets both on Shearath and off world. His family was wealthy enough to own multiple planets where farming and various technological advancement were being researched. He had the world on his shoulders, and a massive inheritance that would fall into his hands the moment he gets to twenty three.

A fortune that many other families had their eyes on. But one thing I knew was that Kael lived and fought for people like me, he fought to save vampires like myself from a life of misery and suffering, from the coldness and cruelty of this world. But he came to late, there was nothing left to save. I was already damaged.

"Lord Kael, news of your rather unsavory secret activities can be kept under lock and key, and forgotten if you want. But for a small price of course."

Kael did not say anything as he put his hands on the balcony and jumped over. He dropped down hard from a height of twenty feet, causing cracks to spread out from where he landed. The pristine marble floor that added a certain charm to this hall was cracked. I saw Dawson swallow in nervousness, Kael was only sixteen, but this boy had a power that he couldn't contend with, both with his physical prowess, or in a financial battle.

"You don't have to worry about my secrets slaver Dawson. Dead men tell no tales."

Before Dawson could say anything, a loud roar shook the hall, as two massive white lions appeared out of nowhere and pounced on him. It was a gory sight, bloody and messy. But it was also very satisfying, I wish I was the one tearing the flesh from his bones and draining the blood from his body. But watching him die was good enough for me.

Warri and his companion were next, I felt nothing watching them die. I didn't really have any sort of relationship with those two, even if they have been responsible for transporting me to each new venue, week after week, they had been nothing more than glorified caretakers, responsible for feeding the dog and making sure it's clean. Warri however deserved a release, his existence, was just to pitiful.

Then the cage was opened, and there he was, standing like the knights in shining armor I read so much about as a child. He pulled out a knife, and I flinched back, not exactly sure of his intentions. They he slit his wrist, letting the rich scent of his human blood waft through the air. I would have loved to say I had more self control, but I did not. I was hungry, and he was offering.

I sank my fangs into his arm and drank for all I was worth. It was the single most filling meal I have ever had in my entire life. I couldn't help the tears that were falling from my eyes, or the joy in my heart at the sheer richness of scarlet liquid going down my throat. He put his hand over my head and whispered to me, softly and gently as if he was talking to his mother, or his lover.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you sooner. Please forgive me, I want you to know that I won't let anything or anyone hurt you again. Asha I'm here now."