These Creators are too Savage

Just after The Greenwood spirit jumped to crush Flame Princess to death, a black object came out of nowhere and collided with it midair changing the direction of his attack. The Greenwood spirit screamed in rage. This time, it was very annoyed. Every time it tried to kill one of these two, the other one would mess with his plans and save the life of the other. This was getting almost comical.

Lin Fang looked at the monster with a completely savage expression on his face. Even though the two of them were heavily injured, if one looked carefully, they would find that the injuries on Lin Fang's body were healing at a rate which was visible to the naked eye.

"My sword broke again." , He frowned as he looked at the cracks on the blade in his hand, he seemed to be rushing through weapons a bit quickly.

"HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME!", The Greenwood spirit screamed when it noticed that Lin Fang did not seem to consider him a threat at all and had time to check on his blade. The chains are still surrounding this brat so what makes him think that he can do as he pleases. He used his hands and attempted to cut Lin Fang in half who was in its attacking distance.

"If this was before I would surely be afraid of you but now..."

As Lin Fang said this the chain that surrounded his body turned into a weird black aura which bore pressure on the surroundings. It was so strong that the Greenwood spirit was pushed back and even Flame Princess felt uncomfortable.

A notification rang in Lin Fangs ears

{Congratulations Player Fallen Angel for breaking the seal on The Devil WarGod

All Stats have increased +1

All Abilities strengthened

Tutorial Opened

New Abilities Gained:

1) Flash:

Teleport to a distance of maximum of 5 meters at any time.

Cooldown: 5 minute

2) Transformation:

Hidden Ability of the Devil WarGod Class. Allows the Player to call on his ancestral blood for a short while to gain unimaginable strength.

Effects: 5 Minutes

Cooldown: 1 Week

Side Effect: Weakened State After Use}

As Lin Fang looked at his new abilities he felt like his mind was completely blown. Compared to the new abilities the previous ones could only be considered mediocre. These abilities were game changers, ace in the wholes which could be used to destroy all existences of similar strength. A teleport ability that could be used mid battle, even the simplest of its uses could help him become a terrifying assassin.

As for transformation, its cooldown time itself explained how tyrannical its strength would be but, he would still have to try it out as its effect was explained vaguely and besides, he still had other things to do, for example saving a friend.

Lin Fang's body felt lighter and stronger after all this abilities went up by a point, his body felt amazing. Nearly all the injuries on his body had healed when he began his counterattack. He dashed towards the injured spirit and started stabbing it with his sword. The Greenwood Spirit howled in pain as it wasn't able to fight back at all. Lin Fang's speed was too much for a monster who couldn't even walk. It could just be a large target for Lin Fang to practice hi stabs.

Flame Princess watched all of this expressionlessly. She had already gotten her emotions under control but she found it too tiring to even smile right now. She couldn't help but feel sad for the experience she would lose if Lin Fang killed the Spirit. Humph! Their is still the treasure, she thought in her heart.

The screams of the Greenwood Spirit got weaker and weaker as Lin Fang's attacks continued. Just when it was reached its last breathes, Lin Fang kept his sword inside its sheathe and raised his hand above the near death Greenwood Spirit and shouted,"Submit"

Lin Fang was trying to use the submission ability to get The Greenwood Spirit to to become his subordinate. After his unsealing his strength should roughly be the same as that of The Greenwood Spirit not to mention the transformed state which would allow him to completely dominate this beast. If this worked, Lin Fang would not only get a strong subordinate but also a ton of experience considering the level difference between the two.

The moment Lin Fang said submit, the aura surrounding him changed once again as his shadow seemed to transform into some kind of massive monster with a terrifying aura. Flame Princess didn't feel anything as this time, all the suppression was focused on the spirit like a concentrated attack. But this didn't mean that she wasn't shocked by the monster's shadow.

She had researched a lot about the game but she never came across anything that looked like that. It stood on two legs, had sharp claws, massive wings behind his back and its body seemed to be covered in a metal armour of some kind. It looked like it carried some kind of dragon bloodline but she had only ever heard of the 4 elemental dragons existing in the game so where did this beast come from.

The Greenwood Spirit that was too injured to even breathe properly started shivering. The moment it sensed that aura and saw that monster behind Lin Fang, its heart was screaming inside to swear fidelity to him. It barely suppressed the urge to submit to Lin Fang. It didn't know what kind of monster that was, but it should be a very terrifying being that could summon winds and clouds and destroy mountains.

The being looked down upon the spirit as if looking at some sort of trash and the shivering Greenwood Spirit tried hard not to maintain eye contact but its body seemed to have lost control as it looked back into those deep as abyss eyes. The stalemate continued for over 10 seconds before the shadow went back to normal and the aura disappeared. Lin Fang wasn't that surprised that it didn't work in the first time. After all the level gap was high even if the strength gap was nearly non existent.

"Submit" , He shouted again, the aura and the shadow appeared again. They seemed to posses a consciousness of their own as the shadow looked angry for failing the first time. It might have been Lin Fang's misconception but the aura also seemed stronger than before. The Greenwood Spirit also seemed to have lost quite a bit of mental strength resisting the first time as not even 3 seconds had passed before it shouted recklessly," I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT!"

The moment he shouted this a notification rang in Lin Fang's ears

{Congratulations Player For getting you 1st Subordinate, you still have 2 more slots left to fill as your subordinates. The demons that submit will change to an experience point system instead of the strength gathering system of the natives. 30% of the experience gained by subordinates will go to the player. The subordinates will also grow in strength as the players level increases. Also, take care of your subordinates as you would lose 25% of your experience points if any of them die.}

The moment Lin Fang, heard the notification he felt an explosion go of in his head. The game not telling him about the restrictions of submission before getting his first subordinate was clearly a trap, what if he had used this ability on a substandard demon instead of something like The Greenwood Spirit. Wouldn't he have suffered a major lose, either as a slot for his subordinate or the experience points. These game developers are too Savage. This was clearly a set up, he cursed in his heart for a while before he felt ecastic again looking at the glowing body of The Greenwood Spirit.

All the wounds on its body healed as it grew smaller in size until it was barely as big as Lin Fang's hand. With its wound healed, its green-white fur had a soft and beautiful feel to it, too cute Lin Fang thought.

"Master", it said as it bowed on its 4 legs. Since it had sworn fidelity, he would surely serve his master well, plus he didn't have the strength to resist anymore he thought bitterly in his heart.

Lin Fang felt confused and amused at the same time as he looked at the small rabbit bowing his head, why did this rabbit look so weak. It seemed that the Spirit was able to see through its masters thought as it said-

"Master, the last battle injured me too deeply, I have fallen to level 1, but don't worry I would be back to the top of my game in no time..."

Its voice got weaker and weaker as it saw the blackening expression on Lin Fang's face. It felt that its master would disown him if it continued and with its present strength, it would have no chance of survival against the unending line humans who kept appearing non stop for the past few hours for some reason. Thus he came to a very wise decision and shut his trap up.

Meanwhile, Lin Fang felt that the world had become a very dark place, he even felt that he was in a movie and he could have sworn he heard the sad music being played behind him. He even wanted to crush this rabbit to its death but thinking of the 25% experience points, he barely controlled his urge.

WAIT! Experience points. The points he got from getting this ironically 'strong' subordinate. Please be their, Please be their, Please be their, he prayed in his heart as he opened his stat menu.

When he looked at his experience points, he almost cried from happiness. God finally had eyes from him, he thought as he looked at the experience points which had reached 1200.

He clicked on his Night Crawler class as a question popped up

Would you like to level up this class for 1000 experience points?

Yes or No

He unhesitatingly tapped Yes.