Goodbye Blackie

The broker did a quick calculation in his mind. Lin Fang looked like a strong guy, if he lied and didn't get caught, he could make it rich, but he didn't dare to imagine what would happen to him if his lie was caught, what about his professional integrity, no one would ask him for information after that. After weighing the pro and cons he decided that it wasn't worth the risk to cross a strong person for monetary benefit, so he came clean...

"I am sorry great sir, this little one doesn't have any information about Greenwood Spirits treasure, please don't get angry my fathe- I mean great Sir, I am sure a person of your standing wouldn't trouble a small businessman like me, your strength.....", and his ass kissing continued for a little while. Even Lin Fang was surprised by his level, this NPC's in the game were something else alright, he was even feeling smug inside even though he knew that this broker was just trying to save his own neck, as he continued to speak the temperature in the surrounding area got colder.

Even the voice of the broker started shivering as it went lower and lower till one couldn't even hear it. On the other hand the players seeing the ass kissing of the broker were delighted because this confirmed their assumption of Lin Fang being an expert. The greed in their eyes became even more easy to spot, it was clear that something an expert like Lin Fang would want is going to be quite good.

Lin Fang ignored the looks of the players as he slowly walked towards the broker. The players looking at the frozen air around Lin Fang only had one thought in their mind, HE IS DONE FOR.

But the next thing that Lin Fang did left them all dumbfounded. He pulled out some coins from his pocket and threw them at the broker, 10 of them to be exact.

"Three Days, I will be back for what I need?"

The broker was already surprised by the coins thrown at him, but hearing the other persons words he nearly coughed up blood. What did this guy think he was a, quest menu? Even if you wanted someone to find the information, go to a mercenary guild or something, what the F*ck are you doing, playing with me? And what's up with these coins, they are not even one-third of what I usually charge, what do you think I am a beggar?

The broker obviously wouldn't say something like this to Lin Fang's face but inside he already called Lin Fang a cheapskate, thief and many other not so appropriate names over and over again. As for the information collection, if he was paid enough renumeration he would surely have tried to find the information but 10 coppers, no thanks. He was already planning to evacuate from this region in the next 3 days never to meet this unlock star again.

But actually it wasn't Lin Fang's fault for coming to find him, since he couldn't enter the city he couldn't go to a mercenary guild to get the information and even if he could he didn't the money to pay for it upfront and even if he did he wouldn't go to a mercenary guild because they would keep his inquiry a secret making his whole plan fail.

He walked 2 steps before stopping, he turned around and looked at the broker indifferently before stating," The reward you will get will be decided upon the information you find, and if you dare to fool me or run away then..." with that he turned and left.

First the broker felt excitement due to the reward but after hearing the other person, it was as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water over his head. Yes, he thought how could he run from an expert like the man in black. But his fear was soon overshadowed by his excitement for the reward , a person of that stature like the man dressed in black would surely have a lot of money, of course he would want the information upfront he thought. (Author: Money can really buy anything, even thoughts)

The broker decided to quickly leave and call his contacts for help to find out about the treasure, maybe they could split the rewards. Brokers like them were actually not of much use after a few levels, they were normal people of the continent who just knew a bit more than the other people, after the players crossed level 5 their use would decrease drastically so he had to make use of every opportunity he had to make money.

But before he could move far, he was surrounded by a whole group of player whose eyes were completely filled with greed. They looked like a pack of hungry wolves.

"Mr. Broker, we would like some information from you..."

In less than 5 minutes the news about the Black NPC and the treasure of the Greenwood Spirit had already spread throughout the forums. The Greenwood Spirit was a Level 3 boss monster, even though it had a low level, it had a special ability that allowed it to move around the forest quickly and even a level 5 would find it pretty hard to kill, thats why most players wouldn't be interested in it even if they could kill, but now with addition of a secret treasure, groups of 0 level players started moving towards the forest, with such a large crowd they thought that it would be possible to kill the Monster giving them a high chance to get the treasure. Some players questioned the authenticity of the treasure but they were in the minority. As people used to say, animals die for food and humans for wealth.

Meanwhile the person who created this mess was running through the forest at a comfortable pace. He looked back and snickered to himself, 'sure enough...' he thought, only he knew what was going through his head. He made a sharp turn and then went into stealth behind a tree. A few seconds later two people appeared together, as the 2nd one passed by him, Lin Fang jumped out and used sneak attack on the person behind aiming for his heart. Road of God didn't have an HP system, to give it a real life feel a player would die if he was fatally injured, and stats will fall temporarily if lightly injured.

The player behind felt a crisis approach as he tried to jump out of the way of the sword, a pity he wasn't fast enough, he could only helplessly feel the sword pierce his heart. He wasn't even able to call for his friend before he died. Lin Fang drew his sword out and hid behind a tree as he heard the body fall to the ground.

The other guy realised something was wrong the moment he heard a thud behind him, he also realised that their wasn't anyone in front of him. He quickly turned around only to find his friend lying dead on the ground. We were found he thought as he moved to his friends body and looked around carefully, unfortunately a level 0 no class player didn't have the ability to see through a hidden classes stealth.

"We come in peace", he shouted when he couldn't find the person hiding. Obviously their was no response, but he felt like he was being watched by the eyes of a predator. His legs started shaking and just when he felt like he would wet his pants, a person walked out of the shadow of the tree.

The man, was ready to fight to his death with the expert, even though he felt like he didn't have any chance to win, he would still try his best but before he could do anything he realised that Lin Fang wasn't even looking at him. He was looking behind him and he could see in his eyes how terrified he was of whatever he was looking at.

He instinctively turned around only to find that their was nothing behind him, just when he was feeling confused, he felt pain as a sword passed through his chest. It only struck him now that the enemy had played him, a pity it was too late. Even in his death he couldn't get peace.

Lin Fang looked at his experience bar, he had gotten 20 experience each for killing the two people.. He couldn't help but frowning because at this rate, he would have to kill 48 more to reach Level 1. If his plan worked well then he could gain a lot of kills but their was little chance of killing that many. The players would surely realise that something was wrong. As he continued to think about the solution to the problem he checked what the two dropped. His checking resulted in the following gain:

5 copper coins, dagger, short sword, light armour


Ability: None

Stats: None

Short sword(common)

Ability: None

Stats: None

Light Armour(Uncommon)

Ability: None

Stats: +1 Defence

Looking at the light armour which was pierced through in the chest area, Lin Fang couldn't help but laugh, the other guy must have bought this using real money, but he could no more enjoy it, now it belonged to him. The armour should have been able to save his life normally but the strength of the hidden class was to tyrannical for it to handle. Just when he was about to do a victory dance his eyes went to his sword and his expression went completely stiff, the black wooden sword was bent out of shape. Piercing the uncommon armour must have been too much for it...

"And just when I thought a name for you blackie", said Lin Fang sadly, then he wore all his new found items and left the area. The only thing left behind was a bent out of shape black sword,"Goodbye Blackie" said Lin Fang as he left the area.

Meanwhile at the re-spawn point of in Iron Village...

"Dude, you died quite fast, I thought you would at least last a minute against him."
