Council Banquet (I): Elder Sousa Seteria Zekeri

When I woke up, I was hanging halfway off the bed and Xaseah's foot was on my chest with her toes almost sticking into my mouth. At first there was a weird moment of discomfort and confusion as I could not begin to fathom how I came to be hanging upside down on the destroyed bed.

And then the next moment, the entirety of my previous battle came crashing to the forefront of my head, well the part that I could remember anyways.

Somewhere down the line, things became a little blurry, and lines were crossed that I never imagined existed. My memories became a blur around the time Xaseah created a whip from blood, I think...…..nope, I remember every moment, every 'painful' moment.

Not to mention embarrassing. I did things I never imagined I would do, my image as a fearsome leader has been completely shattered, so for the same of my sanity, I rather not remember anything.

I moved my hand, and felt it move through the splinters of wood, that were once part of the destroyed bed.

Nefisat would not be happy about this though. At the next moment I froze, it was not that I could see, or hear her, but a vampire's hyper sense worked very much like an alarm or a radar. You would be able to see, feel, taste or even smell anybody or thing once hey were close enough to you.

It was sort of like a sixth sense, but not quite on that level yet. I looked up to see Asha sitting them, leaning on her hand, leg crossed as she stared at me, from her position on a dressing table. There was no obvious look on her face, but I could feel the jealousy all the way from here, and it was burning hot!

"Did you enjoy your night? Poor Xaseah seems to be burned out." She asked with a bland tone.

"Well I....I….I....I…. The thing is that....I was....ummm" I couldn't say anything.

This was the most awkward moment I've ever been in, how the hell was I supposed to deal with this. Technically since they're both bonded with me, Xaseah or Asha should not be too worried if I was with one or the other, however which woman won't be jealous if she see's her man in bed with another woman, even if the female is her sister wife. I don't believe for one second that Asha would just be okay with it, I mean it would be weird right.

"I'm a little jealous Karl, not angry. So calm down would you, I can smell your panic and fear all over the room." She said to me.

But yet her bland gaze did not change, and she was staring at me like she wanted to bore a hole through my skull. With her admitting that she was jealous, these things should be a little easier right, but why do I feel like I was a sheep being groomed for slaughter.

"Besides she's also entitle to having you, and I'm proud about the fact that I took you when you were still a virgin and human. And I'm sure it's something you wouldn't ever forget right?"

"But I...…" I kept my mouth shut and quickly guarded my thoughts, if I let it slip that I don't remember my first time with Asha, I don't think I would be able to attend the banquet in a few hours.

"Anyway you have to get ready. So get up, Now!"

Then she waved her hands and force swung Xaseah off me, and straight to the floor with a thud. I felt my eyes widened, not just at the fact that she just threw Xaseah off the bed, but for the fact that I felt her jealousy dissolving rapidly like it was water being poured in a basket. Then Xaseah, dragged herself back up, her silver hair in complete disarray and a loopy smile on her face.

She looked at Asha, then looked at the floor she was just on, then scratched her head in confusion, probably wondering how she got there, exposing her breast and the rest of her body to the world.

I quickly grabbed a pillow and put it on my lap, not that such an action wouldn't tip Asha off, but maybe if she didn't see it, she would not think of cutting if off in jealousy. Then the weirdest conversation happens, and it was right over my head.

"So sister, tell how was it?" Asha asked with a wide grin on her face.

"Oh My! Where do I start from. 'squeal' he was like a beast, a real lion. Was it the same for you when he was human?" Xaseah answered and asked back with a glint in her eyes.

"Yes it was! Did he roar, he always does that." Asha asked back, equally excited

"Yes! Yes he did. It was so hot, you have to join us next time." Xaseah said to Asha.

"Sure, why not, I'm not in any danger as long as he's gentle. Come with me sister, tell me all of the juicy details." Asha said as she led Xaseah to the bathroom.

"Well at first he had finished bathing, then I..." then their voices fade as they both disappeared into the bathroom, leaving me behind on a broken bed with a confused expression on my face.

"What the actual fuck just happened?"



Our journey to vampire council's tower in the red district was quite tiring, I wished we had a car or an air ship of some sort.

The pit was huge, the part of it that has already been explored was the size of three to four cities the size of new York. It was a fucking underground kingdom, which made transportation a freaking hassle, especially when you had to use a cart.

Because we were from the blue district, we were no longer allowed to use the spatial gates at each of the districts, which meant we had to go the long way. We were only allowed out of the district because the banquet was considered an important vampire event, so we couldn't stop.

But it did not stop the guards from trying to make things difficult for us, which meant they pulled tricks like forcing us to use a rickety cart, that was falling apart and was quite slow, which meant that by the time we got to the venue of the banquet we were fashionably late. But according to what I've heard, vampire parties could go on for days and weeks on end.

Of course it was not the same now considering we were all prisoners, but I doubted any of the guards were foolish enough to come into a party full of elders and make trouble. By now it should be obvious that there was more to the vampire community than what was being portrayed.

When we got to the tower, I could hear the sound of soft classical music playing, the moment I heard it I involuntarily let loose a yawn, even Gus did the same.

"Damn those showoffs, they invited a band of siren musicians." Asha complained

I looked at her in surprise, then turned my head towards the tower in front of us. Sirens and their music were famous, even as legends back on earth, their beauty and lethality were quite embellished.

Sea dwelling witches with a voice capable of ensnaring any male, causing countless sailors to leap over the ships and into the chilling waters of the oceans and seas, straight into the waiting arms and jaws of those flesh eating seductresses. I shuddered, and placed a comforting hand on Gus's shoulder. He looked at me and nodded.

The kid was stronger than I gave him credit, he was only twelve, and mute, but I knew I made the right choice bringing him with me. After all, he's going to be the head of my secret intelligence division (gosh that sounded so cool).

When we got to the entrance, there was a vampire waiting there for us, the moment he saw us, he bowed, but when his eyes fell on Asha, he began to shiver as if he had seen a ghost.

Asha on the other hand had a confused and curious look on her face, like she couldn't figure something out, and she was scheming her way around it. Of course the flash of annoyance she felt was not hidden from me, as I felt her irritation at the messenger through our bond.

"Messenger, it's quite a surprise to see you alive...…and sane. But don't worry, that can be rectified."

Asha raised her hands as she spoke, and black eldritch flames began to flicker and glow on her fingers.

I felt uncomfortable the moment it appears, as a feeling of despair came over me, I felt as if I should go around crying and banging my head against anything solid to get rid of my pain, a pain that only existed inside of my head. The now named messenger quickly got down to his knees and bowed so low his head was touching the ground as he said to Asha.

"Great Elder, please I beg your mercies from my previous blunder, I'm nothing more than a rat, and a speck of dust in the view of your magnificent presence. Truly I didn't know how high the sky was and how deep the seas were. Please spare my pitiful dog life, please!"

I had to hand it to him, the guy was capable. I was quaking in my boots, shaken by Asha's subtle display of power, unable to say a word. Yet this guy was able to bow and even beg for his life, his mental fortitude was quite good.

Asha on the other hand looked bored, she wiggled her fingers as if deliberating whether or not to kill him. I looked at her and sighed, I should probably stop her. We came here for a reason today, and killing someone even before we enter the party would give us a bad rep.

For all of her scheming and cool headedness, there were times when Asha was just raw passion, and would prefer to tear out necks rather than bow heads to her will. I placed a hand on her shoulder, just in time to hear someone else come up from behind us and address Asha in an amused voice.

"Seriously Asha, two thousand years and that temper of yours still shines everywhere like a beacon of unrestrained fury. Killing him will give you a bad name you know that right." The new arrival said.

She was tall, way taller than Asha. She stood at six three, though that could be in part to the ridiculously high heels she was wearing. Her snow white hair was done up in a bun, and her pale skin seemed translucent under the glow of the red district.

"I don't really care either way Sousa, if someone wants to question me, then they should probably come with an army." Asha replied.

"I guess married life did not really change much in you. Are you sure that amount of ego and arrogance is not poisonous to your baby, I would hate for it to come out deformed due to issues with it's mother's character."

The flames on Asha's finger tips burned brighter, this lady was about to be cursed bad, and judging from the entourage she has following her, she was an elder, though I had no idea of her importance, it's better to not step on the toes of our maybe potential ally, who I might or might not kill for talking shit about unborn child.

"Asha calm down, now!"

I said to her in a firm voice that left no room for argument. Asha looked back at me with a fierce gaze, as if challenging me to stop her. Whoever this Sousa lady was, Asha really wanted to hurt the bitch. I moved my hand up and grabbed her flaming fingers, ignoring the sharp sting that came with it, and the feeling of someone shoving a meat hook into stomach.

Asha was startled for a moment before she sighed and released the hold on her power, me, Asare and Gus simultaneously released a breath of relief, who knew we were so tense. I turned to the new arrival, and out on my most charming smile as I stretched out my hands to her, time to play politics.

"I don't believe we've had the pleasure of each other's company before. My fair lady, my name is Kael Cor, current head of the Cor family, and lord of the blue district." I introduced myself, trying to be a charismatic as possible. After all I was a noble, time to be one.

"Oh! My what a gentleman. Pleasure meeting you Lord Kael, My name is Sousa Seteria Zekeri. First Elder of the Zekeri bloodline family and Coven, and also a proud member of the vampire council, please take care of me."