
There was a sense of impending doom in the air as they all walked out past the shield. The only person still staying back was Asha, and that was probably because she still wanted to keep an eye on the cocooned blood pool that contained her husband.

To be honest it was as if the shield was not put in place to keep intruders out of the tower, but to keep the occupants within. But oh well, I guess that plan just went out the window.





The call of darkness was always stronger when I was angry, and that call was more tempting than anything else short of a big bowl of human blood. I was not like most ten years olds, heck no vampire ten year old could be considered normal. For a race that is nigh immortal, we grew up fast. Too fast.

There was no such thing like a childhood for vampire kids, and I heard it was also the case long before the dancing caves of Noxis Nyx became nothing more than a prison for races the council of light could not control, or convince to believe in their hypocritical bull shit.

At least that's what I've heard, the world outside was completely foreign to me, the pit is all I've known. And then came a time when rumors of a human who stood up for the rights of vampires permeated the atmosphere in the pit.

During those times, there was a sense of excitement in the air, as the vampires were spurred by a hope of impending change. After all the person who was advocating for us, was a noble from one of the seven great houses of Shearath.

A family who's history goes way back, all the way to the very beginning of civilization and society. He had the power, money and influence to make a change in our lives, and to the me of back them he might even be able to get me back to my mother.

And so for the first time in my life, I got a whiff of the childhood that had been denied me due to the blood that flowed in my veins.

I experienced and did something every normal ten year old boy would have to go through in their lives. I idolized a hero, and the he has never led me astray since then. It was funny when I think about it, but Kael has been influencing and changing my life long before he even stepped a foot into the pit.

It was my love and adoration for him that got me an elder sister in Nisi, a gnome, a slave, who loved and believed in Kael just as hard if not more than me or any other vampire in the pit.

Just his deeds and name alone gave me a sister and put an end to years of loneliness, fear and insecurities. Those should not be the kind of thing a ten year old would worry about, but that was just about what my life was like.

And then he got here, and things went crazy. I already had the power to save my mother, but I had no idea how to use it, or even the courage to even try. But then he gave me a home, a family, and an opportunity to be stronger.

If he probably heard me say all this, he would end up with an inflated ego. He was still a shitty leader if you ask me, everyone saw his decisive nature, but I always saw his hesitations, his eyes when they went blank with panic.

It was like he was a tiny fish dropped in a sea full of sharks, most of he time he had no idea what he was doing, all he did was try his best, adapt, and take full advantage of every opportunity presented to him. He was a fighter in every sense of the word, as he always tried to move forward in everything he does.

But with all he has achieved they all seem to forget one thing.

He was barely still a kid himself, nineteen and he has the fate of an entire race on his shoulders. Being the chosen one is not as fancy as it was made out to be. After all, I was once thought to be one for the fact that I was the only known unsealed vampire at the time.

Now after all we've experienced I realized I was a frog in the well, it was not that there weren't other unsealed vampires, it was just that they didn't care enough to make a change. But that was a discussion for another day, I still had to kill some people.

Traveling through the shadow realm could be really uncomfortable at first, sudden, jarring and cold, very, very cold. But this time my blood was boiling enough that I could ignore the cold, I was already comfortable with it, but right now it was almost non existent.

I appeared right behind a rapidly retreating vampire and shoved my hand through his back and out the front of his chest, with a still blood covered heart in hand.

There were wisps of darkness floating off peculiar dark veins that stretched all over his heart, that's the source of vampirism. I felt his heart suddenly beat once and he collapsed to the ground, deader than he already was.

I flung the heart away and jumped into the shadow realm, coming up just in front of another vampire who was holding his wooden club In front of himself in a swordsman's stance, he was surprised enough by my appearance that he could not react fast enough to stop my fist from impacting his cheek, his neck twisted grotesquely as his head made two full rotations before coming to a stop, with the back of his head facing the front, and his face now facing his back.

I pulled the wooden club from his hands and turned to throw it at a vampire that was screaming and running at me with a long metal rod. The wooden club smashed into pieces on his skull, as wood, brain and blood flew every which way. He was dead before he hit the ground.

I looked to see Lowen literally playing with the fleeing vampires the way a dog would chase after a rubber ball. Of course he might have crushed a few unfortunate souls in the process. I contemplated giving him an order to get him serious, but I shook my head.

I almost never let him out into the living world because of how big he is, so he's very lonely and does not have anyone to play with. He needs his fun, besides, a beast killing in the process of having fun was more terrifying than one who actively tried to murder trash like this fools.

For a moment a thought crossed my mind. Maybe some of these vampires were innocent and had no choice but to follow their crazy gun totting leader.

But there was nothing I could do about it now, the path they have chosen had put them in opposite sides to me, and their leader hurt mine, not to mention should anyone of them survive, their mouths would be a threat to us.

I know for a fact that at this point in time, having vampires who we already beat into submission join us was not safe. It was better if the people who would follow Kael came to him of their own accord, but with a little persuasion of course.

I looked up in time to see Xaseah chuck a vampire like a rag doll towards me, I did not ask questions, I just stretched my tiny arm out and bifurcated the vampire, separating him from his waist as his upper and lower body crashed down to the ground in a splatter of blood and guts. In any other place such a scene was too bloody for a ten year old vampire to watch, much less experience, but what can I say, this is Shearath.



The battlefield was a cacophony of screams and yells as lives were taken in spilt seconds and gruesome manners. Xaseah flitted across the field, picking her opponents out of the most ferocious looking of the bunch, a swipe to the left and someone lost an arm, but she was not done as she threw her feet forward, her leg completely smashing through his ribcage like cardboard paper. Her leg was drenched in blood as it hung through his body, creating a rather unsavory looking hole on his body.

But the vampire berserker was not in a mood to care about finesse in her killing methods as she flung the body away and turned to grab a screaming vampire who was running past her. She looked him straight in the eye as her purple eyes glowed with an eerie pink light, then she said to him.

"Disembowel yourself.....slowly."

The vampire completely unable to resist, picked up a jagged rock from the ground and made a bloody incision on his belly, but he did not stop there as he made more and more incisions, and the cuts were deeper with each swipe he made.

Then he pushed his hands into his stomach, and proceeded to pull his intestines out. Xaseah turned without a care in the world, his fate was already sealed. Use of the allure was exhausting, it's a vampire skill that becomes available once they advance to Nosferatu.

It gave them the ability to plant suggestions, and induce feelings in the mind of anybody susceptible to it at all, and the funny thing is it could work on anyone, or anything that had a mind regardless of how powerful you were. But it was really hard to maintain, so prolonged control was not possible.

Xaseah looked up to see Kodak coming down from a leap, a massive blood formed hammer in his hand. He brought it crashing down on a pair of fleeing unsuspecting vampires, grinding them both into a meat paste.

Then he turned and the giant blood hammer morphed into an even bigger blood scythe, then he proceeded to harvest the lives of various vampires, like a grim reaper harvesting the souls of the dead...…..or a farmer at his field. It was bloody scenario, but it seemed funny to Xaseah.

Magellan flew past her with speeds that almost threw her off her feet, and everywhere he passed, all that could be seen was a spray of blood going into the air like a geyser as heads went up like the graduation caps of high school students when they graduated school.

He was nothing more than a blur, and the massive broadsword in his hand, made from a combination of blood and darkness energy gleamed with a ferocity everywhere he passed.

There were no wasted movements with him, he delivered death, and he delivered it swiftly. He was a true warrior, no wonder he and Kael got along so well.

Gus made his way through the battlefield, walking leisurely like it was his own backyard, and everywhere he passed heads exploded in a shower of gore, brain matter and pain. Some he even extended their pain, by making the blood within their bodies attack them from within.

That kid was a God of death incomparable to any single one of them, Xaseah felt a chill down her spine watching him work. She was thankful though, that he respected and was loyal to Kael.

In mere minutes everything became silent as the battlefield was completely devoid of any other living vampire except for Xaseah, Teluna, Magellan, Gus, Kodak, and the very much alone grand elder Uzoma.

They all stood in front of him, watching as he moved backwards in fear, his hands on his UV core pulse rifle. They had left him last for a purpose, and from the way he was shaking, it seems that purpose was being fulfilled. Slow rhythmic steps sounded out from behind the lined up vampires of the Cor tower.

Asha came from behind them, looking every bit the lioness she was supposed to be, usually she had the aura of a noble lady, a scheming noble lady, but right now she had the aura of a queen, a queen who was coming for blood.

" better think this through! I'm the grand elder, and I have the ears of the warden, if you do anything to me there would be Consequences!"

he screamed as he moved back a few steps in fright.

Asha looked at him with a smile. Then she looked up at the distance as if seeing something the other's could not.

She turned and waved her hands, a swirling black tornado came into existence and swept across the battle field, all of the corpses, blood, and gore were cleaned up instantly, leaving the entire field clear and devoid of any evidence that there has been a battle.

Then she waved her hand and the tornado went into the tower, carrying with it, every evidence of what had just happened. Then she turned back to Uzoma and said to him.

"Adein is barely fifteen minutes away from us, I'll like to put your words to the test. I'll like to see if the warden can stop me from killing you, I'll like to see if he can save you. Hehe, if I were you I would pray, because right now I'm in a bad mood. And people who annoy me tend to die when I'm in a bad mood."

Xaseah could not help the smile that came over her face again. There was sure to be a show in the ensuing moments to come. After all, Asha was scheming again.