Quest Complete

When Lin Fang was passing by the group, one of the men asked his friends as he covered his mouth, "Hey! What is this terrible smell?"

The man's friend also covered his mouth and nose with his hand as he choked, "Did you just fart?"

"No, I did not, it was clearly you who farted and is now blaming it on me."

Lin Fang who heard the two talking had a weird expression on his face as he quickly made his way down cave prepared to take at least two more baths before once again walking in public. The journey was smooth and uneventful as Lin Fang made his way down as all the monsters were on the road outside with only one monster guarding the cave, The Ice King.

When he reached his underground lair, Lin Fang didn't find the place empty like last time, Ice King instead of hiding under the floor was sitting on the massive throne in the middle. Its preception was pretty high as the moment Lin Fang stepped in, he roared

"HUMANS WHO DARE TO INVADE MY LAIR, COME AND DIE.", Loud was the only word to define this demon.

"Calm down it's me. Fallen Angel", Lin Fang said as he rubbed his ears which were aching slightly due to the scream.

The Ice King seemed surprised when he saw Lin Fang and even lost his composure as he nearly slipped and fell when he recognized Lin Fang but then his face turned into delight as he excitedly asked, "It's you. Does that mean that you have brought back the stone?"

Lin Fang was also affected by his excitement as he thought of the amazing quest reward. Just as he was about to pull out the stone from his storage, the ground below him gave away as he once again appeared in the upside down dome. Sitting in the middle of the dome was the Ice King that he had seen above.

"You, weren't you-", Lin Fang was surprised as he looked at the Ice King that he had just met upstairs. He didn't have words to explain or even frame a question, that was how weird he found this, one person sitting in two different places at the same time. This wasn't a cultivation movie where a person could appear at two different places at the same time.

"That was just an image of mine which I project above.", he explained to Lin Fang as he saw his confusion but he couldn't hide the impatience in his eyes. Only he knew how long he had waited for that stone of his.

"Let other matters rest, show me the stone.", he said as his body shook in excitement. Although Lin Fang wanted to know more about that ability of his, seeing his impatience, he decided to hand over the stone. He went inside his storage and selected the stone.

The moment the stone appeared in his hands, the Ice King grabbed towards it with a speed so high that Lin Fang could barely even see him move. By the time Lin Fang came back to his senses, The Ice King was already rubbing the stone like it was the most precious treasure in the world.

Lin Fang even imagined him saying, "My precious" with an infatuated expression(For those of you who don't understand, this is a Lord of the Rings reference) on his face. Unfortunately, nothing of that sort happened as the Ice King closed his eyes and the stone turned into a gold ray and entered his forehead. Lin Fang was really curious about the use of the stone but he didn't ask since it might be a guarded secret of the Ice King.

"Now that I have my stone back, let's get the he-", As the Ice King was rotating his arm and getting ready, he heard a small cough. This fake cough was, of course, a sound produced by Lin Fang.

"Sir, now that I have completed the quest don't you think that you should give me my promised rewards.", Lin Fang said as he raised his hands in a posture that seemed to be asking for something to be placed on it.

"Ahem, Yes- ar- Of course my little my friend, how could I ever forget about you. Here's your reward.", The Ice King would never admit that he had for a second forgotten about Lin Fang's existence. If Lin Fang knew about this, he wouldn't care much as he was feeling ecstatic as he received his reward with the usual notification voice when the Ice King waved his hand and a blur flashed through the air into his palm.

{Player has received 5 items, transferring them to player storage.}

Lin Fang didn't wait for the Ice King to leave as he immediately checked the items he had gotten for that rogue skill, the rest could wait, this was the most important item.

Sure enough the moment he opened his storage, there it was:

Magician's Nightmare(Epic Skill)

Description: Learn the method to change the nature of your surroundings and become immune to all spells and magic for three seconds.

Cooldown: 1 Week

An epic skill and 'Magician's Nightmare' at that, with this skill, if he met Flame Princess again, he would be able to have the advantage even if he didn't transform and this included her green glow of her's. This skill was something that couldn't be bought, even if you had all the money in the world. Magician's nightmare was a skill that would surely cause an uproar if news of its appearance spread among the players. While Lin Fang was giggling like a fool while looking at the skill, The Ice King who had been preparing for his escape for who knows how many years had the final piece of the puzzle in its place, he had gotten the stone, the key that sealed his abilities to the level of a mere 1st stage boss. It was now time for him to leave this hell hole and return to his rightful place as a once legendary demon general.

"Kid its time for me to leave.", He said as he looked towards Lin Fang. Lin Fang who has already gone foolish with happiness waved his hand indicating for him to leave. The Ice King couldn't help but feel a bit dissatisfied with this guys behavior, he was a demon general after all, even though this young brat had helped him escape, shouldn't he e a bit more respectful.

This wasn't actually Lin Fang's fault. Lin Fang knew that the Ice King was just an NPC, an artificial intelligence made up of zeroes and ones. Thus to him, he was no different from other NPC's. Another barrier between the two was that they were from a different cultural background. While Lin Fang was from an era where most humans were treated equally(at least on the surface), Ice King was from a race where only the strong were respected and the weak either seek protection or died. The Ice King also conveniently forgot that he was a Level 4 boss monster right now which barely qualified to be called a boss of a certain small territory.

Lin Fang had also forgotten that the stronger an NPC the more feelings and thoughts he would have almost turned themselves into real living beings with souls. Thus, there was a gap between the two which was not easy to bridge.