A Baby's Journey to Adulthood

I was reborn as a baby again and for some reason, I also got this weird system. Everything I touched shows up its status, human, animal, or an object. Nothing is an exception. Time passed by and I got used to it. I was also happy with the current life I had, compared to my old life, I much prefer this one. I was also amazed since my memories back when I was first alive are still fresh inside my mind. Looks like I reincarnated and then my memories are retained instead of being overwritten. I think the God who allowed me to reincarnate in this world forgot to erase my former memories. Anyways, its still good. What made me surprised is that, my name and surname are all the same in this world. I am quite sure this isn't Earth anyway since this place has magic and stuffs. I personally witnessed my mother use a few magic.

My current family consisted of me, my mother and my sister who is currently studying as a magician for the king. My father was already dead due to some sort of war last two years and although I can't understand a single thing yet, I can clearly grasped that my father is already dead.

I have no idea how long I have been sleeping and eating and although I was embarrassed sucking my mother's milk when I was a baby, I needed it to survive. I can't wait to become a kid already.

I was getting bored being a baby but soon enough, my mother decided to let me practice walking. At first it was pretty hard, but I persevered. I need to move by myself as soon as possible. I am not rushing to become an adult but being a kid is quite boring for me.

"Tetsuo, be careful, do not rush yourself!" Mom said as I was practicing walking. I can feel that my legs are still pretty fragile but unlike the time when I suffered leprosy, I already grasped the proper way to move around which allowed me to walk properly this time. I can see my mother's face being so shocked after she saw me walking properly.

"W-wow, Tetsuo, you know how to walk! You know how to walk!" Mom grabbed me and happily hugged me around celebrating my first step being a success. She let me walk around again and I decided to walk around again. It feels good and weird at the same time when you achieved something that kids usually take days to learn being learned by you during your first try!

My sister Yukii appeared on the doorway when she came home. Yukii was 10 years old already which is quite a huge gap to my age which is 1 year old this year.

"What is going on mom?" Yukii kissed mother's cheek and also kissed my forehead.

"Look, Tetsuo already knows how to walk!" my mother exclaimed as she pointed me who is currently sitting down on the floor, staring at them.

"Really? Did my little brother really did that? Looks like he will grow big and strong in the future! Just like father!" my sister exclaimed.

"Of course he will, he has his father's blood in his veins. Your father's sacrifice to save this world was not in vain as I gave birth to an excellent kid like your brother!" my mother happily scooped me up and hugged me.

"Mom, what about me? I am getting jealous!" Yukii pouted and gestured to hug her also.

"Aww, don't be jealous, you are also great too. You also remember that your father's blood is also flowing in your veins, even my blood is also in your veins, come here, lets have a group hug!" My mother also hugged me, putting me on their embrace.

Ahh.. just this feeling, I dreamed of feeling this my whole life, who would have thought I needed to die and get reincarnated just to experience it.

These whole things continued for six years. Now, I was seven years old. I was on my room, reading the books that my sister purchased everytime she returned back home from the capital. My mother is working hard since we are getting poor.

The money that my mother receives annually slowly began to dwindle as time goes by. There are three currencies in this world which is copper, silver, and gold. Copper is very cheap and a single copper can't buy a single thing while 10 coppers is enough to buy a single loaf of stale bread. One hundred coppers is equivalent to one silver which is enough to buy a single night on a cheap inn with food on package for a single night. One hundred silver is equivalent to one gold which is usually used to buy important things like clothes and tools. Its also the currency needed for a child to go to school which has the cheapest tuition with 50 gold per month while the most expensive is 500 gold a month. My sister's school has a 70 gold tuition fee a month.

At first, Mom got 1,000 gold a year. Its already enough for us to last for a year. When I was 4 years old, it got reduced to 500 gold. We barely have enough money to pay my sister's class but mom decided to work as a farmer instead which gave us a bit of chance to barely make it and now that I was seven years old, the money received by mother got limited to 200 gold. Its barely enough for a year's expenses and this amount won't cover a whole year tuition for my sister.

When mother came home, she was crying hard which made me surprised. I never saw mother cried, even during the death anniversary of my father but now, I saw her cry. I never expected that this problem can break my strong mother.

"Mom! What is wrong?" Of course that is me. I am no longer a baby and I know how to talk already. Unlike other kids, I learned how to talk at 2 years old and already fluent to speak the language and read the alphabet of this world.

Mom wiped her tears as she forced herself to smile. She go straight to the table and put down a small pouch. Base from the sound when the pouch touched the table, its the gold coins that mother got when she go to the bank to get the annual support of the kingdom.

"I don't know what to do now. The money that we earned eery year slowly got lower and lower and this time, it was already on the brink. I can't afford to pay the yearly fees of your sister with 200 gold coins,"Mother sobbed again.

I gritted my teeth. I don't know why the world is so unfair. To those people who just wasted money keeps on getting money without problem and the poor who really need the money always get the least amount and worse of all, they got misfortunes that make their money more lesser. I hate this situation but I can't do a single thing, I am still a kid. I have no choice but to hug my mother.

This time, I decided to help my mother work. I made deliveries from a bakery using a small bicycle to deliver fresh bread around town. We decided to conceal the matter about the money to Yukii to avoid worrying on us. She was on the very verge of extreme period of time were a slight disturbance might disturb her progress.

I also helped my mother to her farm work. I have experience in gardening and thanks to that, I contributed a bit and gets to have mother have a garden with important vegetables that yield good amount of money once harvested. I have experience on gardening when I was on Earth since Aunt Rosa teach me how to do it. Mother still continued farming and goes on the field in the morning and also tend the garden in the afternoon. I also took care of the garden whenever no one is available to care for it.

I was a silent kid. I don't play outside the house like the other kids do with their free time. My mother encourages me to play but for me, I have no time to play. If my family will get broken due to a dumb thing like money problems then I can just disregard my childhood life and besides, my mindset is no longer a kid. It was 19 year old kid with many knowledge from the other world.

On my time in the hospital, my only choice of work to do is too sleep, eat and read books. I can't access on gadgets due to the danger it has with on my body so reading is my hobby. I specified lots of books and since my parents who never took care of me are rich, whatever things I asked would get granted and during that time, I requested books after books. I can even memorize most contents of those books. Any kind of books have been on my reading list. Even the books that doesn't spark any interest to many people unless needed are also not spared. Gardening techniques and how to properly grow vegetables are also one of those books I read in the past. Good thing I still remember them.

When the sun almost set, I saw mother returning home. I was on the porch sitting on the rocking chair reading a book as usual and I can see mother arriving on the corner. I welcomed mother by rushing towards her when she was on the gateway.

"Welcome home mom," I hugged mother who reeked with sweat and soil.

"I'm back!" Mom happily kissed my forehead before entering the gate with me when someone stopped us.

"Hello, are you Mrs. Ikaruga?" a lanky man carrying a sword asked. He has a moustache that shows his arrogant demeanor. The way he looks, he is a noble from the capital. We are not located in the capital and just around the corner of the city. It was a wonder how a noble managed to reach so far from here. This lanky man has two big bodied guys with swords on their backs. I mistaken them as bouncers on a bar since they are wearing black shirt and they are also Black People like Africans. Although I am not discriminating black people, these guys just give off a vibe that allows other people to f*ck off.

"I am? What is your business here sir?" My mom anxiously asked, her eyes shifting to the two bodyguards and to the lanky man. She unconsciously grab me close to her.

"I was just about to inform you that your late husband, Rentaro Ikaruga has a debt that he failed to pay. He was already dead so I decided to pay a visit on the bank to take a few more money as payment. However, his monetary amount is so small so I decided to personally visit her wife to ask for the remaining amount of debt.

After hearing this, my mother's calm demeanor suddenly turned cold. She was getting angry and I can sense her bloodlust. Even the panel about her tells that she is extremely angry. However, it slowly turned into fear once again when I noticed the two bodyguards stepped forward, grabbing the hilts of their swords on the back, ready to pull it out on their scabbards.

I was not afraid of them. Instead, I felt extreme hate. So these lanky guy is the cause why our money is slowly getting lower than the usual amount. How dare he do that without telling us?! That is just blatant robbery form us! My rage almost erupted and I was about to rush and attack that lanky man when a panel appeared before my face.