
It was early in the morning and the rain was pouring down. The stains from the fight were disappearing into the ground with the water and the smell of blood was changed into a cold and refreshing.

Inside the village.

A shadow started to grow bigger, larger and wider.

Soon it was large enough to cover part of the air above the village. It started to spread, but it stopped after it got close to the fence of settlement. 

The light lamp's that were light on during the night extinguished and the temperature started to get colder with every passing second.

The blood was already gone, but the rain froze making a hail and ice sheet on the ground in the vicinity. 

The shadow was made from dark particles. Soon they started to go into the masked individual body and were absorbed, then it started a chain reaction and the rest of the particles started to enter his body hastily. That created a tornado that was inserting the particles. They went into his body through the eyes, nose, and mouth it wasn't a nice feeling. 

They made the body colder than before and felt as if small needles were poking him in the eyes and other parts of his body. Not only were there shadow particles but also those that represented death, they looked dark but you could feel the evil intent coming from them. They weren't conscious beings but something that nature born. 

The dark particles are hidden one of the most important ones and its color was purple and it represented the Demonic Power. 

In the book that Drake got from the cave was a history of Vampires but also there was information on advancements. 

If a Vampire killed enough people a shadow would come and change their bodies, it will give you standard abilities and also a special one based on your characteristics. 

The extraordinary abilities, as well as the standard ones, will grow if Vampire advances again, but he also will gain new powers.

This was the power from hell. 

The more the vampire was on the path of evil and slaughter their the more demonic he would become. 

The dark tornado was moving so rapidly that it ripped apart houses and they started to float.

Soon the dark particles were gone and there was an explosion and the floating parts were thrown further away. Exploding the house into small parts. 

Drake fell on one knee and tried to stand up. He lied on the ground and couldn't feel his body from the cold. His body was cold before but now it reached a new level. He could feel his body a less before. But now he couldn't feel it at all. 

He lied there and waited for his strength to come back. The particles that entered his body were really strong, and he was extremely exhausted from absorbing this much. 

"My body needed to accustom itself to the changes." 

After resting for a while Drake taught that someone must have seen the changes in the sky. 

"Some people might come here to check what happened. I am now at my weakest."

"It was good that I put my gold coins into the bank when I was at Whitehaven, I don't have to carry this big bag with me. All the coins are now on the card that has recorded a number of  1320."

" It'll be easier to hide" 

" I don't have a shadow anymore"

He looked behind himself and saw he didn't have a shadow. 

The eyes of his had changed the most from the appearance. The iris was still red as always but the sclera was the whole black. 

"My vision in the day wasn't enhanced but I perhaps am able to see even better at night now."

"System show me my new abilities"


"Found 3 new abilities:

-Standard abilities-:

Bat transformation- Can shape-shift into a bat at will but only in the night-time.

Unity of shadow- You can become one with the shadow and disappear from a vision, a passive ability only works when standing in the shadow.

-Special abilities-:

Shadow Shuriken- You materialize it from your shadow, you can control the trajectory and also it deals 75% damage of normal shuriken but it's barely detectable. The shuriken can come back and have a chance to steal someone shadow upon death.

"System show me my stats"


"Adding a new column...

Name: Drake Van Hyden  Vampire (In a weakened state)


=Strength    -              (3) 35,5                                             

=Defence    -           (4)10-12          (Based on shields, spells ...)

=Dexterity   -              (2) 27,4                                             

=Agility       -              (1) 24,3

=Endurance -             (3) 33,1

=Spirit          -               0,00001

=Mana         -             57

=Shadow     -               1


" Where to hide?"

Drake looked around the village.

In the village, there was a graveyard Drake didn't have time to find and better place so He went there. He was lucky enough and saw already dug a pit, close to it was coffin it looked really shabby. There was a body in there.

" I am sure they would make a funeral the next day."

Drake took out the corpse and put it close to the other's that were dead. He also tore its clothes and made wounds so it would look more realistic. Drake dropped the coffin into the pit, opened it and went inside.

He closes the door and goes to sleep.

The time flew and after the warm summer, it started to rain more often and the spring came. 

He was totally unconscious and slept there for no one knows how long.

Drake opened his eyes and felt enormous hunger.

He tried to open the coffin, but it was ineffective.

And he started to use his claws like hands to bore the hole in the coffin.

This method was also useless.

"Let's use brute force."

After a long rest, his power recovered, but he was also hungry.

Drake turned around to lie on his stomach and put my hand under it. With the other, he supported his body.

"Uff fortune favors me I have enough room for a swing to make a crack"

The first was going towards the plank and it cracked it in a half allowing the dirt to come in. 

His whole body was in the soil. He didn't need to inhale oxygen, but he felt uncomfortable.

He used his hands to dig out a hole to the outside.