New Home (IV): Ranks & Growth

My neck and my fingers hurt, and not just that I've been having a series of meetings for the past three days trying to work out the kinks and hijinks to the nobility and military ranking system. The military and the nobility works hand in hand, as a member of the military at a certain rank would become a title noble and be given land. But to keep things in balance, certain military ranks share equal power with the nobility ranks, there has to be a balance of power.

The only difference being that as a noble, you have land and maybe other nobles under you. As a soldier all you have is the military and gains given to you by the government itself. But it's not all that bad when you think about it, this way both parts of the kingdom can keep each other in check. The nobility title asides, official posts have also been made, however they're not as complicated as the nobility ranks, though there are some posts than can only be gained as a high ranking noble, or soldier.