New Home (V): The Bloodline Transference Ceremony

So I had my jaw hanging halfway downy body, I was exhausted and tired and very close to my breaking point. I've been trying so hard to get them down from the roof, but they've taken it as a game, literally teleporting and shifting positions as much as they liked, and I couldn't even keep up with them. I couldn't use any of my more violent skills for the simple fact that unlike Asha, none of them were baby proof. Teluna walked up from behind me, joining the crowd of amused people who have been watching making a fool out of myself for the last half hour, so much so that some of them have even started taking pictures and shooting videos.

"hey boss what's going on?" Teluna asked with a carefree attitude and an infuriating smile on his face. Like I said, I was already close to my breaking point, and unfortunately for Teluna, he became the outlet for me to release my frustrations.