Adein Arrives



433 years I've been alive, and through out those years my life has been one bout of misfortune after another, I guess you could say I was just as unfortunate as the five million other ordinary vampires left to the mercy of the guards. In the whole of those years, I never once harbored the thought of fighting back, I put my head down and tried to avoid as much trouble as I could.

I saw a lot of suffering during those years, pain, anguish and betrayal, each layered one on top of the other. Especially the betrayal, I was somewhat known for it.

After all, at a time, I was once the only vampire who would give up his friends to escape the punishing hands of the then warden, and even betray a fellow vampire for gain, for advantage and the chance to live one more day in this cursed pit.

I pitifully dragged my cursed, loathsome and forsaken existence for as long as I could, just surviving one day to the next in monotonous agony. I did not just know the meaning of the word pain, I experienced it, lived it, breathed it.

I loathed not just the people who forced me to live a life I didn't want too, but also myself for not being strong enough to fight back, for not being courageous enough to choose death over such an existence. I could have kept my dignity intact, but I had none of it left, not even enough to raise my head up among my peers.

After he saved Xaseah from Adein and almost half the population of the blue district gathered around his tower, I followed them here, just out of curiosity, to see what the hype about this former human turned vampire was all about. Then he ran out of a tent, pointed at me, and gave me a mining pick, all he told me to do was dig, and I did just that.

That was the first time I felt true power, the thrum and hum the metal pick made in my hands as the rune weaved unto it's surface broke the very laws of reality itself. I felt powerful, strong, and I wanted more of that strength.

I felt it was a way for me to change my situation, to be stronger than I was, and to wipe the slate clean, a second chance to fight back. Then he fell into a coma and my patience was put to the test, it was as if my vision for strength and more power was slipping more and more away from me.

And then he woke up, and not long after he set Nisi free from her seal of slavery.

It dawned on me then that my need for strength, was fickle and insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

What he could do, and what he stood for was a whole lot bigger than me wanting to feel secure. And for the first time I truly believed in someone other than myself, truly believed in a cause bigger than mine.

And so I swore an oath of fealty, the first to do so out of everyone who followed him, it was too early to say, but in the years to come when they tell the story of that day, my name would be mentioned with a whole more importance than the others. I finally found a way to be strong, and to regain my dignity, I could now live with a purpose.

Which is why, as I stood here, side by side with his friends, his brothers, his wives and his family, I felt like I truly belonged. I was no longer alone, and I anticipated seeing the face of my recent tormentor.

Adein was going to get the shock of his life today, and I'm going to enjoy every second of it. It was time to stop being small and alone, after all, I am a member of a pride of ferocious lions...….....or in this case vampires, and we're hungry for a change.



There was a whistling tune occasionally heard as the wind blew past the blue district. It carried with it a smell of blood, fur, silver and death.

It's echoes were eerie, haunting even, but for them it was calming. They had no fear, even as the marching of the approaching guards became evident to all of them. Adein had arrived. And by the looks of it, he brought all of his entourage with him.

Asha raised an eyebrow, then lifted her hands, a grey fog stretched forth from her hand and came to a stop around Uzoma, then it seeped into him, leaving a brand of a chain around his wrist.

Uzoma lost control of his body almost immediately as he unwillingly got up and began to match towards the tower. Asha gave a tilt of her head as she and the others also headed back, and took refuge right behind the shield, waiting for Adein to come closer.

The head warden had already noticed their peculiar actions from a distance, and while it left him surprised, he didn't think too much into it.

But even Asha's display of abilities didn't shocked him, after all he knew she had her original seal altered, for an even worse one that gave her access to a few of her abilities, but at a detriment to her unborn child and her life too. If she wanted to make a show then far be it for him to put a stop to it.

After all it's not like he could stop her if he wanted, his great, great, great, more greats, grand aunt had a mean streak and a stubbornness that was entirely unique to the Ysmir family line. Not even a god can stop her if she put her mind to something.

Though a lot of things didn't add up, from the strange well made fence, the glowing blood red cocoon behind them, the gate on the tower with the symbol of house Cor emblazoned on it, the fact that all of Uzoma's lackeys were missing rubbed off on him the wrong way. But that's all for later, he would get what he wants eventually.

"Head warden! Warden Adein! Please save me from this rule breakers! They're betrayers to the vampire way and do not understand that your authority is supreme. They resisted arrest, and they are not…Mhmm!"

Weird, he suddenly stopped speaking. There was something going on here, it was mystery no doubt, and Adein did not like it. He hated puzzles with a passion, not unless he was the one causing or giving it to others. Hypocritical that may be, but who's going to judge him.

"Oh! Uzoma, I almost did not recognize you from the pathetic look you now have on you.

I guess you're even more incompetent than I expected, also looks like you've put my gun to a good use, or a stupid one considering you're now captured and none of the people behind you are dead or injured. Tsk! Don't tell me you failed me Uzoma, because I assure you leech! It won't end well in your favor."

Uzoma's eyes widened in fright. Everyone knew what happens to those who failed Adein in any manner or form. It would be a slow and painful death.

During the process of their conversation, Adein had not even looked at Asha once, but that was not a problem in his opinion. This leeches should all be thankful he has allowed them to have a bask of his pure human visage, the sight of them left him with a sick feeling in his stomach.

"Elder Asha, it's a pleasure as always."

Adein greeted with a mock bow. However the person who answered was not Asha but Asare, someone who had been missing the from the moment Kael was hurt. They all wondered where he could have gone, but those were questions for later.

"It's Lady Asha to you Adein! she vastly outranks filth like you since she's the first mistress of the Cor family. Your trashy illegitimate Ysmir bloodline can not be compared to the prestige of the current matriarch of the Cor family. So please give her the respect she deserves, or I'll burn the lot of you." Asare said with a bow.

Adein looked taken aback for a moment, after all why wouldn't he be. In all of his time as warden, no one had the audacity to talk to him that way, not even the so called lady Asha. It left him feeling very annoyed as he was just out rightly disrespected in front of his subordinates. So he furiously asked Asare.

"Who the hell! Are you!"