Yursk (II): Alien Invasion

The ship arrived into the planet's atmosphere with a little jolt, it was not the best of what we had, but this was meant to make me inconspicuous. This planet didn't have technology advance enough to handle space travel, what they had was lots of magic, so much of it that I could feel it wash over my very skin the moment I got close enough to it. To me it seems there was more to this dungeon planet than I thought, but nevertheless whatever it is, I'm sure I'll find out eventually.

My job here was to sniff out whatever plan the dark council had cooking here, and also to get to know the locals and find out what made this planet so special that it wad the first to come through the merge, and caught the attention of the dark council of gods. But apart from that, it was also an opportunity to train and let loose for a while.