Entering the city on the streets you could see lamps that looked like old gas lamps from earth. However, in these ones, the source of light differed from the combustion of a gaseous fuel, inside it was a light bulb that gave of nice white light not yellow. It was elegant and gave off an aura of magic.
The bricks also were white in here but the houses were built from nice black bricks or grey and some dark wood for decoration that looked nice.
Some houses had towers, different ones had just one big tower, and the others were just structured from one big house block that many people live in.
If you looked into the distance ahead there was a straight white line, it was a tower that belonged to the emperor and no one knew what was inside. The room in there was very mysterious and there were a lot of rumors.
The castle looked like a spiky mountain and also the walls were connected to the castle; they weren't like normal square brick walls but they were looking like trees but without the crown; they were pushed into the ground with the help of magic.
Drake didn't know what the material was, but it was durable.
"It might be a stone enchanted with magic"
When Drake looked closer, he could see tiny engravings on the walls.
The whole place was secured by the magic barrier but it wasn't activated because it would take too much energy to power. The shield was only activated when a great danger would befall the capital.
Drake toured the streets and memorizing what was where. After checking quite a few alleys he found some magic shops with different accessories, books, and materials. He also found normal shops that mortals would go to.
After roaming around for a while he went to the Academy and ask when will be the test for elemental affinity and talent.
The academy looked ancient. There was a sign on it "Welcome to the Whitehaven Magic Academy"
The doors were very huge almost three times his size. He opened the doors and they creak loudly.
The main hall was empty only one person was there it was a lady that was reading a book.
"Hello my name is Drake Van Hyden, the doors should be oiled it isn't nice to hear that noise, and it also lowers the prestige of the academy"- Drake said to irritate the woman.
The lady just smiled at him with no hint of anger in her eyes and said:
"Hello it's nice to meet you, what can I help you with?"- She said nothing about the Drake's questioning her and instead changed the subject.
"I would like to join as a magic student"-Drake said but in his heart, he still felt a little disappointed. He liked to make the lives of other people harder.
"Sure come here in ten days, someone will check your affinity and talent and we will assign you to the correct class if you can pass the exam you will also get a room if you desire one, access to library and magic lessons in the library. In the library, there will be only theories for understanding but not spells, to get incantations for spells you needed to use magic stone as a currency and buy them from the academy."
"In the mission department, there will be a list of missions. After you join the school, you will have a chance to choose one mission at a time."
"At that day not only you will be checked and it will be likely many people"
"Well then I will take my leave"
Ten days that's a lot of time...
"I will go for some night hunting there's not a lot of points left for evolution."-Drake thought.
It was dark and there were caravans traveling to Whitehaven. Thanks to the shadows that circled around Drake masking in the dark were even easier.
"I bought some shurikens earlier at the blacksmith they were sharp and they were bigger than my hand I have 2 of them and 18 smaller ones."
"That should be enough"- Drake thought.
The coachman was exhausted and knew his journey was almost close to being finished.
Then there was wind swirling nearby.
In his ears, it was more intense than others so he turned his head it that direction.
" Swosh!"
His falling down and the carriage stopped moving. The thing that killed him disappeared in darkness then it attacked the coachman behind the first carriage.
The head of the man was bleeding out and his eyes still moving and on his face was shown confusion. His body was still sitting on the carrying and where his head should be was a fountain of blood.
If someone saw this, they would be scared to their wits and probably run as fast as there could.
"Max, why aren't we moving and we stopped between the forest and the capital?"- Asked someone from the first carriage.
There was no answer from the coachman and the person was a little scared that something might have happened. The doors to the carriage opened and in the was standing a young man around eighteen. He had a sword that was attached to his waist.
Soon an invisible in the night object was making a sound.
" Swosh!"
A dark shuriken was already in front of him as if the person knew when he will leave the carriage.
His head was cut off and his body has fallen on the ground with a loud noise. His head was in the same position because the shuriken penetrated the door and was stuck there.
In the other carriage, there were only women.
Drake appeared from the darkness and his inhumanly charming face was shown to the young travelers.
The women were petrified and couldn't move. They were frightened that much that they didn't dare to make a sound.
Drake entered the carriage and drank their virgin blood one after the other. Drake really likes the taste, and he got more addicted to the felling.
"Uhhhh It's only 176/250 of the evolution process."
Assassination is the most enjoyable because you must kill the enemy without them noticing. He could let them block in time the attack. It not only takes skill but also precision and patience to attack in the right moment. When the women were left with no one to guard them they were defenseless, and it was the right moment to attack.
"I think it's better to attack one village loud, stealth isn't the best way to get the process quickly but still, I will use my shurikens because they are the fastest."
Not far away, there was a remote settlement. It was close to the woods and it was where from would Drake attack.
"The community is growing in numbers well and it is more than enough for me to advance."
"You won't be growing from now on!"
There were a lot of knights patrolling the area. Drake didn't care about them all of them for him were small fries. He ran at them with full speed of his and after a while, a horn was blown and a sound was transmitted to the village. It was to alarm them about the danger incoming. After that even more, would come which was his plan.
Drake had to use his sword for fighting because he needed long distance weapon. Drake's nails were destroyed from last night and they got back to the state they were in before. However, they still were a little too short for the fight so Drake picked a sword.
His sword bypassed all of theirs defenses easily and when that happened their heads would roll on the ground. He counted every head that he had cut off.
It wasn't anything special maybe if there were thousands of them it would be troublesome.
After changing into the Vampire with a mere flip of his hand the mortals would die. This also was the same for mages they also had a huge amount of power.
Out of nowhere, there were around 15 people around Drake. They got closer to him with every step.
Someone stepped on a dried branch. Several people looked at his side and were angry because he was careless.
A miserable cry rang out from a man.
He was sitting on the ground and was having his left hand cover an injury. It wasn't a small one. Right there where should be his right hand it was gone. Others looked around the ground but couldn't find it as if it disappeared.
Then they looked at the invader.
He had a hand in his hand.
To be more precise, it was being devoured from the red liquid.
All the people looked with some disgust and some were frightened and took a step back.
"What a nice meal, thank you for taking care of me!"- Drake said while smiling wickedly.
"Listen everybody we need to eliminate this evil or we will be next"-said someone with enough courage.
This person turned the situation around and make sure that everybody will with everything they got to the end.
" Die!"
Everybody ran madly towards Drake.
"Bunch of stock, nothing more"- Drake didn't think of humans as something that had any value. Instead, he looked at them with disdain and mockery. He looked at them like at the resources in the mine that should be exploited.
Soon some people got closer and closer and someone attacked him from behind.
Drake blocked but there were another two attacks in front of him already with killing intent as big as mountains.
Drake was defending against their attacks. Their tactic was to exhaust him but they didn't know that it won't work. It was probably because of a lack of knowledge. They knew what he was but didn't know his weaknesses and strength.
They felt more exhausted as time passed.
Their attacks have gotten sluggish and Drake saw an opening after defending last attacks.
He had enough time to attacks them all with shurikens. The huge amount of blurred shurikens attacked from all sides. There were two people with shields and only they stayed alive.
Drake kicked him in the shield and there appeared a large hole. The guy himself fallen to the ground. The other one jumped at me with a sword in the air and risked his life. Drake dodged and his sword hit the enemy's abdomen.
The surrounding place looked like a circle of corpses and blood flowing on the ground making it more scarlet.
There were only peoples like farmers left with no armor, they were standing in front of their houses with pale expressions.
Some started to took out weapons from their houses and some fallen to the ground and surrendered. Their weapons weren't good quality, some had exes that were used for chopping trees, others and also the majority had the scythe that was used on a farm to collect plants.
The houses were built around the wooden walls that were pillars reinforced with the ground facing the center where was a representation of some religion.
It looked like a totem at its end there was a Lion but it looked different from normal lions on earth, at the end of his ear there were small flames, its eyes had also the burning effect of fire.
The Lion totem was build using wood, but it differed from the trees in the forest nearby.
The eyes of the statue moved and looked at me but it didn't do more than just that.
"What are you waiting for, if you come to attack me all together at the same time you will highly have a higher chance of surviving"
If you looked at it from their perspective Drake was one person so if they team up they surely would attain victory.
However, the people before them failed so how could they attain the victory.
Some looked at the corpses and hesitated then looked at others making sure that all will go at the same time. Then they ran towards the gate, Drake waited for a bit so they would group and he could move towards them and kill them all in one go.
His first target was to get the scythe because it had a large area to inflict damage upon the body.
He tore through the wind with the sword and aimed at the enemy's throat, but in a split second he changed its position and it was aiming at the heart. The man realized that he didn't block the attack and was shocked, another attack was going but it wasn't to stab, it was a finishing move that cut his head off.
Close behind him were ten more people and behind them on the right and left there were five.
Drake jumped towards them sending himself into the air. They dodged to the side, and he was in between them. He did three spins with all of his strength, the scythe broke and there were only parts left from it. After killing one, he went towards another enemy while grabbing another scythe on the ground. He slashed from the bottom to upwards.
The person split into two with no effort at all.
"Truly divine weapon"
He ran towards the rest. Their morale dropped too much that they didn't feel the urge to defend.
There started to awoken something deep inside me. Drake didn't notice it but it started to grow not only he started to look more sinister his aura started to give change to the surroundings which looked darker than before.
"Death is certain but killing doesn't have to be ugly"
"I am misunderstood beauty cannot be evil."
"Every time I got my outfit dirty I am so annoyed"
When they heard me talking like that, they thought :
"A madman he will kill us all"
"There's nowhere to run! We are doomed by this monster"
People started to panic.
Drake talked all kind of stuff while fighting and it made them more scared.
He took the shurikens out and used the biggest ones and said:
"Every time I throw it I feel like having a finger on a loaded weapon (gun) "
Then he threw other shurikens at the defenseless inhabitants.
They have fallen down one after another
The rest of the daggers Drake put into his pocket.
And he thought:
"My talent justifies all action"
He got a hold of the blood after the job was done and started to drink it all from one corpse at a time.