No Mercy



I've never spoken a word in life, but why would I, I also never had a voice to do so. That is until my mom followed my uncle and aunt to the tower of their so called messiah. They were religious people, and we've lived with them ever since my dad passed away.

To be honest that seemed like a long time ago, because a lot of things were different now. Because now I had a voice, of curse it was not one that could be heard with normal ears, but it was still a voice, my voice.

I remembered the first time I spoke, usually it's a parent who gets to hear the first word of their child. But he heard my first words, not my mother, not my uncle or aunt, or my cousins and siblings, but Kael Cor, our messiah in every sense of the word.

I raised my eyes towards the very nervous looking vampires opposite me, I relished in their fear. I was already straining myself by controlling so many blood droplets, but this was partly a skill than just control.

If it was control, it wouldn't be so refined. The blood droplets were really tiny, just like the drops of water whenever they fell from the sky, I think they called that...…what was it called?

It's right at the tip of my tongue but I just can't seem to remember it. Aha! Rain! That's what it's called. I've never seen rain before, so maybe that's why it seems as if this skill has a soft spot in my heart.

I got it a day after my unsealing while listening to Lady Asha tell a story about a rain in the world above.

Out of everything she told us that day, there was nothing that struck me more than the story of rain, it seemed so surreal that a world where a commodity as scarce as water actually fell from the sky in massive amounts and would feel a vast amount of land to actually form oceans.

I wanted to see rain so bad, and maybe that's why this skill appeared, but I've never been able to use, not even when we had to battle a giant metal rat. But now I could, why?

I could go out on a limb here and say the trigger was puberty, but that was stupid. Vampires did not go through things like puberty, but I don't think it matters. The time for thinking has passed, it was now time to kill.

"BloodChild Battle Technique: Water Discipline: Scarlet Shower!"

Every hovering droplet of blood began to vibrate as they rapidly, ascended two hundred feet in the air and concealed into a cloud, a dark red cloud that let out booming and crackling sounds that startled me.

I heard about this reaction from the stories too, I couldn't help the smile that came over my face, because for the first time in my life, I heard the sound of thunder.

I smiled, there was a chill and decent in the air that was just so soothing and cool, it made me say the next word in a peculiar feeling of fulfilment I've never experienced before.



"Arghhhhh, oraaaaaaa, garhhhhbhh, yarrrrgggghhhh!"

The sound of the rain drowned out their screams, it fell so softly and gently and in a manner that spoke to me. The rain was like the words of the sky, to sky that was otherwise made to be silent, but it found a way to speak to the earth that was so close yet so far from it. Through the rain, ahhhh, I really loved the rain.



The carnage was beyond frightening, it was bone chilling in it's experience both for those watching and the victims of shower of blood. This was no rainfall, it was a death fall.

Every vampire who the blood touched would find their blood in THEIR body turning violent as it began to attack them from the inside out, struggling to find their way out and follow the dripping rain in its journey to the earth.

Their bodies rapidly turned grey and wrinkled as their body was rapidly drained of blood. Their fangs poked pout of the super lips, as the lack of blood forced them into a frenzied state of hunger, they tore into each other.

The victims of his attack were the injured vampires who were unable to evade the talking rain due to the myriad injuries they sustained.

And as soon as their blood was completely drained, the blood that fell from the sky took on a different property, it became acidic in it's nature as it began to burn and peel off their flesh. Sinew, bone and muscle were exposed.

Veins were blackened as a foul smelling stench of burning leather wanted into the air, copying and thick as it invaded the nasal cavity of whomever was left out of the 35 meter diameter range of this skill. The wet smell of rain disappeared, and what followed was a stink that could only be described as death.

The scene was terrifying in it's own right, and mist of the vampires left turned around in an attempt to run away, only to come face to face with a fifteen meter tall grey lion with a mane as black as night. Teluna had made a move, and now his shadow beast had cut off any form of retreat.

Footsteps sounded out as the rain began to fade into a soft drizzle until it eventually stopped. All of Kael's associates seem to have chosen to go after the invaders one by one. And the person who was next in line was Kodak!





I really didn't have time for wasted movements, Gus had taken care of most of the injured vampires, and those that were still standing would not be much of a problem. However none of those guys were my target, I was still a little surprised by how power my brother was, but I felt happy.

Being deprived of a chance to speak as a baby, he deserved every advantage in life that he could get, Gus was destined for great things, and I owed a lot of gratitude to Lord Kael for making such a thing possible. But Kael was reckless, and it was really annoying mist of the time since he hardly ever gave the people around him a chance to protect him.

If there's one thing about him that I was really sure about, it's the fact that he desperately feels a need to cover and protect everyone around him, when he wouldn't be able to land a punch on the weakest of us.

Not to be misunderstood Kael could kill everybody in that tower in the blink of an eye, he was that powerful. But he was not physically strong and above all it seems he lacks a killer instinct, or to be more precise he keeps it tightly caged.

I've seen it peak out from behind it's cage on a few occasions, but he has so much control over his mean streak, that it's almost impossible for him to go the next step and just end a life. The fact that all the vampires except for that Morgan guy were injured was prime proof of that.

Now I was going to make sure that I cleaned up something left over from his previous fight...…..Jerome.

I made my way with a singular focus towards the half vampire half orc, who took my unwavering gaze as a challenge.

You had to hand it to orcs though, they were a really ferocious race that never backed down no matter how powerful their opponent was. His courage was commendable, but as far as I was concerned it was stupid, I was no ordinary opponent.

I picked up speed running towards the orc, who also took of charging towards me. When we got close to each other he swung his giant mining pick for my head, but I slid under his attack going through his open legs as I went past him.

I dug my fingers into the hard earth, and brought my momentum to a halt, then leaping like a lion in hiding, I pounced onto his back. Jerome roared in anger as he tried to dislodge me off his body, but I was like a feather as it seemed as if gravity barely had any control over me. I raised my hand up, rapidly congealing the blood left over from my brothers terrifying attack.

Then I shaped the blood into a dozen strings that I attached to the fingers on both my hands. I wrapped my legs around his torso in a vice like grip, then flicked my fingers and watched as the blood strings pierced into his body eliciting a shout from him.

Then i unwrapped my legs from around his torso and then used his back as a spring board to jump into the air in graceful back flip that dragged the eight foot tall hunk of muscle along with me into the air.

As I came down from my flip, I pulled down had with my fingers, and made sure as soon as I landed, that the Vampire orc landed hard on the ground behind me. A cloud of dust was raised, and when it cleared the orc was in the middle of a crater, with his left leg in an awkward angle.

Funny enough he was still full of vitality, as he roared at me in defiance, I couldn't help smiling. My class was a guardian, but right now, I was going to fight like a berserker, a very made berserker, like a hulk.

I pulled the strings pierced into his body and he screamed in pain, then I turned and started swinging him around, slamming his body into the few unlucky vampires who thought it was wise to stand so close to me.

Then I maneuvered the strings upwards, and brought him down, slamming him to the earth, with a loud bang, and then I did it again, and again, and again, faster and faster, completely blindsided by my rage. Up, down, left, right, bang!, Bang!, BAng!, BANg!, BANG!.

[That's enough brother, he's already dead.]

But I didn't listen, the rage in my heart was not sated. More, Bang!, MORE, BANG. And then I stopped, my brother was right. Jerome was dead, in fact what I was looking at did not look anything like the eight foot tall orc I had been smashing around a few minutes ago, all that was left of him was a.....a meat paste. He was dead, very dead.

But I guess that served us well enough as the opening act, Teluna, Magellan and Xaseah were already making their moves, maybe I should give the remaining hundred plus vampires an advice, my brother did try to do the same for them, maybe this time they might actually listen. Blood drenched and somewhat plain looking I said to them.


Oh look! They actually took the advice this time. It's too bad they wouldn't get far though, oh well it's not my problem, after all everyone knows it's stupid to not just walk into a lion's den, but to actually shit in it in the process. It was just their luck that they had such a shifty leader, because I knew without a doubt that since Asha was now calling the shots, there would be no mercy!