Fighting Goons, Making Up

When I came out of the tower's shield, completely cut of from its protection, the vampire that came to bring punishment to me, took a few quick steps backwards and chose to hide within his entourage, of course it was not as if they would be able to protect him from myself long enough. I was still going to get to him eventually.

The vampires he came with only had metal rods as weapons, some of them were even holding mining picks. Mining pick that were so rusted that whoever gets injured by that without a vampires monstrous healing factor, would get a serious infection.

I wonder if they gave tetanus shots on Shearath, if such a disease existed in the first place anyway. The two closest vampires to me swung the metal rods at me, it was almost as if they we're moving in slow motion.

I ducked under their swing and stretched my hand to grab both their throats, and using my forward momentum, I lifted them up and brought them crashing to the ground in a double choke slam.

There was an audible crack as the ground beneath them was split, or maybe it was something inside them. Who knows. The next vampire pushed his rod straight at my face, but a simple side step as I turned my body sideways had that rod passing me by.

I shoved my elbow into his sternum and bent down a bit placing his hunched form over my shoulder as I shot up and threw him over my head in a variation of a judo throw.

The next assailant fancied himself a hand to hand specialist as he shot his taped up fist towards my face.

I caught his fist and squeezed so hard that I could hear and feel his bones pop and break out of misalignment. He went down on his knees screaming in pain as he painfully clutched his mangled hand.

A sharp knee strike to his face sent him to dream land as I was blind sided and someone scored a hit by slamming his sword length metal rod into my stomach.

I let out a little grunt at the sudden pain, but after that it was all but gone, a momentary lapse of concentration and pain appearing and vanishing in a second. The person who hit me looked surprised as I completely shook off his full powered hit.

That seemed to be the breaking point, as I was swarmed by a whole crowd of vampires swinging rods, planks with barbs, chains, and mining picks at me. It was a haze and all a blur as I relied mostly on instinct and my superior speed to survive this onslaught.

For a moment all I was hearing were the sounds of bones breaking and unconscious vampires hitting the ground with a thud.

I was not spared, as I had my own fair share of injuries, they were healing, but not as fast as before the old wounds could completely heal, there would be a new added to it. A vampire swung a chain at my face, as I stepped back to dodge it, watching in humor as he tripled over the body of a fallen comrade of his.

As he was falling down, I moved forward to make sure his falling face was introduced to my rising knee, another crack and a spray of blood and it looks like that guy is our for the count.

The next vampire came screaming at me, and holding his rod high above his head like a katana, a sharp kick to his chest brought his momentum to a screeching halt as his body was flung backwards like a rag doll, though he left his rod behind as it flew out of his hand as soon as I hit him.

I grabbed the rod, and almost immediately, it was as if there was a change in the atmosphere, like there was a domain, a sharpness of sorts centered around my position. The rod was not a sword, but it would serve it's purpose just fine.

There was a lull in the fight as all the other vampires took a step back to access the situation. So far I have been fighting with just my fist, but now that there was a weapon in my hand, everything felt different.

I've not spent a really long time training my swordsmanship, but the feeling I got holding this rod was something I've never felt before. The coldness of the metal seemed to change at the point my hand touched it as a warmth could be felt intertwined with it.

There was a pulse of sorts, like a heartbeat, a rhythm. Though to be honest this rhythm did not feel complete, and I knew it was because a shield was missing. I was almost tempted to weave the shield into existence, but my weaver abilities must remain an absolute secret, unless I really had no choice left but to expose it.

I was surrounded by injured vampires, some of them were unconscious, and those that weren't wished they were. They were all a heap of tears, snot and broken bones, and to be honest that only felt like a warm up.

I raised the rod in my hand an pointed it at a vampire that literally quaking in fright, I was not that scary right? I mean sure I was covered in blood from head to toe, and my red revenant eyes were probably blazing in fury, and I was also quivering in excitement or was it anticipation.

This was a very different feeling than when I was fighting soul beasts or monsters, this guys were fully sentient living, breathing entities. They were just like me.

Looking straight into the eyes of the vampire who I had my rod pointed at, I raised my left hand, and flicked it twice, the meaning behind it was clear for all to see 'come on!'. And then he charged, screaming with every power his lungs could muster.

I shot towards him, moving so fast I was a blur even to myself. I swung the rod straight at his left knee cap, shattering it as he flew past me to crash into the heap of bodies behind me, screaming and wailing.

But he was forgotten almost immediately as I continued with my momentum and sent a flying kick towards the chest of my next opponent, he shot backwards like a soccer ball, his fate completely unknown.

I swung my rod into the face of another, then ducked right as mining pick slammed into the earth, raising rubble into the air as the earth was split into.

I swung the pick into the back of my assailant head, then threw a super kick into the jaw of an approaching middle aged looking vampire, who spun three times on his heels like a ballerina before crashing to the ground unconscious with a broken or dislocated jaw.

Swing the rod felt natural, but I had no idea what to do with my left hand, I really wish I had a shield. After the super kick I bent down and gave a massive leg sweep, throwing four vampires off their feet, then I shot up slamming my shoulder into the gut of another vampire who had gotten close enough to stand over me.

The force of the hit raised him up by about half a meter, and as he was coming down, I grabbed the back of his head, and made sure to bring it and the rest of his body down to the earth at twice the speed and made the impact twice as painful.

I swung the rod in my hand a few time times as I parried an attack from a vampire carrying a similar rod, this guy seemed to know his way around a sword as he swung at my head. I stepped back, letting the rod pass so close to my face it almost grazed my nose.

Then I swung my rod in an over handed manner, slicing upwards hoping to catch him under his jaw. But he also had really good awareness as he brought his rod downwards to meet mine.

There was a loud clang and a shower of sparks as both rods clashed in a fury of metal and sparks. He successfully deflected my attack, but I was a lot stronger than him, so he was pushed back, and I was very sure that rod in his palm was vibrating intensely.

I pressed my advantage and shot forward to slam my shoulder into his chest, but my opponent was not willing to give up, not one bit as he swung his rod and clipped me on my ear. I was surprised by his tenacity and ingenuity, he was already falling down when he made that attack, so I couldn't help but admire him a little.

This guy was as good if not better than I was in swordsmanship, the only reason I was winning is because he was sealed and I was not. But there was no time for admiration on the battlefield, if he's still alive after this is over, I'll introduce myself.

I felt air displaced behind me, so I ducked fast as really massive pick was swung at the back of my head. My previous opponent was already back to his feet, he was clutching his chest in pain, but he still seemed capable of fighting.

The new vampire was even bigger than the grand elder who if I should mention I still really want to kill. This guy was eight feet tall, and the size of his body was three of mine, I know he's a vampire, the golden eyes of a Shadower was proof of that.

However that's where the similarities ended, his skin was a deep forest green, and he had tusks growing out of his mouth. This big brute was either a dhamphir of an orc, born half vampire half orc, or he was an orc who was changed into a vampire.

Either way this guy might be the only person with enough strength to rival mine, this just got a lot harder.

He was holding a mining pick that was a full two meters long, with the metal head being a meter wide and about seven inches thick.

Even I won't be able to lift that thing with as much ease as he was doing right now. The other vampires had given us space, leaving only me and the swordsman vampire, and the orc vampire standing in a circle.

It seems the battle about to happen was bound to be seriously destructive and it was better for the others to give a wide berth and stay as far away as possible from us. They even pulled all of their unconscious and wounded comrades away. To be honest it made me feel a little nervous.

[Husband I think it's enough now, let's...…]

[No! Asha. Don't worry, even you know this is just a game for me. I could have killed them all in seconds if I wanted too. Don't interfere and don't let the others do too. Let me play a little longer]

I felt that I was a little cold to her as I replied, I guess I was still relatively angry. And now that I think about it, I felt stupid. It was just a misunderstanding, how did it get so intense in the first place?

Well the answer was simple, they escalated the whole thing, and even embarrassed me in the process, but I should have been better. Of course I was younger than both of them, like by a lot.

My old life and my new life combined was not enough to even measure half of Xaseah's age much less Asha who was more than two millennium years old. I acted like a complete kid, I may not be as old, but back on earth, I was an adult. And now I'm a husband, I needed to look after them and make sure they were always happy.

There's a popular saying about women back on earth "they're always right, even when they're wrong, they're right." Totally unfair if you ask me, but that's what it means to be a husband and in love. You make compromises for you loved ones.

[I'm Sorry]

[I'm sorry]

There was nothing left to be said that the bond could not convey. The fact that we both apologized at the same time showed how in sync we both were. Now I had to figure out how to deal with Xaseah later. But for now the douche bag soon to be dead grand elder has walked out from his hiding place.

"I have to admit that you're stronger and faster than you look. Which means you're unsealed, and that means the rumors of a weaver around you is also true. I'm sure Adein and the council of light would really love that tidbit of information. But you can't beat Jerome and Morgan at the same time. There are the most cohesive team in the whole pit. They're not something an impure revenant like you can beat."

I couldn't help it, not one bit, I started laughing. As far as strength is concerned I might not be able to beat the orc(name Jerome.....seriously!) But if you consider my other abilities, this guys would have been dead a hundred times over.

Oh well I guess I just had to see how long I could keep this façade. Being underestimated is not a fun feeling, but in scenarios like this, it was downright amusing and fun.

"Is that so? Well then enough with the talk, put your money where your mouth is. Greenly and shorty, let's dance."
