Injured (again!), RUN!

I shifted my gaze from the taciturn looking Gus, who was dabbing at his bloodied face with a rag, and back to the now headless goblin who's body was still pumping out streams of rather foul smelling blood.

I was shocked by the turn of events, well it was not exactly a turn of events, but more like a massive plot twist. It seems I'm not the only one who has grown stronger from our journey to the black district, and to be honest Gus was terrifying.

I could achieve a similar effect with my soul energy, by just pushing it into an opponents body and exploding it from the inside out. But Gus tortured the goblin mentally, it was that torture that it was unable to withstand that led to it's brain boiling and exploding.

Mental powers at this level was nothing short of terrifying, being a telepath was even more awesome(and horrific) than I previously thought. Hopefully I never get on Gus's bad side in the future, this kid gave me chills.

Uzoma the grand elder looked like he had just seen a ghost as he took rapid steps away from us, he looked at his now dead goblin and shivered. For a leader such a blatant display of fear was not something that would instill confidence in his followers.

He did not say anything, he just turned around in an attempt to run away. There was no way in hell I was going to let that happen though, if he should tell the wrong people about what just happened here, then we're all dead.

I ran after him, covering more space in a blink of an eye than he did in five seconds. But when I was close enough to him, Uzoma turned around abruptly and I was shown a sinister smirking face.

That was completely out of character right, was he not supposed to be afraid? I saw the glint of the metal a little too late, just as I heard the hum of a pulse rifle powering up.



I couldn't help the scream that came out of my mouth as I was shot at point blank rage, by a UV core pulse rifle. To keep it short and simple, I was just shot with pure and highly concentrated sun light.

And for a vampire, especially a revenant who was down at the bottom of the ladder, it meant certain death, or a very slow healing injury. The shot carried me back into my shield and straight into the arms of Xaseah who caught my flying body.

But at the moment I couldn't pay attention to anything again, my heart was beating faster than normal as my stomach and chest smoked as they were still slowly being burnt by the lingering effects of the UV pulse rifle.

It was hell to be honest, I could feel my body getting burnt bit by bit as flesh gave way to become well roasted meat, and that same meat gave way to become ashes that floated into the air.

It burned, it burned so bad that I couldn't think straight. All that I could see and feel at that moment was the pain as stretched from my stomach and chest all the way to my neck, causing a chain reaction that spread all over my body. This wasn't good, at his rate, I would probably end up dead. But I couldn't do anything about it, I couldn't fight back or resist.

All I knew was the pain as it took control of my thinking faculties, my convictions were not enough to resist a pain this intense, because unlike the rune circles, who's pain I somehow knew was only an illusion, this was reality. I was being burnt alive, and it was not a good experience, not one bit.


I felt myself jerked out of Xaseah's hands and drawn to the front of the tower where a bubbling pool of red viscous blood appeared.

The blood had streams of blue, golden, purple, brown, green and white liquid intertwined with it. It was like ice cream with a combination of flavors, the fact that I could see all this even with all of the pain I was going through was nothing short of a miracle.

I couldn't believe I was in such dire straights, I was powerful enough to make nature hate me and conform to my will, but I was still limited by my body.

A well place bullet and Kael Cor would have been nothing more than history, I felt stupid paying so much attention to swords when a gun would put an end to that fight in mere seconds.

But I didn't want to die, I hope I wasn't dying though, instill have a lot of things that I have to take care of.

I was not entirely sure about the severity of my injuries, but I could no longer feel my legs, it was weird though, I could feel the wind inside of me, like the entire top layer of my skin had been pulled open and my guts were exposed to the world.

But I was left with no more time or chance to ponder on why that was as I fell into the bloodline fountain with a plop, drowning in a shower of thick colors, as red, blue, white and purple sent my vision into blackness.




I couldn't breath, for that second when he was ripped out of my arms it was as if my heart was taken along. Is watched him sail through the air, his insides exposed to the world as the slowly burnt to ash, his eyes barely open and his mouth open in a silent scream.

My heart felt a jolt, like I was struck by a bolt of lightening, it shook me all the way from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I watched him drop into the pool of strange looking blood that suddenly appeared in front of the tower, his body completely submerged.

I charged towards the pool, though Asha was faster than me in getting there. However before she could even do anything a barrier of golden light sprung up around the entire pool, creating a seamless dome that Asha could not get past no matter how hard she tried. I felt fear, and not just my own, but her's also.

It was heightened to levels unknown as my dead body actually began to send adrenaline coursing through my veins. Then she turned back towards me, her eyes completely black as her anger and witch powers shot through the roof.

Then she said to me, or more like she was talking to every single one of us there. The only person missing from our inner circle was Nisi who also went recruiting, which was good, I could not even begin to imagine the pain the little gnome would go through seeing Kael like this.

But Teluna, Gus, Magellan, Kodak and Varsessa had looks on their faces that would chill the blood of anybody who looked at them. Then Asha said.

"Kill them all, every last one of them. And that elder hurt him, break him, torture him, but above all else...make sure he doesn't die, I'm going to eat him....slowly"

I shuddered partly from anticipation, but mostly from fright. I was scared of Asha at that moment, it was something I never thought possible, but this woman, this sister wife of mine, a person I loved, absolutely terrified me.

I turned towards the intruders, who had all stupidly stopped to stare at the turn of events. How foolish, Kael was strong, but anyone of us living in this tower could beat the crap out of him as long as we avoided getting close to him or his soul energy.

Now they have drawn the ire of every single one of us, I've never seen a more suicidal bunch of people before. It safe to say, that I'm going to enjoy this, I'm going to enjoy this a lot.



The members of the yet to be official Cor coven were mad with rage, of course who wouldn't be when their leader was badly hurt and was now trapped in a pool of strange blood, leaving them with no idea as to what his fate would be. It seems Kael really loved get injured easily to be honest, but they all knew it was not his fault.

This was not a novel where someone would easily breeze through his enemies without any setbacks, and right from the beginning Kael has been fighting with odds greater than him, and yet he was still prevailing. In the short time that they had all spent together, a bond like no other has been formed, he did not just give them shelter and made them comfortable, he gave them a family. He was everybody's elder brother, best friend, father, cousin, uncle, and husband.

He was learning to scheme as of late, but that did not change him much from who he truly was, and that was someone who cares, someone who could not bear to watch people suffering no matter what.

Many people would say they had no intention of being a saint, neither were they bad people, instead choosing to walk a grey line where might makes right and they only help when they feel like. But Kael fell solidly on the path of a saint, he was a good person, and he was very decisive in all of his actions, even when he had doubt's.

But he was not good to a fault, he was also objective, protective, and loved to plan ahead. All in all he was a good leader, which was why seeing him hurt was nothing more than a trigger to unleash a pride of lions of really foolish hyenas who don't know how night the heavens are.

Kael even in his blind rage had only broken bones and did not take a life, with the exception of Morgan who died mainly due to a miscalculation on Kael's part. He treated all life as precious, except of course for the elder he wanted to brutally murder.

Unfortunately for this broken army and their soon to be tortured leader, the people who followed Kael had no such qualms about life. They've been vampires longer than he has, and suffered injustice from the guards and other vampires at an intensity he would never have expected.

They were cold blooded, especially to their enemies, and right in front of their home was a field chock full of enemies. It was an all you can kill buffet. It must be somebody's birthday.

Gus walked out of the shield his eyes blazing blue as he brought the full power of his blood child rank to bear.

Then he bent his head suddenly at a really awkward angle, making it seem as if his neck was broken. An illusion masterfully crafted by his illusionist mother. Droplets of blood began to rise up, all of it spilt by death assured idiots in front of them.

And then Gus said to them in a silent whisper that was not heard with their ears, but with their minds, sending reverberations of fear from their body to deep within their soul.

His voice gave them a chill, as fear bled into their bones and flesh. His words chilling as they were was just a singular word with a lot of promises. He told them to
