Treasure. NOW

The moment Lin Fang, levelled up, his stats increased once again and the feeling of being the able to destroy a mountain with just a punch returned. Of course this was just a misconception that was created due to the rapid increase in strength in a short time but this still couldn't stop Lin Fang from feeling satisfied.

"cough cough"

As Lin Fang was bathing in the glory of being one of the first few players to level up, he heard a cough behind him. He turned around to see that Flame Princess had finally stood up and was walking towards him.

Lin Fang was shocked to find that the female devil wasn't smiling anymore. He almost wondered if she had been possessed by a spirit. Looking at his expression, Song Ming couldn't help but feel speechless. This guy, he didn't know how to hide his expressions at all did he, he was like an open book whose thoughts she could see through by just looking at his face.

She ignored his gaping look as she turned towards the short rabbit sitting in front of Lin Fang. Looking at The Greenwood Spirit, she couldn't help but admit that it was really cute, a normal girl wouldn't be able to hold back the urge to rub its body against their face but Song Ming wasn't an ordinary girl. She raised her hand towards the little rabbit as she got ready to fire a spell and said-

"Treasure. NOW", her voice was so loud that that The Greenwood Spirit jumped into the air. It took a moment for Lin Fang to realise that she was talking about the fake treasure he came up with. So many things had happened since then that he had completely forgotten about his little lie.

"What treasure?"

The Greenwood Spirit was confused. Even though it did have quite a few valuables, it didn't have anything that could be considered a 'treasure' so where was this coming from. He wanted to ask if their was something wrong with her brain but looking at her expression, it decided not to. Humph every dog has its day, just let me get my strength back, then I'd show you why the roses are red.

Looking at the confused expression on The Greenwood Spirits face and the malicious expression on Flame Princess's face as she cracked her knuckles, he realised that the only way for The Greenwood Spirit to survive this ordeal was if it really did have a treasure buried somewhere. Of course the thought of coming clean never crossed Lin Fang's mind. He had gotten stronger but that didn't mean that his fear of this demon in human form had reduced by even a little margin. Her final spell was still clearly imprinted in his mind.

"You must have some treasure buried somewhere, right?"

He tried to mediate and calm the situation. Flame Princess clearly wasn't in the mood for negotiation so he had to step up and ask this question. The Greenwood Spirit seemed to hesitate for a moment but the rage in Flame Princess's eyes seemed to help it make a decision as it said-

"Master, Lady, I do have some of the items I have looted over the years buried in one of the caves, follow me and I will lead you to them."

But in his mind, he was thinking,"This lady is scarier compared to master, better offend him than offend this demon. She looks more terrifying than those monsters from Ender city."

Flame Princess face finally loosened up a bit after hearing The Greenwood Spirit's words as that patented terrifying smile slowly crept back onto her face. At least something was better than nothing, she thought. The news was't confirmed to begin with and was just a rumour so she couldn't really blame anyone for the loses she had suffered except that man in black.

Thinking of the man in black, her eyes narrowed as her killer smile grew large again. Never let me see you or... She thought in her mind. Her expression really terrified Lin Fang who prayed for the person or thing she was thinking about and crossed his fingers in hope that it was not him.

The Greenwood Spirit started running towards the deeper area of the forest. Lin Fang and Flame Princess followed behind closely making sure not to lose its sight.

Meanwhile In Omni Corp Headquarters:

The lady and the man had finished watching the whole battle leading to The Greenwood Spirits submission. The moment it submitted, the video came to an end as both of them sat their in silence thinking about what they just saw. The man called his secretary to find out if he could get Lin Fang's contact details. The Female on the other hand frowned looking at his actions.

"Whats wrong?"

Looking at her frowning expression the man couldn't help but ask if she found something wrong or if something made her comfortable.

"Nothing, its just that don't you think you are rushing into this a bit too quickly. I think that you should wait and watch his movements in the coming future for a little while longer. From the way he behaved and played the game, it doesn't seem like he is from a major family so it shouldn't be too late to do him a favour after watching his performance a bit more."

What she didn't say was that when she saw Lin Fang, and heard that her husband wanted to meet him. She didn't know why but she felt a crisis approach and wanted to stop her husband from meeting him in anyway possible. A women's intuition is very strong and she disliked Lin Fang from the moment she first saw him onscreen.

One of the reasons of dislike was also that her children were competing against Lin Fang so someone had to win and she would obviously want her children to win over this boy.

She decided to trust her intuition and delay their meeting indefinitely. Of course, she wouldn't take action against Lin Fang just because of her intuition but she would keep an eye on his movements. Fallen Angel, she remembered his name in her mind.

"What's wrong with now?", He couldn't understand, even if Lin Fang couldn't achieve what they hoped of him, the loses wouldn't be that big and they could satisfy his small demands but who knows what kind of enigma might come into play and change their future plans. Wasn't it better to pull him to there side now when he is not known at all.

What if someone found this 'uncut' diamond before them, wouldn't they have suffered a bigger lose if he really did become an essential asset to the other party than losing a bit if he couldn't live upto their expectations.

Even though her face had a light smile on the outside, she was thinking quick inside her mind. She knew that her husband was headstrong and wouldn't change his decision easily if he came to one. This was a trait that a top management like him shouldn't have. He should be more flexible in the way he does things. But this headstrong behaviour of his did give him the decisive factor which others who carefully took each and every step didn't have. Besides he did have the skills to back his character up.

The man took her silence as an agreement to his words as he went on to finish the work piled up on his table. It would take sometime for his people to know whether they could contact Fallen Angel or not. He could finish the other work meanwhile he thought, but he just couldn't get the image of the full purple awakening out of his mind. Just what kind of abilities would someone like that have if they practiced a good martial arts.

Looking at him focusing on the work on his table, she knew that the previous topic was closed and it was time for her to leave.

"Come home tonight. You must be tired after working all these nights continuously because of the rush of the game launch so rest for a bit, alright.", She said as she stood up to leave.

The man didn't say anything but acknowledged her words with a nod as she closed the door behind her after a final glance at his face. It seemed that he was focusing on his work but his mind was somewhere else completely

"Fallen Angel, just what kind of surprise will you bring me in future?", He thought. The woman who left just now would surely be surprised to see the smirk slowly rising up on the man's face. The number of times she had seen him smile could be counted on her two hands. A pity she wasn't here to see this one.