City Lords' Token

(Author: The Past(Part 3)' will continue some other day, I have already given you the information needed for now. As for how Lin Fang's mother survived and how he was born, keep thinking, maybe you will reach the answer before I publish it. ;)

"Sir! Sir!", a voice woke him up from his dreams. He looked up to find his secretary looking at him with worry in his eyes. It took him a moment to realize that he was awake, his dream had ended.

The secretary was looking at him with a terrified expression as if he had seen a ghost. He realized what was wrong as he rubbed his face to find tears under his eyes. He had unconsciously started crying in his sleep. He rubbed it off as if nothing had happened and turned towards the other person in the room.

The secretary shivered under his master's cold gaze. He was relatively new as his boss changed secretary every few months, not because he wasn't satisfied but because the secretaries resigned themselves. This job was too stressful for a normal human being to bear.

"Sir, You have a meeting in ten minutes.", he conveniently ignored the tears he had seen on the presidents face. He might be arrogant and unreasonable with people whom he was dealing with but, in front of his boss, he didn't even dare to make a sound. Such a stark difference was really startling.

"Hmm", The just woken President said as he got up moved towards the washroom to wash his face and get ready for the meeting.

Meanwhile in D City...

Lin Fang entered the game again, this time he was ready to get complete his mission in two days at max. The moment he spawned in the alley, the first thing he did was check up on the 'Transformation' ability. Sure enough, he smiled, the ability had recovered, this would allow him to take some extra risks, he thought as he ran towards the direction of the appraisal masters.

He quickly arrived in front of a huge building which had a huge sign "Heavenly Appraiser Guild' in the front and had a large number of cloaked people walking in and out of it. Lin Fang himself was one of the cloaked figures who entered the building.

The interior looked even bigger than the outside leaving Lin Fang awed. The walls had a black and white check design, there were huge pillars rising into the air holding the roof in its position, the building had over fifteen reception desks to get items appraised and all of them had long lines in front of them.

Lin Fang randomly chose a lane and lined up. In front of him was also a cloaked figure but he was much more burly than Lin Fang. He turned to give Lin Fang a glance before resuming to look forward.

Lin Fang had to wait for over fifteen minutes before he arrived in front of the counter. Sitting on the other side behind protected glass was a cute little girl with big round eyes.

"How may I help you, sir?", she asked politely with a slight smile on her face.

"I need to get an item appraised.", He replied.

The girl nodded at his answer and asked him to deposit the required amount. He did as he was told and he received a token with number nine on it. Seeing that he was confused about the token, the girl patiently explained that the number on the token stated the room he had to go to to get his item appraised.

Lin Fang nodded his head in acknowledgment as he followed the directions told by the girl to reach room number nine. In the black market, secrecy was a major issue, most of the big businesses tend to hide the products and identities of its customers in the black market to develop feelings of goodwill amongst its potential customers thus attracting better trade.

This is why Lin Fang wasn't worried about the other person trying to steal his item since they had a name to live up to. Of course, all this was under the premise the value of the item being appraised wasn't too high. In that situation, humans tend to forget all about right and wrong or ownership leaving only unlimited greed behind, this was human nature,

But this was the best option Lin Fang had right now, the city appraisers would surely ask for an ID which he didn't have which would lead to his exposure Thus, it was better to go for these guys.

As Lin Fang entered the room, he was greeted with a sight of a small plane simple area surrounded by four black colored walls. Sitting in the middle of these walls was a plane table across which sat an old man with a long white beard. His eyes were closed as he sat there stroking his long beard with hands. If Lin Fang hadn't seen his hands move, he would surely have thought that this guy was dead.

"Ahem", Lin Fang coughed to get this persons attention.

Hearing his cough the old man opened his eyes as he looked up and down on Lin Fang's body clearly judging him. Lin Fang felt uncomfortable due to his gaze but thinking about the quest, he gritted his teeth and sat down in front of him.

"Give me the item.", the old man said raising his hands towards Lin Fang. His voice was deep and heavy to hear, it even sounded a bit cracked. Lin Fang pulled out the token from his storage and handed it to him.

The moment the hands of the old man touched the token, his expression changed as he quickly grabbed for it. Lin Fang didn't feel any malicious intent from the other person thus he let it go easily from his hands. A good appraiser didn't necessarily mean good strength. He looked at every inch of it carefully before praising, "Good craftsmanship"

Lin Fang looked at this old man and felt like he had gone crazy due to old age, would did he mean good craftsmanship? wasn't it just a piece of wood with a symbol carved on it? Just give me its uses and stop with these antics.

The man completely ignored the existence of Lin Fang after getting his hands on the token as if he had completely forgotten about his surroundings. It was like only he and the token existed. Lin Fang didn't disturb him after looking at his serious expression even though he felt unhappy with the way he was treating a customer. He had paid the whole fees alright.

The old man continued to study the token as if his life depended on it,m for a whole ten minutes. Just when Lin Fang was starting to feel impatient, the old man sighed as he looked at the token with great satisfaction in his eyes as if he has achieved something in life. He finally turned to look at Lin Fang before saying:

"Young man, you are really lucky to have found this item, if I were you, I wouldn't sell it or even use it if I could, but instead keep it as a protected treasure for the generations to come. This thing is an old relic from the time of the dynasties before demons attacked our world, it is still used in various Cities but their number is very low.", he said.

"You know what it is?", even though he knew that it was the job of an appraiser to know about the stuff asked to appraise, Lin Fang couldn't help but feel excited as he looked forward to what kind of surprise it would bring him.

The old appraiser just smiled slightly as he threw the token back to him. Lin Fang caught the token in his hands as a notification rang in his head.

{Item Appraised

City Lords' Token(Rare)

Stats: None

Abilities: Land of Talent(Attract various talents to the city example: blacksmith, alchemist etc.

Restrictions: Can only be used by City Lords}

Lin Fang didn't know how to feel about this item, it was his first rare item but its restriction made it impossible for him to use it. If you hadn't noticed already, he was no City Lord. This didn't mean that it wasn't useful, in fact, it would be very useful if he could think of the best possible method to utilize it.

The game had just begun, he still needed to find and steal the 'Stone of the Ice King'. This token wasn't as useful as he had imagined previously but it should surely attract the interest of the city lord of Greenwood City.

Since it was taken by 'The Ice Statue' before it reached the city, the city had been functioning for a long time without it but a good leader would never be able to control his greed for this token. So, will the City Lord be able to do it (control his greed), Lin Fang thought as an evil smile formed on his face.