Kael Cor Vs Jerome & Morgan

Jerome swung his giant at my head, I took a step back, but Morgan was already swinging his metal rod at the back of my neck, cutting of any path of retreat. I ducked, letting both lethal weapons fly over my head.

The wind from Jerome's swing ruffled my hair and raised up a cloud of dust in my vicinity, obscuring my vision a bit, which was why I was completely unable to see the vampire orc's approaching foot until it was too late and already been introduced to my face.

I saw bright lights as I was flung towards the tower, I crashed onto the ground with a loud bang, and proceeded to bounce and skid on the hard earth a few times, scraping my skin in the process.

I tasted blood in my mouth, and almost immediately felt my nose pop back into place, but it was not broken, it was completely shattered.

And that made every motion my nose made in the process of healing unbearable. But as if that was not enough, the abrasions on my skin burned with a fury I did not expect as they began to heal themselves, mending shredded skin and leaving me good as new.

My entire group of opponents cheered, so far I've been the one beating the shit out of them, so they were quite happy to see me in a disadvantageous position.

Jerome and Morgan did not let me catch my breath though, as they came bounding towards me. I could barely hear the sound or Morgan's foot falls, the vampire seemed to be rather light on his feet.

But the eight foot tall Jerome made the earth vibrate under every stomp he made, to be honest the sight of him rapidly approaching was beyond intimidating, as he looked like a charging bull.

Thick dreadlocks swayed past his face as his gait increased, and the moment he came close enough, he took a jumping leap, using the momentum from his jump and the power of gravity to bring the giant mining pick in his hands crashing down onto my head.

There was no way in hell I would survive such a hit, even with all of my abilities, a physical attack of that magnitude would literally split me in half, or grind me into a meat paste.

Either way, I had no intention of experiencing either one. I moved my hurting body at the last minute, and was thrown off my feet as a small explosion of dust ensued when Jerome and his pick a landed on the earth.

I raised the rod in my hand and blocked a strike from Morgan, there was absolutely not much power behind his strikes on account of the fact that I was stronger than him.

However, he was skilled, which made him an important factor of this fight. If he was just like the other vampires I had left broken in a heap of their own blood, tears, and piss, he would have amounted to nothing more than an annoyance. But he was a threat that I had to get rid off really fast.

Morgan pulled back his rod, and made a piercing motion towards my eyes, it was then I noticed that his own rod was shaped differently than the others as it was sharpened to a point.

I moved back to dodge, and at the same time I stretched my foot out and slammed it into his sternum, forcing him to bend in discomfort. I was about to send a knee strike to his face, before I had to step back narrowly avoiding loosing my head to Jerome's sweeping attack.

The attack left him over extended, so I stepped closer and swung my metal rod at his knees. The ensuing result left my black face looking even blacker. The metal rod completely bent on contact with his knee, I noticed that apart from his extremely thick frame, he was also armored in different parts of his body, which also included his knees.

How come I didn't notice that, in fact I wasn't noticing a lot of things, including the fact that Morgan's rod had a sharpened point.

Something was seriously messed up here. I took a few steps back as Jerome looked at me and started chuckling with a deep baritone voice. He helped Morgan back up to a standing position before saying to me.

"You've lost your weapon, what are you going to do now little man. Hehehe"

My reply was to raise and eyebrow up and point my right palm at the both of them. My actions surprised them both, but only in amusement as they thought I might have gone crazy. But seriously are this guys dumb or something.

They knew for a fact that I was unsealed, yet they acted as if there was no danger. I mean I liked being underestimated too prove others wrong, but it's different when the other party completely ignores the threat you pose. It was irritating.

I closed my palm and made into a fist, then I punched out towards the both of them. The look on their faces when a highly condensed clump of fist shaped soul energy the size of a sofa came flying towards them.

The impact it made was highly satisfying to me to be honest as they were picked off their feet and thrown seven meters away, deposited to the ground in a broken heap.

There was a pregnant silence as all of the remaining opposing vampires were shocked by my sudden display of strength.

They expected I was unsealed, which was why I was stronger and faster than them. But a lot of things are list when someone changes to a vampire, prime among them is the resetting of a class to it's base form, some unlucky few even loose their class completely.

But majority of the vampires here were born that way, and apart from Xaseah who was changed more than sixty years ago, the knowledge about the intricacies of the change was not as widespread as before.

After all it was looked down upon to turn other races into vampires as it's beloved they would pollute the bloodlines.

I turned to look at the tower with a big smile on my face, but I frowned instead.

Everything was okay, but I couldn't see the shield, it was as if there was nothing there. But I knew the shield was still deployed, and that was when I realized that the shield was only visible from the other side, but people approaching the tower won't see anything out of the ordinary.


It seems Jerome is back on his feet. The same could not be said for Morgan though, his neck seems to be placed at an awkward angle. No wonder Jerome was so mad, it was a pity though, I really looked forward to getting to know Morgan, he was a really good fighter.

Jerome started running towards me, bellowing in anger as his golden eyes blazed. He was a Shadower, and somehow he had kept a hold of his weapon when I had hit him with my soul energy. He was coming closer by the second, but instead of standing to fight him, I turned around and ran straight for the tower.

I could imagine the look on a lot of faces, they might have thought of a million ways I was going to react to a vampire orc chasing after me, but none of them would have considered running an option. With the kind of personality I have shown since this altercation started, I did not seem like the type who would run away.

But here I was running away like I had a demon on my tail, which was technically true since orcs are categorized as a species of demon. But I only ran for a little while, and went past the fence that served as a foundation for the shield.

As soon as I went past the fence I stopped, turned and faced the rapidly approaching angry orc with a smile on my face. Seeing that I was no longer running, Jerome let out a manic grin as he picked up speed and charged at me.



My amused laughter rent the air as I watched Jerome sitting on his ass in surprise and shock, and also in rage as one of his tusks had snapped off the moment he slammed face first into the shield. It was funny, at least to me seeing as no one else was laughing with me.

As for the shield, there was not even a single ripple on its surface. Seems like Jerome was not strong enough to even elicit a reaction from it. The grand elder came our from within his followers as he faced me and said.

"You're a coward, just as I expected. If you're even half the man you claim you are, step out from behind this illegal barrier of yours and take your punishment like a man!"

Seriously, did he think I was stupid or something. He had provoked me, then ran to hide behind his dogs, and through all the time when I was breaking their bones and leaving them as broken heaps of their former selves, I did not once see him show his face until Jerome had showed up. This guy was the very personification of cowardice, and he was calling me a coward seriously?

"You really don't deserve a woman as noble as elder Asha. She would be better served, if she chose to stay by my side. She will bear me strong children, that much I'm sure off." The elder said in a mocking tone.

And just like that, the white hot fury appeared again, my eyes were so red with rage they actually began to bleed. I clenched my fists and my soul energy began to billow out of my body in copious amounts.

As I was about to take the fight to that bastard, I felt Asha's palm on my right shoulder and Xaseah's on my left, restraining me, and keeping me grounded. But even my anger was almost impossible for me to reign in until I heard Asha start speaking.

"Uzoma tell your fucking pet to stop playing mind games with my husband or else...."

"or else what elder Asha" Uzoma interrupted her, however it was Xaseah who answered this time.

"Or I'll rip your fucking head of your neck!" she said.

That sounded familiar in a manner of speaking, I could have sworn I said something similar not too long ago. Oh well, it's nothing to worry about anyway. Asha shook her head as it seems Uzoma was not really going to meet her demands, then she turned to Gus who had walked up to us and said to him.

"Kill the goblin, and make sure it's as painful as possible."

Gus nodded as he turned towards the crowd of vampires standing outside our tower, then his expression changed. Red veins began to appear from the top of his head and spread all over his face, his eyes became blood shot and even began bleeding as an unholy screech rent the air.

The screeching was nerve wracking and it did not sound like anything normal, the crowd of vampires dispersed and right in their middle was a goblin whose form was shaking and being comforted into really impossible positions.

He was screaming so loud that I was afraid my ears would exploded. I saw Gus moved his head left as he stared at the goblin with a singular focus. This was beyond creepy and looked like a scene from a horror movie.

The goblin got to it's knees and started to scratch at it's skull and skin, peeling his flesh apart in pain as green blood began to leak from his ears, nose, eyes, and even his skin. Then I watched in fascination as it's skull began to have weird protrusions, it was as if it's brain was boiling within it's skull.

Five seconds later there was a loud pop as its head exploded in a shower of green blood and red brain fragments.

The silence this time was worse than any other I have ever experienced.

The sheer horror of what we all just experienced left us feeling weird, and the fact that it was carried out by a twelve year old boy left an even bigger impression on all of us. I don't know who said it, but one word summarized all of my emotions at that moment.
