City Battle

{Quest: City Defence

Rank: Unknown

The Ice King from the Ice Forest has attacked the City. As adventurers, you have been called upon to safeguard the people of the city and protect the weak from the demons. The demons will raid the city in three hours as the founder of this city 'Ruth Wakado' and 'Ice King' battle for supremacy. Protect humans. The Church shall also partake in the battle. Follow General Meng into battle as he divides you into various units to guard certain areas of the City and its walls.

Quest Reward: One Level up for all players who participate(In case of Victory only)}

Every single battle class player in the vicinity of Greenwood City received this notification. The moment they saw it, their eyes started glowing as excited expressions appeared on their faces.

"YES! A city Defence quest", Many screams like this were heard throughout the town and in the surroundings of the city. Many players who were outside the city adventuring hurridly started returning towards it. Unfortunately for them, the City gates were already closed as they prepared for battle, the people outside the city would be the cannon fodder for the upcoming demon hoard. These people would be lucky if even a few of them survived but they didn't know the situation, otherwise, they would surely have never tried to return to the city and might even run away from it as fast as possible.

While most players received this prompt, the support type class received a quest on creating as many materials like potions and weapons for the coming raid as they could. All the players did their best as they tried to increase their survival rate in the upcoming battle. Some bought weapons while other bought potions. The reason why the players were behaving like this was because the city defense quests were a gold mine. Not taking into account the reward of unconditional level up in case of victory, it was possible to kill a large number of demons gaining quick experience. Of course, this experience came at a large amount of risk as the number of casualties in a city battle would obviously be very high.

While the players were doing their best to prepare, Lin Fang received a totally different quest...

{Quest: City Attack

Rank: Unknown

The Ice King will attack the city in three hours. Meanwhile, the demons in the surroundings have heard his roared and are answering his summons as a massive demon hoard from the nearby regions and the underworld forms to bring down the city. As one of the stronger demons in the vicinity, take part in the demon raid to loot and plunder the humans and show them the superiority of your kind.

Reward: One Level Up for players who participate(In Case of Victory only}

Lin Fang looked at the quest with the same face as other players, excitement. Even though his personality has changed quite a bit since the blue-eye incident, he would still behave as he used to when something exciting or depressing happened though it was less extreme than before.

He had heard the City battles were quite bloody and gruesome in the game as the creators tried to keep it as realistic as possible. This was why the players with heart diseases have been warned to log out of the game in case a city battle happened in their area. Lin Fang would obviously go and witness one of the first city battles of the game, it would surely be amazing. He thought as he started moving in the direction of the city.

Meanwhile in various locations around Greenwood City...

The ground suddenly started to shake as cracks appeared on it. The dungeons in which monster resided but never came out suddenly opened up as the howls of the demons covered the skies. All the bosses of the surrounding dungeons started moving towards the City with their troops leading the way. From the cracks in the ground, groups of monsters appeared as they started following the demon troop. As more and more dungeons opened up, the number of monsters in the hoard kept on increasing it reached a massive size. Some monsters were fast while the other's were slow, some were flying while some were crawling, these demons had no pattern or discipline, they stood randomly and moved at their own paces but one thing was certain, if any person from the city saw this scene, he would realize that the chances of survival of the city weren't high unless Ruth Wakado could defeat Ice King quickly and take charge of the battle. Of course, this guy wasn't omnipotent and couldn't fight away all the demons himself leading to massive losses even in case of victory but at least, there was a chance that the city would survive, no matter how small it was.

As the size of the demon hoard grew, the demons started to grow frantic. The city was getting closer and closer, rivers of blood were about to flow. If the river would be of demon blood or human blood, that was left to be seen...

Greenwood City...

"It is really happening, I wish I could stay and see it. A pity I have to go.", A girl sat on top of a tower as she looked at the city preparing for war. This woman wore red loose clothes which hid her perfect covers, her face looked normal but it had a certain charm to it. This girl was Flame Princess Song Ming. Her face didn't have that frozen smile of her's on her face anymore as she looked sorrowfully at the city, no, she was looking at the whole virtual world as if trying to commit it to memory.

While she was taking in the view of the city, a shadow suddenly appeared behind her as it raised its hand to pat her shoulder. Flame Princess's instinct kicked in immediately as her expression became cold. She dodged the incoming hand creating a small distance between the two before she raised her hands to cast a spell as she looked at the person who had appeared. His skill must be pretty high to get so close to her without her realizing it.

But the moment she saw his face, she was stunned for a second before her face was covered in pain. She let her hands fall back and turned around as she tried to control her raging emotions and not allow the person across her to see her split-second weakness. The person who had appeared was Heavenly Dagger. His face no more had that carefree smile on his face either. In fact, his eyes glowed with intelligence and experience far above his age, his expression was calm as he looked at the girl standing with her back to him.

"You shouldn't have come to look for me.", She said after a short pause.

"It is your choice if you want to accept me or not but you cannot stop me from loving you.", Heavenly Dagger said as he looked at her with warmth glowing in his eyes.

Song Ming's felt more pain in her heart as she heard his words. She didn't know what she felt for Heavenly Dagger but she knew one thing, she didn't want to see him get hurt, especially because of her.

"I will be engaged in two days and this is the last time I will ever enter the game. This is also quite possibly the last time you will ever see me in this lifetime. This is why it would be better for you to forget about me.", She said after a short pause. She didn't want Heavenly Dagger to follow this unattainable dream of his. She was being forced into a marriage potentially destroying her life, she didn't want something like that to happen to Heavenly Dagger because of following his impossible dreams, just like she once had.

After hearing her words, the warmth in Heavenly Dagger's eyes didn't decrease as he thought that this woman was really foolish, even though his thoughts called her foolish, his heart felt like it was being pierced by countless blades. His love was going to be engaged to someone else, how could he not feel sad.

Though Song Ming didn't say it, Heavenly Dagger seemed to know that her marriage was arranged and not her choice as he didn't blame her or feel any anger towards her at all.

"Song Ming, even if I cannot stop this engagement from happening, I would never allow you to marry anyone else other than me even if I have to kidnap you.", Heavenly Dagger said as he buried the agony he felt deep inside his heart. His expression turned cold as he thought of something.

Song Ming's expression quickly turned to disbelief as she turned around to look at Heavenly Dagger only to find him looking at her with a warm smile on his face as if that cold expression had never appeared, there was even a bit of excitement as if he was seeing her face after eons. She ignored all this as she asked, "You, how do you know my name?"

How did he find out? She never told anyone her name in the game and she was positive she didn't know this guy in real life so how could he know her name?

"That is not important", Heavenly Dagger said as he waved his hand trying to change the topic," What is important is that now I know your name and since you told me that I had to defeat you in a battle to be worthy of knowing it, I will fight you and prove that I am good enough, so come, come and fight me." He raised the two dagger's in his hands as he took a fighting stance, looking at her with a serious expression on his face.

Song Ming was dumbfounded for a second by his words before she remembered the promise she made to him. Then she faced a dilemma, whether to fight or not to fight.