Secret Martial Arts Number 4

Lin Fang ran down a forest path, he was breathing heavily. He turned left and hid behind a tree to catch his breathe, that women was clearly relentless. He had only rested for a few minutes when a voice was heard behind him.

"You run fast young man, this Princess almost lost you."

The moment Lin Fang heard this voice he started shivering. He slowly turned his shivering body back and look at the source of the voice. What he saw was that smiling face looking back at him.

"Just leave me alone!", he shouted at her, he was tired and worn out after one hour of continuous running.

3 times! 3 f*cking times she had caught up to him during this game of cat and mouse. This didn't make any sense, logically his stats should outclass hers allowing him to escape. But she managed to catch up to him every single time, he had already started wondering if the demon here was her instead of him. No wonder those guys seemed relieved after escaping from this monster.

But this time, he realised that something was different. He could see the sweat glistening on her forehead. So even this monster got tired he thought, maybe escape wasn't that impossible a dream after all. While he was thinking all this and making his escape plans, the girl started talking...

"Hmmmm, someone who could run from me for this long couldn't be a simpleton. But looking from you escaping methods and the traces you left behind, its clear that you haven't been a rogue for long and yet you could reach so far heh-heh..."

Even though her deductive ability made him terrified, what terrified him more was her creepy laugh, even his face had lost all colour.

"..So all this leads me to conclude that your class is far stronger than mine, so much so that you can bridge the massive gap between our skill just with your class. Of course that is only for escaping, we still haven't seen how you fight.."

Lin Fang was really scared out of his wits this time, if this grandmother fought him he would surely die. But what she said was true enough if he thought about it, his class was good, so good that he could bridge the massive gap created by skills through pure brute force. Thinking this he couldn't help but contemplate in his heart, his stats were higher than that warrior but he still had to use tricks to win, but the girl in front could clearly kill a bunch of them in a fight from the looks of it, this wasn't a gap that could just be covered by his high stats. Since things were like this after he cleared up this mess, he would log out and check out the lighting wind heaven technique, since it was a skill for fast movements, he could use some of its moves to increase his combat power.

"Originally", she continued, noticing the complicated emotions on Lin Fang's face," I just wanted to have you scout for me but now that I know you have such a good class, I feel like having you in my guild." she titled her head as she looked him up and down as if looking at object of interest. Her gaze made Lin Fang feel uncomfortable.

"I could fight and check out your combat power but your expression told me everything I need to know about it." She continued. Her statement made Lin Fang cough awkwardly.

"In fact, lets sign the contract now, I am sure that after a bit of training you could be a strong asset."

She completely ignored the person in question as she opened the player menu, clicked a few times and a contract appeared floating in the palm of her hand. She pushed it towards Lin Fang and it flew over. Lin Fang couldn't help but be curious about what kind of terms she would offer to a 'useful NPC' like him.

He opened the contract and read its terms,

The contract had terms that went like this:

1) Party B would give up all his right of control to Party A

2) Party B would have to die if Party A so demands it

3) Party B would have to pay 10 coppers a month to guild funds


152) In case of breach of contract by Party B he would have to pay 100 times the amount invested in him by the guild.

His face went as black as a pot and he nearly coughed up blood. This was a contract, it was clearly asking for his life, just who in their right mind would sign crap like this.Contracts like these were signed under the eye of the A.I, he would never have a chance to escape from it if he signed it. Wait, if he remembered correctly she had a bunch of guys following her, did all of them sign a contract like this?

A pity Lin Fang never got a chance to ask this question, as he saw the root of the tree behind the girl move. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at it. It had stopped moving but Lin Fang already had a sinking feeling in his heart.

Suddenly, all the roots behind the girl started moving towards her slowly.

"Look out" he shouted at her, but she still had that smiling expression on her face not planning on moving anywhere.

"You know I won't fall for the same trick twice. Aah! such a pity yo-"

Before she could complete her sentence, she felt that danger was approaching. She quickly jumped into the air as the roots suddenly exploded at full speed towards her. To Lin Fang's amazement she dodged all of them. He found her movements quick and to the point, without any extra effort, he also noticed that she was surrounded by a green halo that seemed to affect her speed. So this was how she was able to catch up to him.

She moved like the wind and appeared beside Lin Fang. To Lin Fang's surprise her expression still hadn't changed even in a situation like this, still that good old evil smile stuck to her face.

"Har-har-har, You are the first human to have escaped my attack." A screeching voice was heard from behind the roots as they split apart and a giant body appeared. It was so huge that two of Lin Fang standing on each other wouldn't be able to reach its height, it was a bit slim for its height about as wide as 2 Lin Fang's, green coloured and, it was a rabbit.

"Greenwood Spirit", He said in a shaking voice.

The girl just nodded her smiling face without speaking anything. Lin Fang didn't think it was possible for the same expression to show various emotions but he could swear on his life that her smile was giving of a gloomy aura right now.

"More humans for me to feed on, Har-Har-Har", The Greenwood spirit laughed. Its laugh was really hurting Lin Fang's ears.

He had to come up with a plan and fast, their was no way the two of them could survive a fight with a level 3 demon like the Greenwood Spirit.

"I need 10 minutes", the girls beside him said in a voice that was only audible to them,"if you can get them, then we wouldn't have to die."

Hearing her words Lin Fang couldn't help but laugh bitterly, my grand aunt I don't even think I would be able to survive 10 seconds and you want me to survive 10 minutes. He wanted to cry but he didn't't even have tears to do that.

Well something was better than nothing, a voice said in his mind, you can do it. He took a deep breathe and his eyes flashed with determination. Yes, he couldn't lose now, it would be hard to gain the lost experience points. He had things he had to do, he couldn't just return to the starting line again.

Seeing the look flash past in his eyes, the Flame Princess was surprised, did I misjudge him she thought.

"Har-har-har, done with your meeting", The Greenwood spirit was clearly playing with its food.

Lin Fang slowly walked in front of the Flame Princess as he sighed with a distant expression ," I never thought I would have to use my secret martial arts number 4 today."

When Flame Princess heard his words she was surprised, secret martial arts, those were things of the legend in the game, thinking about his class and his words, she thought of a possibility. Maybe he belonged to a secret clan or something in the game.

He stopped a little distance away from the Greenwood spirit. Then he took a deep breathe and did something that would forever be itched in the Flame Princess's memory for the rest of her life.