The Game Begins!!!

Lin Fang found his emotions hard to understand. Logically, he had never met his mother so he shouldn't feel this sad, but when he learned of what happened to her, how much she sacrificed, his tears couldn't help but flow out. Other than pain their was also a kind of peace in his heart, peace because now he knew, knew that his mother didn't leave him behind because she wanted to, because she didn't want him. His mother even went to such lengths for him, as for his father....

A complicated expression flashed on his face. Even though he was his father Lin Fang couldn't help but to hate him. In the information, his father felt like a total douchebag, the way he treated his mother. Lin Fang felt his eyes get wet again so he stopped himself from continuing to remember. Now he understood the choice his grandfather was talking about. Even though his mother's situation made him worry, at least she was safe, he decided to wait and see how things would play out before making his decision. Right now he was not even worthy of knowing where she was. He couldn't help but laugh bitterly at himself.

After looking through all that, he had changed, his personality had gotten colder. Even though the change was slight, it was there.

He then checked the two gifts that his grandfather had left him. Looking at the two gifts, he couldn't help but feel sour again. The money wasn't his grandfather's legacy, these two gifts were. His grandfather had truly left the world this time.

He controlled his raging emotions as he looked at the 1st gift his grandfather left him. It was the set of a breathing technique and martial arts called the Lightning Wind Heaven Technique. This technique went trained to the highest level allowed a person to achieve extreme speed when fighting and predict the movement of the person in front before they even made a move. The description even stated that a person could even dodge bullets till a certain firing range.

The mediocre techniques in the market had about 4 levels on average. But this technique had a total of 12. This meant that it was one of the best techniques in the world. As for those 'mediocre techniques' even the cheapest one had a cost of around a million dollars. Something like the Lightning Wind Technique was a little short of becoming a National Treasure.

This wasn't exactly a gift from his grandfather, it was something that his mother left behind for him. The modern world had already rediscovered breathing techniques for quite a while. Even though they didn't allow a person to fly or kill someone from miles away, they did allow people to do some amazing things like fighting 10 vs 1.

This gift didn't effect the game as the it was in a simulated environment. A player could perceive and react to only those things that his level and stats allowed him to. As for the other gift, Lin Fang looked at the time. 10 minutes till the game began, the gift should be arriving anytime now.

As if part of a script the computerised voice appeared again,"Congratulations player, you have been chosen as the representative of The Demon Faction. As you know the world of Road of God is divided into 2 powers; namely the Human Faction and the Demon Faction. When the resources of the world could no more support the needs of the 2 powers, a war broke out for the control of the continent. The Human Faction which was weaker of the two called for help from other worlds thus bringing in the Players. No Player in their right mind would betray the Human Faction and side with the Demons as killing demons is the easiest way for them to get stronger. But you are different, you carry the blood of an Ancient Heavenly Demon in your Human Veins, carrying the legacy of a hidden race. You were born with the race "Demon WarGod". Rise up and lead the demons to war.

So, will you accept?"

This was the 2nd gift his grandfather left him. The hidden race 'Devil WarGod'. Originally, it was a luck by chance thing, a person with crazy luck would have gotten this hidden class so that the story of the first arc of the game could be pushed forward but his grandfather made sure that it was him who got it.

"Yes", he said, Lin Fang would be a fool if he didn't accept. As he had a hidden race the choice of class he got was as follows:

A) Night Crawler (Rogue)

B) Demon Blade (Warrior)

C) Night Wizard (Mage)

D) Shadow Sorcerer (Sorcerer)

This was a perk provided to only those people who 'lucked' out in the beginning and got a hidden race. Other people would have to start as a normal human and get a NPC to teach them the ways of the class of their choice before mastering it. Lin Fang really did luck out this time, otherwise normally his luck was terrible.

"Night Crawler", Lin Fang chose without hesitation. As a solo player who can't team up with anyone due to his faction, the best ability isn't one which gives him massive strength, but one which allows him to escape easily, thus this was the best choice for him.

"Player please select your name"

Lin Fang thought about it for a moment and then said,"AngelFalls"

"Name already taken"


"Name already Taken"

"Evil God Asura"

"Ruler of The Night"

"God Fiend".....

And this process continued until:


"Name Already Taken."

Lin Fang was so frustrated that he shouted,"F*ck"

"Name already taken"

Lin Fang's lip started twitching as he felt speechless. He reminded himself to visit any new sites or games early on to get a name of his choice in future.


"Fallen Angel", He waited to hear the same monotonous sentence but.....

"Good Luck Player 'Fallen Angel'."

"As one of the three lucky players to receive a hidden race you are entitled to know the names of the other two hidden race players. But after the advent of the players, the Demon Faction is at a disadvantage, thus the same is not true for the other two." Lin Fang continued to listen, this small advantage might be useful in the beginning of the game but not much in the long run as he was the only Demon Faction player, he had to come out sometime.

"The names of the Human Faction hidden race players are Heavenly Sword and Fairy Queen."

As he looked at those two names Lin Fang had a complicated expression on his face."If what the information said was correct then these two should be my half-siblings."

Lin Fang didn't know what to think of them as what happened in the past had nothing to do with them. But that doesn't mean he didn't feel vary of them, it's just that he doesn't know how to treat them.

"Anyway I would see what to do after meeting them?" Lin Fang had been on an emotional rollercoaster since the last half an hour his emotions going from sad to happiness to sadness and then complicated, all this made him feel tired, but as he looked at the timer that was about to hit 0, all that was left was excitement that coursed through his veins,"Let the Game Begin!!!"

As he shouted this, the timer hit zero.

Meanwhile Elsewhere:

A City, Omni Corp Tower, Top Floor

"Sir, the Demon WarGod has been selected, its a player with the name of 'Fallen Angel'.", A man stood in front of a chair that was turned around and looking at the view outside the window.

"Hum, keep an eye on the servers. Did you find why and where the discrepancy happened?" The man seated on the chair asked in a cold voice without turning around.

"No Sir", The man hesitated for a while before continuing," but the discrepancy didn't affect the working of the A.I. , the core mechanics or anything even of the slightest importance according to our report. Maybe it was just an error in the system."

The person sitting on the chair didn't say anything as if he was deep in thought. Meanwhile the person standing was covered in cold sweat wondering if he said something wrong.

"Maybe it was", after a while the voice continued,"But all this shows is that their is a problem, either in the system or our security, find it and fix it."

The aura in the room was so cold that the man didn't dare breathe. He was just about to leave when the voice said," And find out the names of the people who were making trouble when I gave the two hidden races to my son and daughter."

"Yes Sir", the man turned and left the room. He was still covered in cold sweat as he realised that blood was about to flow. A quite man lives longer, he didn't tell anyone about what happened in the office and did what he was asked to quietly.

After he left the man looking at the bright city lit up under the night sky continued to murmur to himself," Humph, losing the Devil WarGod is already a loss on my part, these people think that they can do what they want just because I have, been quite low key for a few months."

As he said this the man turned around, he had a face that looked like it came out of a painting. If Lin Fang was here, he would be horrified to see how similar this face was to his own.

He picked up the file on the table and went through it. It was the crack in the server that happened half an hour before the game started. Even though his assistant told him that the chances of it being a system error were high, this 'error' gave him a feeling of a fast approaching crisis, something that would change the whole situation," Who are you and what do you want?"

His Father had worked on this system and he had perfected it so the chances of it having an error was not so high, but the people who could break through the security of Omni Corp could be counted on his fingers and they had no reason to do it.

He looked at the time it was 8 o'clock, the game had begun already,"And the game is a foot." he said, his eyes glowed with interest as he kept the file on the table and left his office. He had been quite for a while and this person thought he could climb on his head, some people just don't stop until they see their graves.