Stats and Plans

Mammoth's Valley, South of Iron Village

Lin Fang's spawn point wasn't a beginner village like other players but a random place. Fortunately, he was near enough to a village so he could get certain information from the forums about the area.

The moment he spawned, the first thing he did was to feel out his face using his hands. Thankfully, he still looked like a human. The A.I. changed his facial features but his attractive quotient was still the same so he looked quite handsome. Looking at the clothes he was wearing, his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

He was wearing black shoes, a black pant, and a black shirt. If this was the night it would still be manageable, but during a sunny and bright day today, he could be seen coming from a mile away. All he was missing was a sign saying he was evil. He also had a black wooden sword hanging by his waist. When he checked it stats he became even more speechless:

Black Wooden Sword(Common Item)

Abilities- None

Stats- None

Wasn't he like the poorest Demon ever, No player would get anything even if they killed him. He took a deep breathe and controlled the urge to sue Omni Corp before looking at his stat window:

Name: Fallen Angel

Race: Human/???


1) Strength:8

2) Dexterity:9

3) Charisma:9

4) Wisdom:7

5) Intelligence:7

6) Constitution:8

Class: Night Crawler(Rogue)

Level: 0/5

Experience points: 0/1000

Warning: Since Night Crawler his a hidden class it has special requirements to earn experience points:

A)Kill NPC's or Players of human Faction

B) Increase your forces by taking in Demons

C) Quests

D) Loot and Plunder the Human Faction

E) City and Village Destruction



Basic ability of every rogue allowing him to flee when in danger and get close to enemies for an ambush.

Sneak Attack:

Appear behind your enemies and attack suddenly to deal additional damage.

Cooldown: 1 Minute

Human Appearance:

Your human and demon bloodline formed this mutated skill allowing you to hide as a human NPC. Time Activated: 3 Hours Cooldown: 10 Minutes

Warning: High Level NPC's and Players can see through Human appearance. The ability also stops working when in combat, and ability doesn't allow the player to get inside villages or cities till the player reaches a higher level.


Use the blood aura of your ancestor and your strength to force demons to become your subordinates. Can be used 3 times a day.

Warning: High level or Stronger Demons may challenge your authority, please use ability with care. No demon would easily become someone's subordinate, only the strong rule in the demon world.

Items: 10 copper, Black wooden Sword

The level Division in Road of God was pretty simple:

Level 0 - 5 1st Rank

Level 6 - 10 2nd Rank

Level 11 - 15 3rd Rank

Level 16 - 20 4th Rank or Partial Demigod

Level 20 - 30 Demigod

Level 30 and Above God

The levels may seem less but it was near impossible to level up as you grew higher and higher. What's more the death penalty was high as well, for every death, a player would fall a Rank and loose all his gear. Of course this was all after level 5, before that a person would fall to Level 0 and drop half his gear, even though this was a 'light penalty' it was quite harsh as well.

Lin Fang couldn't help but frown every time he looked at his stat window. To others it may seem like the class has a lot of cheat like abilities but as a person using it, he couldn't help but notice its many flaws. The first one was no experience from killing demons, unless, and until a demon sided with the human faction he won't get any experience for killing it. Then he couldn't team up with other players for obvious reasons. As for human appearance it may seem like an overpowered ability but it doesn't change his face, so if it becomes known that he is a demon WarGod, his face will spread among the players and no one will be fooled by it, so its uses were pretty limited. Submission only worked if he was stronger than his enemies, that made his choices limited and what will he do with 3(in a situation that the ability worked all 3 times) slaves who were weaker than him when he was level 0.

As for quests, he had no idea how he would do quests if he can't even get close to the city, he was part of the first main quest but that was only in the first arc and their was no way he could do a whole arc quest with his level. He could only console himself with the fact that his stats were higher than other people of the same level.

All in all he was F*cked. How was he supposed to do anything with so many restrictions. No wonder his father chose the other two classes for his siblings, as a hidden class it sure was a serious let down. The only advantage he had over other players was that he had a bit higher opening stats and that he already had a rogue class while others were still doing there 1st Class missions. His eyes narrowed as determination flashed in his eyes as he looked at his quest menu:

Rise of Evil Ruler:(1 of 3 main quests of arc 1)

As a demon who has the blood of and ancient beast, the best way to increase your strength is to chase your ancestry. Find it and make it your own to gain a strength beyond belief.

Reward: 2nd rank Class for Night Crawler

During every major advancement a player had to look for a new class related to his own to improve his strength he could look for a mediocre class to rank up but this would weaken him on the later levels considerably, in the past it wouldn't have mattered but now that the things had changed he wouldn't settle until he got a good class. As a main arc quest the class it would give would surely be great, he couldn't help but enter the fantasy realm again even though it barely gave him any information or idea about what he have to do. It was like a quest that said that their is this lost cat in the city, go find it and the quest doesn't give you any information about the cat.

Lin Fang was lost in his dreams for a while before being struck by a realisation. He only had a temporary advantage and that he had to make the best use of it. Since his stats were already near a player who has reached level 1 it shouldn't be much trouble to take on a few players he thought, as a sinister plan formed in his mind. He looked at the forums to see if he had all the things he needed.

"That's it," He chuckled evilly if any one else saw this smile of his, they would surely run away as fast as possible never to return.

10 Minutes later...

A man wearing all black arrived at the busiest route between Iron Village and Greenwood City, his face was covered with a black cloth and even his sword was black, this was obviously Lin Fang. It had already been 15 minutes since the game started so people had already started running out of the villages on various quest to get a class and start levelling quickly. These people who only had basic stats were obviously no match for a rogue like Lin Fang but the route was already crowded as players took on various quests from hunting demon to escort quests, mining quests etc. But Lin Fang hadn't come for any of these. When he was looking through the forums he had found a little something that was immensely useful for his plans.

As he looked around for the person, people started noticing him, even with the advent of the players a person dressed like him would surely draw attention. It was good that he covered his face, grabbing attention was also part of his plan so he had to cope with it and he also displayed an aloof aura just because he wanted these players to notice him.

Since he was using human appearance the players thought he was an NPC and their eyes were already shining with greed, thinking that he was an important NPC or something making him look like an experience mountain to them.

His indifferent behaviour made these dumb people believe in him even more. He ignored these drooling people who had started following him and continued looking. After a while he finally found the person he was looking for, even though he was excited in his heart, his face didn't show any change.

The person he was looking for a weirdo who sat on the roadside, he was dressed as a beggar and had a long beard, dirty hands, the kind of person people tend to ignore when they walk down a street. But it was different this time, as this guy was surrounded by a horde of players because this was an info broker, the person who sells information about various happenings in the surrounding areas. There is no need to go into the details of the importance of a guy like him at the start of the game.

As Lin Fang was walking towards the Info broker with a crowd of people following him, the players surrounding the info broker started to notice him. Feeling his aura and seeing the drooling crowd behind the players moved away to give him the way. Lin Fang's face was expressionless but he was snickering inside his heart as he thought of the calamity these people were about to suffer with.

"Come great Sir, how may I help you", asked the info broker, with a smile that showed his black coloured teeth making Lin Fang want to puke. He was a normal human so he couldn't see through Human Appearance, to him Lin Fang was a rich money bag who would surely pay well for the information. What he didn't know was that his hospitality wasn't getting him business, instead, it was scaring it away.

Lin Fang remained expressionless as the people around him felt it had gotten colder. They didn't dare to breathe thinking that the broker had somehow angered him. The NPC's in the game had high A.I.'s making them just like a normal human so, even the broker was sweating thinking that he had made a mistake and angered this God of Wealth.

If he knew that the person who he thought was the God of Wealth was just as rich as these players, his look would be one to watch. Lin Fang waited till he felt that everyone in the surrounding was waiting for him to speak to get the best effect before speaking,"I want the information on what the Greenwood Spirit is guarding."

Greenwood Spirit was a Level 3 Boss monster that was a little away from the main route between Greenwood City and Iron Village, as one of the most populated player routes, the monster had been discovered by solo adventurers in the first 10 minutes and word of it had spread across the forums, at the current stage when everyone was level 0, hunting something like the Greenwood spirit was just a dream without an army.

The broker was already scared out of his wits but when he heard what Lin Fang his faced turned completely ugly. He had heard of the Greenwood Spirit and knew a lot about it, he even knew what it all it could, but never had he heard that is was guarding something, he took another look at Lin Fang, who's expressionless face scared him.