Something Is Wrong With Heavenly Dagger

The Gaming Capsules had a built-in function in which the players would immediately be logged out of the game if they fell unconscious while playing. Thus, the moment Lin Fang hit the sewage water, he was immediately logged out of the capsule.

In the real world in his home, Lin Fang's gaming capsule opened up but Lin Fang did not wake up. He laid there in the capsule for over five hours before he turned conscious again. The moment he opened his eyes, he felt like he was hungover. Every single cell in his body screamed in pain as his eyes felt foggy and his brain dizzy, his body was extremely weak as if it had been starved.

"What happened to me?", he wondered as he rubbed his aching forehead. He climbed out if the capsule with his shaking body and dragged himself to the bed before falling asleep almost immediately. He slept like a log, without any dreams for another six hours before waking up. His body felt better after waking up as he did some normal exercises to stretch it.

When he used the breathing technique to rotate his inner qi, Lin Fang received a massive surprise, he had completed the first level of the Lightning Wind Heaven Technique improving his skills tremendously. Each level of the martial technique was a great divide which made a person incomparable to what he was before the breakthrough. His body was weak right now so the effects couldn't be seen but once he recovered, he would surely be far stronger than before. He would check the skills that could be practiced with his improved cultivation later when his body recovered a bit.

"Just what happened back there?", he thought. The only thing he could remember was that he had escaped from the castle and jumped into the sewers, he couldn't remember anything else like how he escaped or what happened too Heavenly Dagger no matter how hard he tried. So, after checking that everything was alright with his body, he jumped back into the capsule and logged back in.

The moment he returned to his body, he smelled something terrible. There was something weird covering his eyes as he rubbed it off. It was then that he realized that the terrible thing he smelled was his body. He was lying outside the city sewage dump, the place he had used to enter the city. Why is it like this? he thought as he didn't know whether to laugh or cry after seeing his terrible condition.

"Master, aren't I good subordinate?", Just when Lin Fang was thinking about finding out what happened to him, he heard a voice from below. He looked down to find a dirty yellow rabbit, it was the Greenwood Spirit. The rabbit looked at Lin Fang with a fawning expression as he said, "Master, I had to use all the might in my body to keep your unconscious body afloat and I even got dirty, You would surely reward me handsomely right. I don't need much, just a nice bubble bath would do."

As Lin Fan listened to this 'hardworking' subordinate of his, he couldn't help but be surprised. From what the rabbit said, Lin Fang should have fainted when he entered the sewers to escape. But what about before that? He grabbed the rabbit with his hands and pulled him up to his eye level.

"What happened after we were surrounded by the reinforcements?", Lin Fang asked coldly, as he looked at the rabbit. The rabbit seemed surprised that Lin Fang didn't remember the amazing performance and his kill streak but he didn't dwell on it as his master really was acting a bit weird back then. He quickly summarized all events that had happened and specifically emphasized on the valiant role it played in saving Lin Fang's life.

After hearing the Rabbit's record of the events, Lin Fang couldn't help but frown, he did all that? Blue eyes? The impossible made possible? What was all this? Even though the story told by the rabbit answered a few of Lin Fang's questions, it raised many other's as well. He had to learn about what happened clearly and control it. He didn't like the thought of losing control and even his body chilled when he thought about the massacre that happened when he lost control, he didn't know why but the blue eyes didn't seem like a good omen, even if they gave him a lot of power. A lot of thoughts ran through Lin Fang's mind as he wondered about the information he had just gotten trying to digest it.

Just as Lin Fang was organizing his confused thoughts he received a call from Heavenly Dagger. That's good, I should be able to ask him about the events and get his views as well, maybe he was able to spot something that the rabbit couldn't, Lin Fang thought.

But just as he picked up the call a cold voice came from the other end, "Meet me east of Greenwood CIty in half an hour." Before Lin Fang could say anything, the line was cut off. Lin Fang analyzed what had happened just now calmly. He could glean from the coldness in Heavenly Dagger's words that something must have happened to him when he tried to escape.

If it was before, Lin Fang might have grown angry at his behavior but now, he was calmly analyzing the reasons behind it, his temperament had changed a lot becoming more indifferent without him realizing it.

Half an hour later, East of Greenwood City...

Heavenly Dagger was already waiting there when Lin Fang who had taken a bath in the river to clean himself but still was smelling a bit like sh*t arrived. Sure enough, the moment Lin Fang saw him, he knew the cause of Heavenly Dagger's anger, his level was zero, he had died in the city. His face was ice cold as he looked at Lin Fang for a moment. Lin Fang didn't know if it was his misconception but he seemed to be reminiscing something for a second but it was gone when Lin Fang looked at his eyes again.

Heavenly Dagger didn't say anything but pulled out an item from his storage, it was the Stone of the Ice King, he threw it towards Lin Fang and then turned to walk away. It must have been one of the items that were left with Heavenly Dagger when he died saving Lin Fang a ton of trouble.

"WAIT!", Looking at him leaving like that, Lin Fang couldn't help but shout, he still needed to ask him about the details of what happened back there and a small part of him even though he would never admit it didn't want Heavenly Dagger to leave in anger like this, he was his friend after all. Heavenly Dagger stopped when he heard his voice but didn't turn around.

"Heav-", Lin Fang was about to say something but was rudely cut off by Heavenly Dagger.

"National Library of any country, look for the book called 'Nameless' by 'John Freeman', maybe you will find something you are looking for in there, you won't find information on any of it online.", After saying this he continued walking and disappeared into the vegetation before Lin Fang could react. He had told Lin Fang what he thought would be useful to him, what he could make out of it would depend on Lin Fang himself

Lin Fang who caught the Stone of the Ice King was still dazed after what Heavenly Dagger said. By the time he came back to his senses, Heavenly Dagger was gone and Lin Fang felt that he had lost something important. Just what was he talking about when he mentioned this book, was it related to his blue eyes he wondered. Just what was Heavenly Dagger's background? What kind of past did he have to know stuff like this?

He didn't know why but Heavenly Dagger seemed different somehow, he seemed more mature and cold. I will call him once he has calmed down, Lin Fang knew that he needed to give Heavenly Dagger some time and space. He would surely have been angry if he had to start the game again after working so hard. Thank goodness Heavenly Dagger would receive some compensation as the mission reward for helping him complete the mission. But somehow, he felt that getting Heavenly Dagger back won't be as easy as he thought it to be.

After getting those thoughts out of his mind, Lin Fang finally looked at the stone in his hands

Stone of Ice King(Quest item)

Stats: Sealed

Ability: Sealed


Lin Fang couldn't help but feel disappointed as he looked at the stats of this item. This item was completely sealed and he couldn't even see what it was useful. He had to take it to the statue and couldn't use it for himself anyway, he thought as his disappointment disappeared, I am already getting an amazing quest reward so it doesn't matter. With these thoughts in his mind, he made his way towards the forest of the Ice King.

When he arrived near the dungeon, he found that the place was crawling with players who were forming teams to raid the dungeon. This place seemed to have gotten popular while Lin Fang was hunting for the stone. Lin Fang looked around to check the average player base using the aura released by them. The average players in the surroundings were level 1 and 2 with the stronger players being at level 3 but no level 4's.

Leveling for players from the human faction was quite harder as they didn't have the game developers being biased towards them when their classes were created like Lin Fang so the strongest players were only equal to him in level making it pretty easy for him to sneak inside the cave. He had already proved his ability in the face of level 5 guards, what were these low leveled players worth?

Since he had woken up from that six-hour long sleep, he found that many things that he couldn't understand before about his martial technique and other skills had now become clear like a door had opened up. He felt enlightened of sorts, thus sneaking in which would have been near impossible when he had started the game was now a piece of cake.

He met many players and monster's during his journey but he ignored everything as he made his way towards the Ice King. When he arrived at the location of the cave, it was once again surrounded by a hoard of players who were getting ready to take on the boss not knowing that the thing they were preparing for was about to become impossible to achieve...