Untitled (18+) Chapter

I was keeping my distance from everyone else at the moment. With our plans already in place, and the others working towards it, I had the very rare moment to myself. So I decided to take a nap, as far as making a connection with the people who're supposed to now serve and follow me; I can do that once I start unsealing them. For now, I just want to laze around. I entered my soon to be abandoned apartment, after all as soon as Nefisat is done building the penthouse floor, I'm "moving on up!"

That's a song to an old TV series, can't remember which, but it's extremely catchy. The first thing on my agenda was a warm bath, or shower depending on my mood once I'm in that bathroom.

I pulled my clothes off, and threw them allover the room. I went into the bathroom, and decided on a shower. The water did exactly what I wanted it to do, ease all of my tensions as I melted under the stream of scalding hot water.

Who would have thought a vampire, a somewhat dead body could be so tired, I spent a longer time than I expected in the bathroom before I made my way out.

"Did you enjoy your shower?"

I heard Xaseah ask. But before I could answer, I felt a draft of wind and a weight slam into me as she pushed me to the wall and her lips slammed into mine.

And all the while I was still very much naked. It was at this point I remembered what she promised if I won the fight, and contrary to what was happening right now, I couldn't remember for the life of me, what she promised. My mind went totally blank.

Her lips were frantic, needy, and passionate, and she was putting that vampiric strength of hers to play as she pushed me harder and harder closer to the wall. I could feel my bones creak from the pressure she was putting on me, but funny enough it excited.

I had to wonder if I was a masochist or something else, it was weird, but I didn't care. I kissed her back, just as hard, and just as passionate. Her hands swept into my hair, grabbing a fist full of dark locks as she moaned into my mouth. I thought I was a sex starved vampire, I was so wrong.

Xaseah was treating my like I water in the middle of a scorching desert, she kissed me so hard while also pushing against me in a manner that made me wonder if she wanted to meld her body into mine, though at this point I couldn't tell where I ended or where she started.

I moved my hands up until they were resting on the neckline of clothes, and then I pulled back with a enough force that her shirt and leather vest were already in pieces before they hit the ground.

I pulled back from her lips long enough to take in the full glory of the vampire/Dwarf/human/night elf enigma in front of me. Her skin was the black of the night, dotted by tiny white spots that truly made it seem like her skin was the very night sky itself.

Her toned muscles were a perfect tribute to her dwarven heritage, and her silver hair was in such a disarray that it made look cute. She smiled at me, and I couldn't help but smile back.

I pushed her backwards moving with such speed she barely had time to squeal before I deposited her on the huge be behind us, we were kissing again, and this time I made sure my hands roamed well enough across her bare upper body.

My hangs grabbed a hold of her breast, and for a moment I appreciated their bounciness, the softness of that part of her body, and like all hot blooded males, I squeezed.

She moaned so loudly that I was startled for a moment wondering if I had hurt her. But she didn't stop kissing me as her tongue found it's way into my mouth. I was caught of guard by that move, which meant she was dominating that fight, I pinched her nipples in retaliation.

I got a startled gasp of breath for my efforts, and a little while later a bite on the lip. I felt blood, but only for a second before her mouth was on mine again, with our tongues lashing at each other like it was a fencing battle.

I felt her right hand come down to my chest, then she pushed me up and flipped us over with such speed the bed creaked in protest. There was a wave of dizziness, but only for a moment, before I felt her sit on upright on me, making sure my manhood was right between her legs.

She was still wearing her signature leather pants, giving me a peculiar feeling I just can't put into words. Then she proceeded to slowly grind on my lap, going back and forth as she stared as me with lust filled eyes.

This time I was the one moaning, in a nutshell this was a first for me, since I have no memories of having sex in both of my lives, even though I had to do Asha in other for her to get pregnant. If I should be honest, that's the memory I regret not having the most.

Xaseah was grinding slowly to the point it was agonizing, she was teasing and it was kissing me off. But it did not look like she wanted to stop any time soon.

She looked down on me with her long silver hair obscuring her face as she stared at me with a smirk. I threw my head back as I let out a moan that left me embarrassed, if I let this continue, but the time this is over, I would have lost whatever dignity I had as a man.

"Take it off!" I growled at her.

"No, Hehehe!" she replied with a playful tilt to her voice.

But that was enough for me, I grabbed her breast and squeezed, kneading them both and making sure to pinch and twist her nipples a bit.

Then I brought my hand down to her waist line, and pulled back, equally ripping the leather pants with such ease that Xaseah let out a gasp of surprise. She was not wearing any other thing underneath, and that was when I felt it, right over my rod.

She didn't slow down her motions and kept grinding like her life depended on it. I was sure this has gone beyond just teasing me to a level where she could not keep her own pleasure at bay long enough to drive me crazy.

She slid forward, and I took the opportunity to angle myself upwards. As she slid back, I went right in, loosing my mind to am explosion of sensations that left my mouth wide open in a silent scream.

She was tight, wet, warm, and I was so in love with the feeling. We were stuck in that moment for a while, incapable of moving, just hanging there, on a cliff, waiting to take the fall into an oblivion built from the throws of ecstasy.

I wasn't sure who moved first, but I didn't think it mattered. The dance begun, and it was not like those romance novels or romantic novels, this was frantic, primal, and animalistic. This was not normal sex, this. Was. Vampire Sex.

Which was why I was not surprised when the bed buckled under our weight and came crashing down the moment Xaseah raised herself up to come slamming down on my thighs, driving me deeper into her body. I raised myself up immediately, sitting up as she wrapped her legs around my waist, and we kept on moving.

So fast and so hard that every bone in our bodies shook from the force behind our intercourse. Vampire's were creatures of dark desires, pain was a trigger we couldn't do without, especially during sex.

Our pace was frantic as we moved back and forth, hands roaming over each other's body as our hips met one to the other, slapping against each other in a hyped up fervor. Xaseah's lips met my neck, and I felt as her fangs broke skin.

I felt my body heat up as the little me down there grew harder and longer to the point of it being almost painful. My own fangs slid out of my gums, aching to feel the sensation of flesh breaking under the advent of the hunt.

I felt Xaseah take gulps of blood from my neck and I couldn't help but shudder as I drew closer to the proverbial edge. She was driving me insane, I moved my head with a primal snarl as clasped my own mouth over her thin neck, and let my fangs break skin. I've tasted Xaseah before, but this time was different.

As her blood flowed into my mouth, it was as if I lost my mind as I pushed her down on the bed, and began to piston in and out of her like the engine of a monster truck working on nitrous speed.

I bottomed out, and met resistance, I didn't care, I kept going, smashing at the wall that was in front of me. I pulled back from her neck and raised myself to look down on this woman under me.

Earth was a rather conservative society, unless you were either part of a religion that allowed polygamy or are some of those very rich dudes who rules don't apply to; the idea of having more than one woman was frowned upon. But here I was, with Xaseah, who was technically my wife by vampire tradition.

Earth be damned I loved Shearath. I dove down and captured her lips, making sure to explore every inch of her mouth as my tongue overlapped hers. I moved back to her neck and bit open a new hole since the old one had healed up.

I felt her arch up her back beneath me as she let out a loud scream of orgasmic release. She grabbed me, clenched me, both within and outside her body, hard enough that I could not help but release a bestial roar.

I might have involuntarily use [LIONS ROAR] as I let go of all my inhibitions and fell down that cliff with my love. It was a climax to a rather epic battle.

But like all battles, it was only a part of a larger war. And we had all night to see who would truly stand victorious.