Bonds (II): Healer



The room he had out me in was different, it was large, grey and warm. It was the single mist comfortable thing I had ever seen in my life, and I knew I have lived for several life times. But even the aesthetic aura of the room could not bring up a single shred of emotion from me. Just like it's grey paint, I felt dull, empty.

But I noticed I could no longer bring myself of to be wary or scared, he was just boy. Apart from commanding two summoned lions from the celestial realms, he looked weak. He was thin, tall for his age, but thin. His dark eyes no matter how sharp had a dull going within them, his shoulders seemed to drag down like he had the weight of all Shearath placed on them. He was exhausted, but I was not sure I care.

"Asha this will be your room, at least until we can figure out a way to get you back home and completely safe from those who would hurt you. It's not much in a way if taste and décor, but it will do for now since this is a hide out. If you need anything, anything at all please don't hesitate to call for me. Okay?"

I did not answer him, the grey wall of this room had a feel to them that reminded me of my tower, it reminded me of the moment I got bonded for the first time. I was young, in love, stupid, and human. Very, very human. But it did not raise up feelings of nostalgia and fond remembrance. It reminded of loss, betrayal, my change, and my very broken heart. This room made me ache, it was torturing me again.

I paid no attention to Kael as I dragged the huge thick blanket one the king sized bed, and wrapped it around me. Then I made my way to the window, and moved the thick blinds covering it aside. The window was shuttered shut, but it was different from any other window I had ever seen. It was blue and tinted, but I could still see the bustling mega city beneath me. Flying cars, military cruisers, griffins, and a carriage pulled by a team of lesser wyverns flew past my sight, oblivious to my cursory gaze from behind the window.

The lights below were beautiful enough that I unconsciously reached out for them. That was a life and a destiny that would never belong to me, maybe once, but not anymore. I used to mortal, but powerful, strong, respected and feared. But now, I'm Immortal, weak, cursed, hated and broken. I was lost in my own world of anguish and torment. A creation of my own mind and horror.

And then the sun began to rise, I could see it over the skyline of the city and is withering lights. I wrapped the thick blanket around me, and sat on the cold floor of the room, suddenly grateful for the warmth of the sheet over my shoulders. And then I sat there, just watching the sun rise, as its cursed light slowly chased the shadows away until it got to my body. But I didn't burn, I was not hurt. I could watch this sun come up again after two thousand years. It was beautiful, and peaceful in a way I couldn't explain. He understood, so that's where he left me.


This was the fourth time today. He might have noticed that I was getting irritated, but he ignored me all the same. It's been three months, and in all that time I have never said a single word to him...…..I couldn't bring myself to do so. And it was mainly because I didn't know what to say.

He was different than I expected, funny for some reason even though all his attempts at a joke was a disaster and left my head aching. I never laughed though, not once in all that time. He seemed to have taken it as a challenge, a life time mission to get a smile out of me. Sorry kid, but I'm a vampire, it's quite possible for me to be moody and depressed till your entire human life was over. But I didn't tell him that, he was definitely going to argue with me if I did.

I was sitting in front of this window again, the sun was already up, way past it's peak point as the heat of it's noonday splendor shone down on the city below. I heard his come up from behind me, then he beside me, throwing his gaze onto the city below.

"I heard that you've not been eating for over a week. You're an elder, so I know you can go a long time without feeding. But at this point in time, you need to build your strength, you've been through a lot, and you need to heal. Let me help you."

I said nothing, there was no reason this meeting had to be different from all of our previous this past three months. This tiny human child wanted me to open up to him, what a joke. He was not worthy of such an honor from me. I smiled within my self at the sudden burst of arrogance from within me. It was not that he was not worthy, the real reason would be I was not ready.. He was offering so much, it I wanted nothing else from him. I owed him, but I did not want to add to that debt, I did not want to care, or feel anything positive, I just wanted to be left alone, so that I could wallow in my own pool of self pity and despair.

Then I smelt it, my eye twitched as I fought the urge to turn and smack this reckless boy. The lack of parents in his life currently have not instilled in him a sense of caution and careful approach. He did this every time he wanted to get a reaction out of me. I was a freaking vampire elder!, but at this point I was ashamed to admit, that I was addicted. Addicted to the blood of this crappy human child.

I turned to look at him, his slit wrist and the knife in his right hand. No wonder he was always looking so thin, who knew how many times a day he did that. I knew for a fact I was not the only vampire in this building, those of us who have managed to find out way out of the pit, and the caves, weather through slavery, or any other sinister machinations of our jailors, were saved and placed here.

He was grinning at me, I was sure my face did not betray any emotions, but this boy knew he was irking me somehow and was gloating because of it. Was he a mind reader or something. If he wanted to die so much, even if it's by being eaten, then I will grant his wish. Stupid human boy with the tasty blood.

I placed my lips over his hand and sucked. The sounds I made was so embarrassing for me, because it made me seem like a baby. But none the less he really did taste like something from the heavens, or the celestial realms like those two lions of his. There was just something about his blood, that begged to flow down in soft cascading waves down your throat that always elicited a moan from me. And like the times after he saved me from slavery, sucking his blood left me turned on to the max. But I was not going to go laying my predatory hands on this kid, not now, and not ever.

But just like a kid, I felt my eyes grow heavy, drinking him in was peaceful, fulfilling and extremely satisfying. I closed my eyes, and that was the first time I slept in the six months. It was a dream less sleep, peaceful, with no monsters, and no nightmares, and I slept my troubles away, just for that day. And I did it, in his arms.


He introduced a girl to me today, she was just six years old. Her name is Rhea. He brought her in, with a bunch of toys, who was he trying to kid. We may have slept beside each other a few dozen times, but that did not mean he can just go and bring some strange girl with toys into my room. What did he think was going to happen, that my maternal instincts would suddenly come to life, and I would say something.

He's tenacious I give him that, but have you ever seen a two thousand year old vampire playing with toys. This strategy of his, was bound to fail the moment he thought of it. I was not going to break, no matter how cute this girl looked.


I broke, I really, really broke. But this was not my fault, not at all. Rhea was an impressive story teller, and apparently the story which we have been enacting out with her toys for the past one hour was told to her by her big brother, who I might add turned out to be Kael.

"So jack froze to death in the sea, so that the love of his life Rose can live."

"But.....but why?, how can a story end like that. No there has to be another way, he can't just die, not after everything they had gone through. It's not fair." I protested with such a childish tone, that would have made me want to strangle myself one hour ago. Well not so much now though, I was rapidly falling in love with this little girl.

"I know right, I told big brother to change the ending, but he refused. He said the titanic was timeless classic, and even though he always felt the urge to pound Leonardo DiCaprio's pretty young face into the ground, for being the ultimate underdog and personification of a toad trying to eat swan meat, he had to stay true to the story and tell it as it is...…wuuuu I cried for a week, wahhhhhhh, he was so mean."

I pulled her into my grasp, and rocked her gently as I made all sorts of promises about how I would throw her brother into a freezing ocean. Maybe then he would realize the important of making sure the story had a happier ending. Two months after that Rhea called me mother. Exactly a week after I had given my body to her adopted brother.



"My lady Asha, to be honest I don't see a reason why you should be here trying to save your husband's lover. You need to be careful of your condition you know, after all, you're carrying the next heir of the Cor fortune. The poison within you aside, I doubt the council of light would be happy if anything happens to their little pet and experiment growing within you."

Asha had her eyes widened in shock as she took a few steps back. He might have been whispering, but he was still loud enough for the vampires around her to hear him. Loud enough that 'He' could hear him. And there he was, red eyes, black hair that was longer than she had seen him with in the two years they spent loving each other.

He had come here with a sharp look in his eyes, a gaze she had seen so many times when he was angry, or about to embark on one of his really dangerous missions. Then she watched as that look turned to shock at what he heard, as he looked at Asha with a horrified expression on his face. She could feel him again, and she knew he could feel her. Missing memories or not, their [Údāmá] sprung forth from the hidden depths of their soul as all their emotions became bare to each other.

She loved him, so very much. But she could not feel any love from him, only mistrust, and fear, so much fear. Her heart ached at the look in his eyes, those were not the loved filled gaze that she had hopelessly yearned for, every night and day for a year. It was just empty of affection. She called his name, hoping beyond all hope, that he responded to it. That somehow, her voice struck a chord deep within his soul, and he could remember what ever little he could about their love.


And then all hell broke loose.