We Meet Again....

After sending Han Yei out, Lin Fang laid on the sofa thinking about how his life went to hell in the last hour. He was frowning as he couldn't think of a way to enter Imperial College.

He could pay the loan by doing miscellaneous jobs but he would never be able to pay back the loan in 1 years time. What 1 year, he wouldn't be able to pay it back even in 5 years. Adding on the large interest rate he just might have to spend half his life paying back the debt.

Finally half an hour later his eyes glowed with determination. He had come to a decision, he would try for the Imperial College, if he got in (Author:LOL like hell you will, or maybe you would that is if my mood is good) then great, if he couldn't then he would just spend the years paying back the money. Even though he thought this he felt as if his heart was being pierced by countless needles. But who knows maybe, just maybe he would make it rich in the game.

He checked the time till the opening of the servers. Their was still 1 hour, so he started preparing, he cleaned up the house, locked all the windows and the door, checked the [1]nutrition fluid in the capsule, their was enough to last him for 2 days of gaming straight. When in the Gaming capsule the body was in a state of rest so this allowed the people to play the game during sleep hours and be fresh for work the next day. This was one of the reasons why this game was so popular.

Their was still half an hour left but Lin Fang still entered the capsule. The moment he closed the lid, the capsule came to life as he lost consciousness.

"Scanning body, Collecting DNA, Scan and collection complete." A mechanical voice came as Lin Fang felt like he was falling into a hole. As he came to his senses, what surrounded him was a world that was made of white. Everything as far as the eye could see was white.

He was confused at first until a black portal appeared in front of him and a man in a black tuxedo walked out. The man had long wavy hair, a white beard and a face quite similar to Lin Fang. Lin Fang looked at the old man with disbelief. He felt the past 16 years of his life flash in front of his eyes, specifically the last few hours.

"Grandpa"he said quietly

"How have you been my boy?" asked Lin Youmei as he smiled at Lin Fang with warmth in his eyes.

The shock in Lin Fang's eyes soon turned to rage as he charged towards him.

Lin Youmei on the other hand failed to notice anything wrong as he raised his hands to hug his grandson. Lin Fang instead of jumping into his embrace threw a punch at his face and knocked him to the ground.

"OLD MAN", he screamed,"GIVE ME MY MONEY." as he jumped on top of him and started punching him.

"Lis-" pow.

"I a-" pow

"Let m-" pow


(Author: Just in case you don't understand "pow" represents the punching.)


Lin Youmei tried to speak many times but the punches always cut him off midway. This continued until Lin Youmei felt something wet on his chest. He looked up to realise that at some point Lin Fang had started crying.

He stopped punching to wipe his tears and them tightly wrapped himself around Lin Youmei.

"I miss you." He said in a tear chocked voice. He hid his pain deep inside because he didn't want to show it and gain pity from people, but that didn't mean that he didn't feel anything. His grandfather's death had left a wound on him that would take a long time to heal. He didn't care if his grandfather mistreated him or didn't leave an inheritance, all he cared about was that he met his grandfather again. Lin Youmei looked at the sobbing boy in his embrace and for the 1st time in the past 10 years, he questioned himself if what he was about to do was right or not. He sighed patting the kid's back and trying to calm him down.

"Come now brat, I don't have much time, the A.I. would notice me soon." He said with a forced smile as he pushed Lin Fang of him. Lin Fang finally came to his senses. He looked at his grandfather with a complicated expression.

"How?", he asked

"Oh! Nothing much I just hacked into the system of the game to leave you behind a chance."

Lin Youmei made it sound so easy when he said this, but how could it be easy to hack into something so advanced like the Road of God. This world really had some hidden dragons and crouching tigers just like his grandfather told him it was. He once thought it was all bogus but now looking at his grandfather he couldn't help but be proud because his grandfather was one of them. He suppressed his curiosity of how he did it and asking him to do it on the Imperial College system and focused on the main point.


"Yes, a chance?" He held Lin Fang's shoulders and said" Lin Fang do you want to lead an easy but normal life or do you want a hard one that will give you a small chance to soar into the skies." Lin Youmei's eyes were full of love as he looked at him. Lin Fang raised an eyebrow as he waited for him to continue. But in his heart he couldn't help but be confused, his grandfather knew him very well so he should already know the answer to the question. He didn't want to do anything great in his life, nor did he feel like the protagonist of a novel, he would be happy if he had enough for himself.

"Kid", Lin Youmei continued, from his expression he could tell what Lin Fang was thinking but he didn't sound him out,"Do you want to know about your parents?"

Lin Fang felt like he was struck by lightning. HIs mind went completely blank, every time he asked his grandfather about them, he would never tell him. He had always been curious about them, a bit sad when he looked at other parents bringing their children home, even a bit angry sometimes but their was nothing he could do about it.

"If you chose to learn about them, I can give you a few items to ease up your journey ahead. Even though I say this, to give you a perspective of whats to come, the loan you have to pay does not even have 1% off the hardships you will have to face. If you don't want to know then we can end this here and you can go on with a normal life paying back the loan and living as a bottom feeder."

"What will I have to do if I choose the 2nd option?"

"That is for you to decide, you might as well sit and do nothing enjoying the rewards I gave you. But from what I know about you, you will never do that, you would try and rise up, Rise up and fight for the ones who were wronged and against those who wronged them". What I don't know is what choice you will make when the day comes and you stand equal to your parents. He thought the last line but never said it.

He hesitated for a moment but then determination flashed in his eyes. He didn't directly answer the him, instead he asked,"You already knew the choice I would make didn't you?"

Lin Fang didn't want much from his life, nor did he expected to get much from it. But that doesn't mean he never felt sad when his parents weren't there, that doesn't mean that he didn't feel angry. That is why he wanted to know, no he HAD to know, know why they left him, know what they were doing, know why they left him.

His grandfather tried to smile but failed. Pain was clearly written all over his face. How many hardships will the kid face, how much will it hurt him, will he be able to do what he needs? These questions, he would never know the answer of.

"I hope you made the right choice, even though I won't be their to see you what choice you make after you learn everything about you past and your parents, I want you to know that no matter what choice you make I will always be proud of you." As he was saying this his body started to turn into golden particles that entered Lin Fang's body. His face at his last moment of life was deeply imprinted into Lin Fang's mind because it was full of pride. Not because he able to hack Road of God, not because he was rich, but because of his grandson, Lin Fang. Lin Fang felt emotional again.

Then the pain began.

The pain was so excruciating that Lin Fang felt he would go mad, it was so painful that he felt his head would explode and then after a minute or so nothing, all the pain was gone as if it never existed. Lin Fang found some new information in his head. He already had a headache from what just happened but he didn't care. He nervously started going through it in his head.

For 10 seconds everything was quite as he went through the information. Then Lin Fang couldn't hold back his tears as he weakly fell to the ground. His tears flowed down like a river as he murmured with dazed eyes,"Mama." His body was shaking and for the first time in his life, he realised just how alone he was in this world.[2]


[1] Nutrition fluids are kept in gaming capsule so that a gamer gets the nutrition he needs daily and can play for a longer time without stopping.

[2] Play of words, he is alone both in reality and the white game world.