The Young City Lord

A little while later in Greenwood City,

Lin Fang walked down the street deep in thought. In the black market, he had bought the information about the City Lord's castle and its defences. Since Lin Fang as a poor person, he couldn't buy any sensitive information, just some stuff that anyone who was at a bit higher post than normal people knew about.

Of course, this information was also useful for him. According to the informant, the City Lord was named 'Ronald Wakado' who as the strongest man in the city was a Level 7 General who specialized in the spear, his age was unknown but he must be an old man given his strength. A General was a ruling class. Ruling Classes were those classes that could get subordinates but this wasn't bound to them only, even battle type classes could get subordinates, the difference between the two was that a ruling class would gain experience points from the kills that their subordinates gather.

Since an NPC's couldn't gather experience points, it didn't make much of a difference to them, but to the players, it was a ruling class was very enticing. They could just sit and watch as their subordinates gathered experience for them. What could be more fun?

The Demon Wargod could be called a quasi-ruling class, even though it had ruling abilities they were actually quite weak. It could only take in 3 subordinates before level 5, while other ruling classes could get at least a hundred, of course, the strength of such troops would be weak individually and would only be able to find strength in numbers.

The City Lord also had other subordinates who ranged at about fifty at level 3, fifteen at 4, six at 5 and two at level 6, all fighting classes. This was obviously what the world thought of his strength and since a poor lad like Lin Fang could get it, then its credibility couldn't be anymore doubtful than it already was.

It was clear that the City Lord had more troops than he let on otherwise he would have been assassinated a long time ago. He glanced at the token in the storage as he journeyed towards the City Lords Castle.

When the City Lord's castle first came into view, Lin Fang was surprised by its grandness. He had been quite busy since he entered the city and wasn't able to come to see it. Made out of pure rock, the castle looked like it had appeared out of the ground and was part of it. The castle was surrounded by walls and watchtowers in all four directions. The guards could be seen patrolling the walls. The massive door was guarded by a group of well-built soldiers and there was a drawbridge under them which could be pulled to close of the castle from the City if it fell by any chance.

Lin Fang didn't even need to see with his own eyes to know that the castle must be surrounded by water with alligators or crocodiles within it. With how tasteless the creators were, this was the only option but he still asked around to make sure that his guess was right.

Unfortunately, his guess was wrong, the castle was surrounded by water but it wasn't full of crocodiles or alligators, there were countless man-eating piranhas inside the water who were just given enough food so that they didn't die from starvation or lose their energy, basically a group of hungry man-eating fishes who wouldn't even leave his skin behind if he tried to swim for the castle.

He sat down on a nearby stall as he continued thinking about the plan he had made and how to get the message to the city lord. Even though this place was a small city, the City Lord wasn't free enough to meet just anybody, besides there was no building in the surrounding regions of the castle so he would be seen if he tried anything funny.

Thus he had to get the message to the City Lord first, he entered stealth and slowly moved towards the massive gate at a slow pace. The distance between the guards and him slowly reduced,

50 meters

40 meters

25 meters

15 meters

There were 5 guards in place were lazying around as they used their weapons as support to stand in position with there eyes closing and opening trying to fight the sleep building up in them. This clearly wasn't the most interesting or entertaining job in the world.

The moment he stepped into the 10-meter range of the guard closest to him, his lazy expression immediately turned alert as he looked around before focusing on Lin Fang's location. He slowly raised his spear and poked in that direction. Nothing

"What is it?" , one of the other guards who noticed his weird reaction asked. He was also looking around vigilantly for anything suspicious.

The other guard frowned as he looked at the tip of the spear in his hand, "Maybe a misconception of mine."

The other guard nodded his head but didn't lower his vigilance as he kept an eye in the surroundings.

As for the guy who had poked his spear, he turned around to walk back to his position when he accidentally stepped on something. He looked down to find a letter under his feet. He picked it up to see what it was, "To The City Lord" it read...

Lin Fang looked from a distance as the letter was sent inside. All of his plans were dependent on the City Lord reading the letter thus, he really hoped that it would reach his hands as quickly as possible, otherwise, he would have to think of an alternative way.

After giving the castle one last glance, he left to make preparations. But, if he knew the temperament of the CIty Lord, he would feel that he had wasted his brain cells coming up with this plan. I simple challenge of 'Come and Die' would have been enough to get him out of the castle.

Meanwhile, Inside the City Lords Castle, the letter reached the City Lords office.

The guard who had been guarding outside respectfully walked up to the lady sitting outside the City Lord's office as he explained her the situation and how he got the letter.

As the lady listened, she couldn't help but frown as she looked at the letter. She had been working as the secretary for the City Lord for many years but there had never faced such a situation. The people in the City who were strong enough to do this could be counted on her hand (Doesn't include players) and they already knew her personally so they didn't need to use such means to deliver a letter.

She first thought that the letter might be cursed and would kill anyone who opened it, there had been news of demons using such ways to assassinate human leaders. She had to make sure that it was safe to open and read it before handing it to the City Lord, he would surely be interested in this 'weird' letter. He was idling away all day anyway, maybe he could do something about it.

Thus biting her teeth she stood up taking the letter from the guard's hand she slowly opened it. She held her breath as she the letter opened, fortunately, it wasn't cursed, she sighed in relief as she turned to the door and knocked on it.

After a second a lazy yet quite young voice came from inside, "Come in"

The secretary entered the office to find all the lights turned off as the City Lord sat in the darkness, all she could see was his sleepy eyes as he looked at her with a questioning gaze. Lin Fang would have been surprised to find out that the CIty Lord, a level 7 general was actually a thirteen-fourteen years old boy.

The secretary was dazed for a second by her master's young yet beautiful face before snapping out of it and handing him the letter. She explained the situation of how the letter arrived as he read it. The more he read the more excited his expression became, after he finished reading it, he handed it to the secretary to read.

She didn't refuse, it had been her who was managing the whole City anyway. As she read the letter her, expression went from curious to disbelief in record time. This, This, if they could get there hands on this item, it would surely change the destiny of the City. But she still had some doubts in her heart, the other part hadn't laid down any conditions in the letter itself. Instead, he asked the City Lord to meet him in a certain location.

"I want to go", The City Lord said as he jumped up and down on his chair.

The secretary who has only been managing the city on the young Lords behalf would usefully refuse such requests of roaming the city as it would put his life in danger but this item was too important for the city, that is why, as stated in the terms, he must go and meet this person.

She nodded her head after thinking about it for a while before saying, "Okay, but I and your two uncles will go with you Little Lord." The city Lord nodded his head absentmindedly, he was already pretty excited to finally enjoy the world outside the castle walls, normally he would only be allowed to go out ones every month by his cruel secretary cum teacher, but an exception was being made today, how could he not be happy. Besides, this person seemed really interesting.

She smiled warmly one last time as she looked at the excited City Lord before turning around. The city lord only saw the warm expression on her face, what he didn't see was her expression cooling to ice cold behind her back as she left the office. Humph! If it is just a simple trade she might let the other party go but if they had the slightest of ideas against her master...

Next Chapter- Lin Fang finds himself a new friend. :)