So I am just bait?

The moment the men got into formation, another group of players arrived slowly walking towards them. Their armours were of similar colour but seemed a bit lighter. Much more to Lin Fang's taste compared to the heavy armours of the 8 handed Iron Guild. Their armour would affect his speed a bit too much thus making it unsuitable for a rogue like him.

The group had a sizeable number of players, roughly equal to the number of players of the 8 Handed Iron Guild. What was surprising was that the person leading this group was a female. Her armour was red in colour and its design was a bit different from the other of her group as it highlighted her already beautiful curves more. Her long hair was tied with a rubber band and her face which even though wasn't that beautiful had a smile making people who looked at it comfortable.

But the face of the players of the 8 handed Iron Guild turned ugly the moment they laid eyes on that smiling expression.

Lin Fang found all this very intriguing, who was this women? He thought, she doesn't looks savage or even dangerous for them to be that afraid.

It was at this moment that the girl glanced towards his direction. It was as if the temperature around him froze, even though her face was smiling the look scared him out of his wits, his back was wet due to cold sweat. Crap! She Knows I am here, he thought. The girl didn't seem to care about him hiding their as she didn't sound him out, but what did that glance mean? A warning, maybe a threat.

He couldn't help but take another deep look at this girl, she looked around the same age as him, her body language made her look like your average neighbourhood girl. But someone who could see through his stealth couldn't be normal. As he was wondering about the background of this girl the 'captain' of the 8 Handed Iron Guild walked forward, just like before with the solo players, he stopped at a respectable difference from them but unlike before his eyes had something else in them. It was fear.

"I-", just as he started speaking he was rudely cut of by the red armoured girl...

"Our guild wants to fight with Greenwood Spirit, please clear the area", her words were a bit too similar as what the 'Captain' had said to the solo players, so much so that Lin Fang felt that Karma really existed in the world.

Hearing her words, the face of the other party went completely black,"Flame Princess, don't go too far."

"Who are you to demand face from this princess", She said with the same smiling expression on her face. Her statement left the 'captain' speechless while Lin Fang could barely control the twitching of his lips. What was this, some kind of Princess syndrome? Just who did she think she was calling herself 'this princess'. Lin Fang felt like going down and beating her up, he could swear he had never seen such a shameless person in his life comfortably forgetting himself. But the problem was that she had the power and the numbers to back up her 'syndrome'.

The captain was itching to kill this brat and even Lin Fang was waiting for a good show when the captain did something unexpected, he took a deep breathe and waved his hands towards his men as he shouted,"Lets go" he turned to give the girl another complicated expression as he left with his men. To Lin Fang's surprise, even though his men seemed unhappy, it was clear as day to anyone who saw them that they were trying to save face, some of them couldn't even hide the relieved expressions on their faces.

All this was too much for Lin Fang to swallow, even these guys were afraid of something. The face of the girl had that smile from beginning to end. Lin Fang looking at that smile no more felt any warmth, all he felt was goosebumps all over his body. He also turned around to leave this place, he wasn't afraid or anything, just making a strategic retreat he consoled himself in his heart. Yes , thats it, he was retreating not running away.

Even though he said that he was clearly moving fast, he hadn't even covered a distance of 10 meters when the ground in front of him was set ablaze. He was so scared that his soul nearly left his body. He suddenly had a bad premonition...

"Heh-Heh, those guys were asked to leave by yours truly so they were able to leave, but you Mister, I never said you were going anywhere"

The voice was sweet to hear but it made every single hair on Lin Fang's body stand. He slowly turned around to find that girl standing their looking at him with the same smiling expression. Looking at that face only one thought ran through Lin Fang's mind, I am dead.

He coughed awkwardly,"And what might this young, kind and benevolent lady want from a beggar like me." He tried his best at ass-kissing to save his life.

"Hoh-Hoh, Kind and benevolent-" She laughed as she raised a hand to cover her teeth, her laugh sounded like she was suppressing something. It sounded like she wanted to laugh as hard as a she could but since she was trying not to it came out like a horse neighing. Yeah, it was weird, uncomfortable and made Lin Fang want to punch her face. Even she knew what kind of person she was and yet she still pulled such a 'princess' facade.

"Well since you have called me so then how can I be cruel-", her sentence mad Lin Fang nearly shoot through the sky in joy, so she was going to let him go, so she really was kind and benevolent.

"Just be our scout for a day and I'll let you go."

When she completed her statement, Lin Fang nearly coughed up blood,"So you want me to be bait?" He asked bluntly, but he instantly regretted it. The smile on the girls face which hadn't changed since the moment she appeared had gotten so wide that he couldn't even see her eyes anymore.

"Hmm, Yes that would be it if put it bluntly." She said ,"So will you accept? I assure you we will give you quite the compensation." Her statement was as if she was asking him if he wanted tea or coffee. Since she thought that he was an NPC, she should obviously think that he wouldn't re-spawn and would surely be dead if the Greenwood Spirit attacked and yet..

This girl was pure evil, her statement was a question, but her face told him what would happen to him if he chose the wrong answer. Lin Fang seemed to hesitate for a moment before continuing in a shaking voice," Ok-Okay I acc-accept, b-but I have a q-question."

"What is it?" She asked, with her wanna punch smiling expression.

He pointed behind her with a shaking finger,"What is that behind you?"

Her facial paralysis didn't change as she turned to look behind, not finding anything she turned back,"What am I-"

It was then that she realised that she had been tricked as their was no one their," Oh no, wrong choice." ,She said as she turned back and went back to her subordinates. She gave them orders before following after Lin Fang's trail," No one has escaped from this princess's hand, ever. heh -heh." She laughed to herself.

Meanwhile by the time she gave orders to her subordinates, Lin Fang had run quite deep into the forest. He was positive that his stats were higher than hers giving him a strong escape ability, so then why did he have this feeling that a massive danger was approaching. He believed in his instincts and ran as fast as he could. Since the mad lady and her goons had blocked the way out, he could only run forward and keep his fingers crossed that he wouldn't run into anything too troublesome.

What he didn't know was that the chase had just begun and he would regret his decision to run from her in the soon to come future so much that his intestines would turn green.