Forced System Activation

I did not noticed much on it as I keep on staring at the lanky man before me. In my mind, I already beat him up a hundred times. Unfortunately, I can't do a single sh*t on him. The lanky man obviously noticed my cold and sharp look against him but he just snorted and pretend nothing happened and turned again to my mother.

"The amount left to pay by your husband is 10,000 gold coins. But I guess this is barely plain torture to you, so I decided to give a limit of days so you can pay that full amount. I will give you a week. If you failed, you and your daughter will be bought as prostitutes in a brothel while your son will be sold as a slave, understood?" The lanky man grinned.

Insane. That is what my mind quickly thought. A single week to gather 10,000 coins? More like we had to work with our flesh and bones so that we can gather that amount but even with that, its pretty impossible to gain that amount easily.

"What? But I have not heard any of this... furthermore, a week is so short..." my mother did not get to finish her sentence when that lanky man punched her on the face.

"Mother!" I approached mother and looked at the lanky man with cold eyes before blocking his approach.

"Stay away kid!" he punched me off on my face and it was so strong that I felt pain all over my face. I felt my whole world spin.

"Tetsuo!" Mom rushed towards me but she was blocked by the lanky man and beat her up. Luckily, he two bodyguards did not move or else, my mother would not survive. I could barely gather my bearing when a panel appeared before me.

(Name: Rizen Sadiolos)

Status: Annoyed

Occupation: Corrupt Noble

Relationship to the host: Enemy



Strength: 20

Agility: 10

Endurance: 7

Intelligence: 13

Dexterity: 9


1. Basic Swordsmanship Level 1 - can barely wield a sword. Can perform swinging and stabbing using any kind of sword but not enough to unleash the power. Higher levels will increase its usage.

2. Dagger Mastery: Level 4- adept at using dagger. Can perform parry and sword deflect using the dagger. Higher levels can perform difficult moves.

(Host, will you choose to learn one of the skills? Existing skills being learned results in gaining Exp equivalent to the level of the skill copied. Selecting No will cancel everything and you won't learn anything but you can choose to copy again as long as you have not extracted a skill to the individual. Note: You can't extract another skill once an extraction to the target was previously done by the host. Extract?)


The panel was obviously long but it seems like my mind managed to catch up with the content of the message. My mind is hazy but I clicked yes.

(Please mention the skill you want to extract. You can do it mentally)

In my mind, I struggled but I decided to firmly do this. For my mother and sister and for my family.

"Extract Dagger Mastery!"


(Dagger Mastery was extracted! Dagger Mastery Level 1 was added to the host's skills. To view your stats, just think stats in your head and your stats will appear.)

I shook my head, and although I can't fight yet, I have to protect my mother!

The lanky man was about to throw another punch but then a blazing hot ball of fire appeared and almost hit the lanky man. It barely missed an d the pointy tip of his moustache got burned slightly. The two guards immediately positioned to protect the lanky man and pull out their sabers. They were quick and I never noticed them moved so fast.

"Try hurting my mother more and I won't be missing again!" the voice of a girl shouted. It was clearly my sister, Yukii.

"B*tch! We are not done yet to all of you! We will return after a week!" The lanky man scampered away along with his bodyguards.

I struggled a bit but I rushed to my mother. And held her a not. She was so battered up that mother can barely move. My sister also rushed towards us and helped mother get up.

"Y-yukii..." Mother muttered but she coughed up blood after got beaten up.

"Don't speak mom, let's go inside," Yukii helped mom straight to the living room. I looked around us . There are only a few individuals around us that are living where we are located. If there are trouble near our house or somewhere around the neighborhood, no. one will respond or if there is one, it would be usually too late. Luckily, my sister arrived and interrupted everything.

Still, I was still startled a bit on the stats on my mother after touching her.

(Name: Minami ikaruga)

Status: Severely Injured, Fainted

Occupation: Mother, Farmer

Relationship to the Host: Mother

Age: 35


Strength: 15

Agility: 15

Endurance: 18

Intelligence: 42

Dexterity: 17


1. Heal Level 2 - a skill that can cure minor cuts and bleeding. Can cure bruises and wounds in minor level. Higher levels has a chance of higher tier skill or enhanced effects

2. Green Thumb: Level 5 - ability to properly farm proficiently. Can grow plants faster than usual. The higher the levels, the better yield results have.

3. Motherly Love Level 10(Passive) - a skill that only a mom who gave birth will gain. The power to protect her child to any sort of danger made this skill more stronger. Endurance will raise twice the amount of the original the user has temporarily if protecting her child.

The system can't copy this as the user isn't compatible with it.

I now know now that the reason mom managed to survive was due to the third skill the mom has. Motherly Love which is also on level 10. Being a passive makes it real good but unfortunately, I don't want something like that in my skill repertoire. Right now, I needed mom's healing power. She can't use it herself since she fainted from the severe beating.

"Shall we bring mother to the Healing Priest?" Yukii asked, her face full of worries as she looked at mom in a poor state.

I did not respond. I already extracted the Heal ability of mom but it was on level one. It can only cure bruises and not cuts which unfortunately, mom has after being repeatedly hit hard. I focused my senses to her injuries and although I was a first timer on this the system popped up.

And with that, my body moved on its own and my mind concentrated straight to mom's bruises on her face.

My sister's face who was waiting for my response was in shock seeing the light in my hands. It was a greenish light that many people recognize and needed in daily hunting, [Heal].

"Tetsuo! You know Heal Magic?!"