
"Do you know it took you three hours to make all those dungeon floors?" Teluna asked me as we came up out of the basement.

"Really, I honestly thought it was longer than that. The time required was so short." I relied to him.

"Are you drunk or something, how is sitting down motionless for three hours short, I was almost completely bored out of my mind." Teluna complained.

I really didn't know how to answer that, I honestly thought that it didn't take much time for me to construct those dungeon floors.

But since I was there with others, they would have definitely found the passage of time quite dull. Which means I should probably do it alone next time, it's not as if they were helping.

The tower should have assimilated the dungeon core that was on the forehead of the stone rat into it's matrix. Since it was a metal attributed core that evolved from an earth type, it's bound to augment the tower's capabilities.



My eyes widened as I made my way up the stairs even faster, I completely ignored the second basement that appeared and made my way up towards the first floor, before running towards the door. Asha was already there, with Xaseah, it seems they were also preparing to receive our visitors.

Thankfully every other person apart from Xaseah, Asha, Varsessa, Asare, Teluna, Magellan, Gus and Kodak had gone out to carry out my recruitment mission. So it was only the nine of us left to deal with what ever was coming, though if you ask me, I'll said that's overkill.

"The tower sent me a warning, it says there's a bunch of hostiles heading here. Do you guys know anything?" I asked Asha and Xaseah.

But what followed was an awkward silence as it became obvious both girls were still not talking to me. To be honest I felt embarrassed and had the urge to dig myself a hole and throw myself in it.

It's been a few hours! How long would this take, and to make matters worse, they've not even given me a chance to apologize, and the worst part is I only offended one person, why were they both angry at me. Arghhhhh I'm so confused, and now I'm angry too. Varsessa came to my rescue and spoke instead.

"Lady Xaseah and I saw them coming when we left earlier, it's the grand elder of the blue district, and he has quite a significant force with him." She said to me.

I blinked my eyes, and looked at both Asha and Xaseah, they were still not saying anything. I was frustrated and very upset, of course I know I've not gotten to apologizing yet, but they were not giving me a chance, and I was already so angry that the thought of an apology had already flown out of my mind.

I made a mistake and said something I was not supposed to in the heat of the moment, did they have to go so far and even embarrass me in the process.

I really couldn't understand women, I never dated in my past life, as Jason I had a very chronic distrust of women, besides I died young anyway, so I did not live long enough to get rid of that distrust, so my knowledge about women was zero. I just followed my heart, and right now my heart was telling me that since they wanted to give me the silent treatment, I'm giving them the silent treatment too.

"What's a grand elder?" I asked Varsessa. But it was Magellan who answered.

"A grand Elder is the title given to the vampire that's in charge of an entire district."

"Okay so who's the douche bag heading for the tower and what has he got to do with us?" I asked.

"This particular Grand elder happens to also be the head of coven, a criminal coven if I should add. And his job as grand elder apart from overseeing the entire blue district and reporting to the guard tower, is to make sure every vampire within follows all the rules and laws of the humans. And we just broke one of the biggest rule." Varsessa answered.

"Which rule is that?" Teluna asked in confusion. Seems like he doesn't know what that rule was either.

"No vampire is allowed into the forbidden district, for any reason at all, and hunting there is a capital offense punishable by death. I'm thinking he's here to carry out that punishment."

Magellan answered.

I really had no idea such a rule existed, I was completely stumped, did no one think it was necessary to tell me why I was completely oblivious about this rule.

I did not even look at Xaseah or Asha, since they were angry, then let's all be angry at each other. But I looked long and hard at Asare who shifted uncomfortably before he sheepishly answered.

"I'm sorry Master, but it might have crossed my mind at the time."

There was no need getting angry at him at all, besides I knew I would have still gone into the black district regardless of the rule or not. The only reason this was happening was because our operation this time was a little too big and there was no hope for discretion, so we were found out. But no matter, I'll deal with it.

"We have to come up with a plan and...….."

I completely ignored what Kodak was saying as I made my way outside the tower, heading to meet the approaching enemy alone.

I did not have any eyes at the back of my head, but I could have sworn I felt all of their surprised gazes on my back.

Of course it did not take longer for all of them to fall behind me, as they followed, even Xaseah and Asha did the same after a little deliberation, though they chose to stay farther behind me.

There was a three meter tall fence now surrounding the tower, though it was missing a gate.

This was part of expanding the towers awareness, it was a compound with the fence almost fifty meters away from the tower, and side this was a part of the tower, it had expanded it's awareness in such a way that it had detected this grand elder before he got here.

I looked up in time to see them coming out from the size of another tower almost seventy meters away. There was a lot of them, almost four hundred vampires in all. That was a lot of vampires, sealed vampires though. They were not a match for any single one of us, even Gus could take care of all of them without hassle. But still to be on the safe side.

"Deploy tower shield" I said.

A shimmering curtain of grey light shot up from the top of the fence, is stretching to as high as two hundred feet, completely covering the two floors of the tower, and their base.

I also knew this shield even went down through the fence to protect the basements too. At a glance the shield looked really thin, as if it could be torn apart by any casual movement, was...…it was...….to be honest I have no idea how powerful this shield was, but I guess we would find out.


"So the rumors are true, Hahahaha what a discovery" a voice spoke up.

The owner of the voice could only be described in one word, and that was muscular. His muscles had muscles, and if I was not a vampire with supernatural strength, I would have been intimidated by his sheer bulk.

This vampire stood at almost seven foot tall, a lot taller than my six foot two lanky looking frame. He was bald though, and his seal was actually placed right at the middle of his head. How the hell that got there, I was not sure I wanted to know.

"And what rumors are there if you don't mind me asking?" I asked him.

"Well rumors of you being awake from your coma of course, but I had this feeling that your coma was just a ploy to escape retribution from the warden after you pulled the wool over his eyes, to get your whore back and save her from a very painful and humiliating death."

Okay I've decided. I didn't need to think too much about what I was going to do in regards to this situation that I've now found myself in. I've come to a conclusion, and that conclusion was that I'm going to kill him.

We might be having a quarrel, but no one had the right to call the women I loved names. I was about to step towards him and introduce him to my fist and the rune [BREAK], but I felt a hand grape my shoulder in a steel like grip to prevent me from starting a massacre.

It was Asha, and no matter how hard I tried to fling her hands off my shoulder, I was not strong enough to do so.

[Calm yourself husband, he's only trying to mess with your head. Reacting like this is giving him what he wants.]

Hearing Asha's voice in my mind did not calm my anger, hell it made it a hundred times worse. I was still upset at her, and now that there's an outlet to unleash that anger, there's now way I'm letting him go. So I answered her out loud, rather than through this one way telepathic bond that we share.

"It doesn't matter what he's trying to do, he's not leaving here alive." I made sure the vampire talking heard every word I just spoke.

"Now before I tear your arm off it's socket, tell me who the fuck are you?" I asked him with a tone dripping with venom.

But he ignored me completely, and turned to Asha, and wore the biggest smile imaginable as he said to her.

"You should do well to keep your toy on a shorter leash elder Asha. A woman of your caliber deserves better and an impure blood. Not too long ago this guy's very species was an enemy to vampires, and now he's the lowest of the low. A filthy revenant. You really should watch the company you keep. In fact if you were not bonded to trash, you would have been qualified enough to serve at my side as my..."

"Why are you here?" Asha cut him off. Of course I already knew what he was going to say.

"Of course forgive me for going out of context. I'm here to mete out punishment to the law breaker Kael Cor, for the crimes of ignoring curfew regulations, heading to the forbidden district without permission, hunting in said forbidden district, and bringing back illegal blood into the vicinity of the pit. The punishment to be given, would be the confiscation of his tower and any device of importance, the disbandment of whatever rabble of a group he has called together, and finally the execution of Kael Cor and his known associates which include the vampire Xaseah, the gnome Nisi, and the human Asare. And elder Asha would be punished with solitary confinement for the next 100 years. Please cooperate with me and accept you punishment without question, we wouldn't want things to get bloody now would we."

I blinked, and then I shook my head. This guy was not here in the name of carrying out the law or to punish me for breaking any rules. He was here because of his greed, of course I had this feeling that he had a vendetta against me.

He was probably one of those vampires who believed Kael Cor was better off being an ordinary human noble, than the activist who went about smuggling out and breaking vampires free of captivity. But I felt something was weird, I was getting too angry than normal that I was almost seeing red. Then I heard Gus call out to Asha.

"Lady Asha there's...…"

"I know Gus, don't worry about it." She answered him quickly.

I had no idea what was going on with those two, but I was burning with a fury that I could not explain. Then I felt Asha tap my shoulder as if to tell me 'go ahead and do what you want'.

The grin that broke out on my face probably made me look like the devil or something, but no worries, because that's what this guys are about to meet. I looked at the vampire who spoke, and then I spoke to him completely ignoring everything he had just said.

"I asked you a question! Who the fuck! Are you!"

And then I charged.