You Shall Give Way!!!

The skill that Lin Fang had gotten wasn't strong right now but that didn't mean it wouldn't be in future. In the game, skills were divided into three grades, ungraded, epic and mythical. About ninety percent of the skills in the game were ungraded including all of Lin Fang's skills. An ungraded skill wouldn't have any rank against it making it easy to recognize.

Meanwhile, the number of known epic skills that were released by Omni corporation is no more than fifty. With over fifty million players and still increasing, the number of these skills was pitifully low. Some of them were quite strong and some of them weak like Wizard's Nightmare which ranked in the last ten of the epic rankings. The reason epic rank skills were called so was that they were trainable. As the level of player increased, the activated time of the skill would increase and the cooldown period would decrease. This was what differentiated ungraded skills from epic rank skills. While ungraded skills would be strengthened due to the player level, the basic ability activated time and cooldown period won't decrease, unlike epic skills. The power of an epic skill solely depended upon the level of the player.

As for mythical rank skills, even Omni corporation the creator of the game hadn't said anything about these skills except for the fact that they existed. No one had any idea what they were and what the skills would allow a player to do, nor the number of mythical skills. These skills were a legend in the game...

While Lin Fang had started thinking about mythical skills, the Ice King jumped into the air as he struck the ceiling, the moment his body touched the roof, the ice hardened to form chains that bound around the Ice King while a face made of ice appeared above them as it laughed loudly, "HAHAHAHAHAHA..."

As the chains bound around him, the Ice King laughed loudly, "Old man Wakado, your chains have bound me for so long but no more, BREAK FOR ME!!!"

As he roared the ice chains surrounding him tightened trying to tie him down, but then a bright light appeared from the middle of his forehead, the light was blinding and Lin Fang who had been watching the whole escape with a dumbfounded gaze felt his eyes hurt as he turned to look away. Never had he imagined that something like this would happen when the stone returned to its rightful owner. It didn't take a genius to guess that the face must be of the founder of Greenwood City 'Ruth Wakado'. Now that Lin Fang thought about it, he had seen a few statues of this guy in the city.

When he turned to look back, the chains surrounding the Ice King had already disappeared as an excited expression appeared on his face, "Finally, I am free from this prison." He laughed as he rubbed his hands together.

"Now that I am free, its time for the sweet taste of revenge", The Ice King rubbed his hands together, his eyes narrowed into two slits as he remembered some bad memories. He gave a dumbfounded Lin Fang an indifferent glance before shooting through the roof of the cave. Since the trade was complete, he no more owed this kid anything, what he did was of no importance to him? He, the Ice King was someone with a better attitude among the Demon General's, if he met someone with a bad temper like Beautiful Flame, Ice King shuddered as he thought of that person.

The players outside were totally dumbfounded when they saw someone break out of the cave of the Ice King and fly into the air. They were scared out of there wits as they thought of the level this being must have achieved to fly in the air.

"Level 15, that guy was at least above level 15 if he didn't have a flying type bloodline", Lin Fang thought in his heart as he looked at the spot from which the Ice King disappeared. Each Rank was a great divide, and unless a certain creature had an innate ability to fly, most creatures would only gain this ability when they became partial Demigods. This Ice King, who was he in the end? And how strong was that Wakado fellow to have sealed this guy and made him a Level 4 boss. How depressed must the Ice King had been when a large number of level 3 players destroyed his avatar every time he spawned a new one. Lin Fang wondered why the guy kept spawning avatars to die when he could've just sat here and accumulated his strength.

With this kind of thoughts in his mind, Lin Fang left the cave, or whatever was left after the Ice King created that giant hole in the roof. He used the giant exit created by the Ice King as the players outside would surely be more vigilant than the sloppy job they were doing when he entered because of the stunt the Ice King just pulled. Lin Fang was too lazy to fight these guys who were weaker than him if he was discovered so he avoided them entirely.

Meanwhile, the moment the Ice King broke the chains, Greenwood City was going through major changes. The bells started ringing on their own as the City became overrun with panic, they people of the city didn't know why the bells were ringing but they all felt panic-stricken as if something terrible was about to happen or has already happened. If someone looked at the city from above, they would realize that the city walls formed a perfect circle, with many smaller circles within it all the way to the CIty Lord's castle.

If an expert were to look at the city from above right now, he would be horrified to realize that this ordinary city was not so ordinary anymore. The whole city was designed as a formation which had been silent for a long time and was now beginning to awaken. The number of experts on the main continent who could recognize that this city was actually a formation was not many, all of them were at least partial demigods, and even if they could recognize it, they wouldn't be able to do anything to it.

As the formation awakened, a red glow started to flow in the air as the hearts of the people calmed down, the temperature increased which provided warmth to the people and even the ringing bells stopped. The Young City Lord with his secretary stood at the balcony of his palace as he looked at the city which was glowing red. His face just like his secretary was pale as they looked at the formation which was rumbling. There was a scroll in the hands of the City Lord which he was clenching tightly. This scroll had appeared out of thin air in the main office of the Castle the moment the Ice King broke his seal.

This scroll was the reason for their pale faces as they realized that this was the founder of this City's last attempt to save it, the scroll also told them about how the chances of stopping this calamity weren't high, they might even have to abandon the city...

"Have the Heavens really forsaken us?", The City Lord looked sorrowfully toward's the sky. The event that was about to take place would decide whether the city lived or died.

"Come, let us go and fuel the formation.", The Young City Lord said as he turned around towards the secret chamber that the scroll pointed to. The secretary nodded her head as she gave the city a glance trying to remember it in her memory as she followed behind him.

The formation wouldn't need the help of the CIty Lord and others until a crucial moment arrived when it had to defend and fight against the enemies, otherwise, it could function through the limited spiritual energy in the air. As the red glow got thicker, a shadow of a person appeared shining in bright yellow above the city. The shadows face was exactly same as the face of the being in the Ice cave which had sealed The Ice King. It was the shadow of Ruth Wakado. The shadow slowly opened its eyes as it looked towards the direction of the approaching Ice King coldly.

The people of the city looking at the appearance of this person calmed down as they realized who it was. There were many statues of this person around the city which Lin Fang didn't have the time to see but this didn't mean that the natives weren't able to recognize him. Many of them even got onto their knees as they prayed to Ruth Wakado to save them. It was unknown whether their prayers worked or not as it was at this moment that another shadow appeared in the sky. It was first a small dot which got bigger and bigger. It arrived in front of the city in no time at all.

The Ice King was no more a ten-foot tall giant, he was now as a few hundred feet tall as he looked at the massive flaming body in the formation.

"Stop right there Ice King.", The red Ruth spoke from inside the formation. His voice was loud and clear as he looked at the Ice King with an unhidden and a massive killing intent. The Ice king sneered at the person in the formation as he said, "You may have been strong once but your body still weathered and died due to old age, now look at you, you are just a fragment of his soul which he sealed in the formation before dying, you think you can stop me."

"Fragment or not, this is as far as you get, while I am only a partial soul, the faith of your kind in you has dwindled leading to your strength falling by a great margin. With the help of this Red Blood Demon Formation, I will be able to pin you down and seal you easily even if I cannot kill you."

The voices of the two were very loud and were nearly heard across the city but not many could understand what the two were talking about. What faith? What Red BLood Demon Formation? The words of Ruth Wakado seemed to have affected The Ice King as his expression turned cold.

"Tell the old, the young and the women in your city to flee cause when I am done with you, no one in the city shall live. I will give them three hours, do what you will.", After saying that, The Ice King sat down looking at the city like a hunter eyeing its prey. He may be a demon but he disdained the slaughter of such weak creatures like young children and old people, besides, they don't make good slaves. What was the use of carrying such burdens when he could take in the strong people to be his slaves?

Ruth Wakado stood there meeting his fierce gaze as he said, "They do not need to flee as you would once again be sealed and not be able to bring them any harm."

The Ice King shouted loudly as he sat there, "YOU WILL GIVE WAY, THE HONOUR OF THIS DEMON GENERAL IS AT STAKE." He was fed up of this useless talk with Ruth Wakado as he closed his eyes to wait for the three hours to end.

Ruth Wakado also felt anger as he looked at this demon behaving so arrogantly in his own territory, who did he think he was? He looked at the people praying to him below and a slight smile which everyone missed flashed across his face. What a fool this demon was, it had been a wise choice to choose this softy who was a so-called 'honorable' person that didn't kill those who couldn't lift a weapon to defend themselves, he even hated it when his hands got 'dirty' due to killing these weaklings. He had been wondering how to buy more time to get used to this formation but he had plenty of it now. Three hours huh, we shall see, Ruth Wakado sneered in his heart.

And at this very moment, every player in the vicinity of Greenwood Spirit received a mission, including Lin Fang.