Soul Energy Cultivation

"Hm? What's this?"

A box was placed in front of Bai Li's room and every room on the floor as well.

A strange sight to behold to a mass deliverance of material was strange but it was good news as it must be vital to them in some way or form.

He went inside the room and opened it.

Zhao Fei was out at the moment, not knowing what he would do as he was always closed mind so no one could tell his thoughts and his purpose.

The box was opened to reveal a slick black mesh smaller box that was significantly smaller than the box holding it with two cannister, one filled with a black liquid and another with a fluorescent purple clear liquid. He took out the two cannisters and placed it on the side, one label read Genetic Strengthening Solution while the other was Genetic Nourishing Solution. He took out the box with its cold metal cover and took of it, which revealed a book.

To a man who truly loves book, Bai Li loved it on the spot, and knew it was his way to increase his strength.

The cover of the book read Soul Energy Drive. A cultivation book to cultivate and store soul energy in the body.

He immediately went to his desk and began reading. The complexity was hard to take in, but with his strong will, he pushed on.

"Soul Energy is the abundant source of energy that could be found in the Soul Realm and with all its entirety, the best form of energy found by mankind. But the ability to harness such energy is too difficult to bring to the world and thus, we theorized it must have to do with the soul. With the relations of the soul, one could harness soul energy and strengthen their souls with such power."

"The main factor that comes into play the intake of soul energy is the materialization of the mind of soul we call the Mind Palace to which acts as a magnet or hearth for the soul energy to magnetize soul energy, but absorbing the impurities of the energy is quite harsh."

"This cultivation technique won't just help you absorb the energy, it will also refine it for usage and increase your battle prowess to fight other creatures. You must sync your mind and soul to one to which the connection of the outside soul energy can be brought in the mind palace. The medium of the mind palace will then began refining the energy and will begin strengthening all parts of the souls without most of its repercussions. To meditate the Soul Energy Drive, you must sit in a meditative stance and begin circulation of your energy, the body has the ability to refine its energy as it is and compresses it, after circulation is complete you can begin adding the soul energy inside and circulate them as well."

He finished reading the important parts of the book and immediately put it into practice.

He had learned many things of the mind palace in the library and the fact that one could determine many factors once inside the conscious state to identify the body's limit of growth and talents.

Each mind palace is different in its own way and that was it.

He began the pose of his meditative stance and began his circulation, something he never felt before.

After a short time of circulating and refining, his consciousness drifted apart from his mortal flesh and into his mind space. This was how to enter the mind palace.

Inside he found a world where no real floor nor roof to be found. The mind space was like an ocean where one was able to stand over the blue skies. He was further confused.

He had noticed that the mind space was to show's one origin of though and mind, the blue space stranged him as he only had prior knowledge of the yellow sky present in the planet he resided in.

His past self grew further mystified with his dying thirst to be quenched of knowledge of his past self.

The book had mentioned that the sky in their cultivation will always be yellow if you were born in Golden Star Planet. The soul energy driver was meant for dwellers of those in the yellow planet.

He was in a dazed trying to figure out the anomaly to why his mind space was blue. Unknown to what his future will be when he develops the space with soul energy.

He was brought back in reality by Zhao Fei. Who tapped his shoulder.

"How big is your mind space."

This was commonly asked to find one's talent. He read the measure of talent one had depends on the size of the mind palace, one could see a puddle, a pond, a marsh, a river, a lake, a sea, or an ocean.

He couldn't tell Zhao Fei about his talents, the blue sky he found inside himself was endless, as one could see, no matter how much times he used his soul to detect the size, it was infinite.

"My space was a size of a river."

"Oh, good."

Zhao Fei smiled, he was happy to Bai Li, he was afraid if he was the only one who had talents in the whole generation and someone who was near him would have the almost the same amount of power for him to compare himself to.

"My mind space is a lake. We should both start training with the cultivation technique to fill it."

"Lets do it."

Both sat in the meditative stance and began their circulation.

He closed his eyes to feel his conscious state leave once more to his mind space, or what he would call the Sea of Conscious, but due to the fact that it was not a sea, it was a hard term to use for those who had higher power.

He could feel his mind palace formulating a few drops, on what could be speculated as the manifestation of soul energy on how the mind sees it.

The drop Bai Li felt slowly dribbled from above before reaching down below to his footing, the drop disappeared and would be unable to fill such the Sea of Conscious ahead of itself.

Bai Li felt tired after formulating such a small drop which meant it was his limit as of now. He finished meditating to see Zhao Fei finished already and left without a word.

Their life together was a strange one indeed.

'Should I tell anybody of it or no..'

The mind space size was a measure of talent one could feel. Even though it was endless to him, he would need more than talent to rise to power, it just meant he would have a much larger time to grow in strength.

'Wait, if I tell somebody about it, they will surely tell others and the rumors will start in which I might be forcefully conscripted in the military or a mega corporation. My free time will be heavily effected.'

Freedom was usually associated to being a youth and having no freedom would mean a quicker sail to acting more as an adult.

Bai Li already acts as one and thought even if he were to be conscripted, he would gain nothing much except power from resources. Resources in itself was a sort of thing that was both good and bad to Bai Li. Though he believed resources played a part of one's rise to power, getting them himself with his own power was important.

A notification appeared on his watch showing that evaluation of the mind space would take in a half year notice.

He was afraid of being spoiled and arrogant, as a factor of meeting Mo Tian, who had everything in his disposal became someone of that degree of typical royalty.

He would rather hide his talents as of now and thoughts of the multitude of ways to somehow make his mind space appear to be much smaller than it actually is without actually damaging the space in its entirety.