Thorns and Ashes



Who am I, was it even a necessity to answer that question, maybe someone like Adein did not deserve an answer, but other's do too.

My master deserves to know who and what I am. It was just a random question from a cruel bastard, but now it has brought up doubts that I once thought I had dealt with. My secret was almost exposed a few minutes ago when I saw him hurt, it took all of my strength to assume control.

But I couldn't imagine how he would see me when he realizes that I'm, there was no need to even think about it. I know who I am, and I'm going to tell this crappy idiot exactly who I am, it's bound to be interesting.

"You've forgotten me all so quickly head warden, but no matter we've only met each other a few times. One of those times should be when I paid for the spirit crystal, I was under the impression that you would remember me since acquiring that thing had cost you quite a few good men, and an obscene amount of money. But in the end you still don't know me, I don't blame you. Not many people do, so let me introduce myself.

My name is Asare Solaga, Head butler and retainer of the Cor family, commander the infernal lions division of the Pride army of house Cor, Arch mage of the now lost Gonin-Gora tower of Arcane and Martial studies, Former grand mage of the elven imperial court Sereia. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

That look on his face, that fear, the shock, the surprise. That's what I wanted to see, in the pit he might be the supreme power, but even then, he knew there were existences within this prison that he could not afford to offend.

And now he was probably looking at the most dangerous of all them. But my reputation or not, I don't think the introduction was enough deterrence to have Adein leave here peacefully.

He's still going to look for a way to cause trouble. Because the truth is, as much as he's unable to do anything to me, that's the same way I can't touch him, not without my master's express permission.

"How doe's a person of your prestige gets shackled into becoming the lap dog of filth like Kael Cor?" Adein asked with a surprised tone.

"Easy, I chose to become shackled."

Everyone was silent, I could not imagine how uncomfortable the mistress must feel right now, because she was also completely unaware of who I truly was, and even more so about 'what' I am.

But now the ball was in his court, which ever manner he chose to proceed, he now knew without a doubt that we had a counter for every move. But this guy was famous for being completely unreasonable.

"For what ever reason you chose to serve the filth, I don't care, because in the end a dog is still a dog. Now I was told that you master was already awake, and he has committed some crimes, which include and are not limited too trespassing on restricted grounds, taking things from said grounds, and bringing said things from said grounds back into the blue district, and now you can now add resisting arrest among those things. Now if you don't mind, please hand over my enforcer, and send Kael out to me to answer for his crimes."

I had to give him props, he was quite eloquent and straight to the point. He really isn't afraid of me, well he was, but only for the first twenty seconds before he realized I couldn't really touch him.

I wouldn't be surprised that he had already discovered the reason behind my contract of servitude of the Cor family. But never the less he was an enemy standing in front of our home, I will not underestimated him.

"My master is currently recuperating after being shot by this soon to be dead idiot, so at the moment he wouldn't be able to speak or say anything to you. However once he's awake, I'll make sure to have him pay you a visit with some gifts." I answered him.

"I don't think you understand the severity of your current situation, your master has challenged my authority, I need to make an example of him, so that next time nobody would try and cross me again. Also you still haven't handed over my enforcer" Adein said his voice steadily rising.

"You've put us in a really tough spot head warden, so you leave me with no choice, if you have the capability, come and get your enforcer yourself. But keep this in mind, the moment you or you guards make a move, I will come after you all with the intent to kill, so whatever decision you make, please prepare for an ass whooping."

I'm sure the smile on my face while I said that really unsettled Adein. But this was the current state of things, we're no longer going to be bowing our heads to this bastard or any other fool who wants to walk over us.

Our fight, the battle, the war to get our freedom, it begins today. Adein looked up at us and shook his head, then he turned to his guards, who at this point were numbered at about 500,give or take a 100.

Which meant this force was two to three times as much as the previous idiots who came here to pick a fight, however the only difference lies in the fact that all this uneven collection of werewolves, humans, and the occasional elves, were never sealed like the vampires beside me.

They've had their entire lifetime to get used to their abilities, some even more than others. There's no way around this, we're sorely outnumbered. Adein waved our hands towards our direction and said to his guards.

"Kill them all, and go into that tower and find their stupid master, and any other thing of importance. Once you're done burn it."

He was decisive I'll give him that, but now he's going to pay for his choices either way. The first line of guards started marching towards us, looking menacing with each step they took. However the moment the got towards the fence line, they could no longer move forward, it was as if a wall had appeared in front of them.

I don't know if the look of relief on my face was visible, but the dumbfounded look on Adein's face was beyond precious, wish I had a camera to record every moment of it. He snarled out in anger.

"Break that shield apart, and bring me it's source!"

I expected as much, but the shield had no source apart from the tower behind me. If he does break it down, he would be in for quite a surprise.

His guards took a step back as many of them lit up in a variety of colors, weapons gleamed and eyes glowed as they began to bombard the shield with a variety of abilities. Fire, ice, wind, darkness, lightening even gravity based abilities were all released at the barrier as they tried to attack and bring it down.

To be honest the sight of all those skills rapidly approaching the shield left me feeling cold inside, it was a pretty display of fire power that could reduce everyone here, except me and the mistress to ash. But the shield held, releasing a dull bang as a ripple went across it's surface.

I think I understood how the shield worked, it took all the damage received from one point, and spread it evenly across it's entire frame, lessening the danger of it being broken through from one particular area.

The onslaught of skills continued for fifteen minutes before the shield developed it's first crack, the moment I saw it I felt my heart jump into my throat. The others also had worried expressions, Adein on the other hand was excited, too excited.

"Yes! Yes! That's the spot, concentrate all of your power on that crack! Break it down! Now! HAHAHAHAHA"

I looked at the mistress, I knew we shared the same thought.

We were had no choice but to act, this shield was the first line of defense for the tower, if we lost it, things would go bad, very bad. I really didn't want to do this, but I'm really left with no choice. I guess I'm going to be having blood on my hands, again.



Asha moved forward, taking her attention away from the severely frightened Uzoma.

This was probably the first time in the pit the guards were forced to use their abilities at a scale this grand, the fact that they were pointed towards his direction probably have him too much of a heart attack. But Asha did not care, she had to do something to change the current situation, or they would all find themselves dead, really, really fast.

"thistles, brambles, nestled within the earth your fury I arouse. [Thorn Field: Absolution Horizon]"

The earth shook, it vibrated, answering to the call of a power it couldn't resist. Adein's warning to his guards came a little too late as a forest of trees, made completely of thorns rose up out of the ground to enshroud his entire army.

Adein took to the air, using an unknown ability to fly, of course he was not the only person lucky enough to escape the thorn field that spread past a distance of two hundred meters in size toward the horizon, spreading as far as the eyes could see.

About a hundred guards who had really sharp reflexes and could fly took to the skies. Some were actually strong enough to resist the thorn field, so they were able to survive the deadly spell with only a few minor injuries.

But a majority of them were dead, or dying as the thorns had pierced through more than half of the soldiers, going through their bodies, heads, or legs keeping some of them trapped in place. Their blood was slowly being drained by the thorns, and soon the ground was covered in a light film of blood.

Asha was ferocious, and fearsome, in a manner that Adein never expected. Was she not afraid of harming her baby, she was acting as if she had nothing to loose.

A vampire who had nothing to loose, and with power like hers would cause a lot of damage, he would be unable to stop her without loosing a lot of his men and resources as this field of thorns has proven, but it seems it was not yet over as Asare took a step forward and pointed his hands towards the sky, never once taking his gaze off the entrapped guards. A glowing orange magic circle came into existence above his up turned palm as he said.

"Smoke to Smoke, embers of embers, grey death of burning solitude. [Fire Magic: Ash Fall]"

Grey ash like fog began to seep upwards from under the ground, soon it covered the entire range of the thorn field, completely obscuring the gaze of everyone around. They couldn't see what was happening within the fog, a fog that was peculiar in it's own right.

Looking at it, everyone could see it was not a fog but rather a serious concentration of ashes, ashes that had tiny bright orange wisps of flame dancing through it. One of the guard who took to the sky to escape the field of thorns previously, stretched out his hand to catch one of those tiny wisps of flame that passed by.

The result...…..his entire arm was burnt to ashes in mere seconds, without him having a chance to scream in pain.

However before he could even open his mouth to exclaim, the screams started.

They were manic, desperate, and filled with horror and despair. And with the screams came the smell of burnt flesh, of smoking fur and well made steak, of death, and all of it smothered in the scent of burning Ash.