Battle Inside the City

The moment the three-hour limit ended, Ice King stood up as he roared, "I GAVE THEM A CHANCE TO SURVIVE, IT IS ALL YOUR FAULT IF THEY ALL DIE TODAY. MY DEMONS, ATTACK FOR ME!!! LEAVE NO ONE ALIVE", his scream covered the skies and the demons roared back as if acknowledging his call and started running towards the city.

Meanwhile, Ice King himself engaged Ruth Wakado in battle. The two charged towards each other as they used the energy in the surroundings to form weapons. The formation breathed a warm current of fire that turned into a sword which Ruth Wakado was using while Ice King used Ice elemental energy to form a long spear. The weapons of the two met and a massive boom was created. Both of them retreated hundreds of meters from the point of impact in a single move. The good thing was that the two were mid-air, otherwise, the damage the two would have done to the demons and the city would have been devastating.

Ruth Wakado looked like a toddler in front of the massive Ice King and yet, it was clear from the first move that they were equally matched. As the two rose higher and higher to avoid damaging the formation or the demon troops due to their strength, they became small dots that could barely be seen but the force of there attacks could still be felt all this distance away.

Some demons stopped to take a look before fear flashed in their eyes and they focused on the task ahead. laying a siege on the city. The city was surrounded by huge trenches on all sides in range of the archers which would surely lead to massive loses for the demons if they tried to force their way in. Meanwhile, the sky was being guarded by a formation so it was impossible to fly in.

This was the thought process of the demons who were intellectually smarter than the others. The low-leveled demons didn't understand this concept as they charged blindly towards the city with red hungry eyes. Sure enough, the city guards appeared on the walls as they used arrows to kill as many demons as they could which tried to climb the walls. Above the city, the minions attacked as they tried to kill the guards to allow the demon army to enter the city but the formation was hindering their aid as the soldiers used arrows to bring quite a few of them down as well.

Mages also made an appearance as they burned hoards and hoards of demons who were getting too close to the top for the armies comfort. The humans were using strategies to fight against a large number of enemies. Lin Fang looked around and noticed that none of the big bosses had made a move and had expressionless faces as they watched their subordinates die and stopped his urge of trying to attack as well. Wait, he thought, I should wait a bit more, the chances of death right now were too high, he should wait until the enemy grew a bit tired or the city defense broke.

His wait wasn't wasted as a demon managed to reach the top of the wall. Of course, he was immediately killed but this was the start of the shift of the battle from a stalemate to a slaughter. If one demon could make it, there would surely be another one, then another one until the humans grew tired and the holes in the defense grew bigger.

Seeing someone reach the top of the wall, the moral of the demons increased as they started attacking even more ferociously which Lin Fang didn't think was originally possible, some of the demons with long range abilities who for some reason had been silent until now started taking out the archers on the top of the wall now, when hundreds of their kind were already dead. Lin Fang looked at these demons coldly as he chuckled to himself. It was true that for benefits, even brother's could betray each other let alone people unrelated to them.

Finally, more demons started reaching the top as the third massacre in the last three hours began. The first one was when the demons slaughtered the human outside the city walls, the second one was when the humans slaughtered demons outside the city wall, and now the third one, the demons slaughtered humans on the city walls.

While the archer's tried to kill the group of monster's that had appeared on the top, it gave the others behind a chance to jump up and reach the city wall as well thus starting a chain reaction. More demons reached the top and since most of the able-bodied soldiers were patrolling the city because the fall of the city wall was pretty much written in stone, the archer's were who were helpless in close range combat died gruesome deaths as the demons marched forward.

Some of the new arriving demons on the walls threw done ropes for other demons to climb, a certain portion of the city wall had been taken, the city was bound to be covered in blood now. Lin Fang thought that this was the best time to make his move since he wasn't skilled in a long-range battle of this distance, he should go in and kill some strong warriors to earn experience. Though the other bosses still hadn't moved yet, Lin Fang jumped onto one of the ropes that fell from the wall and climbed up.

When he reached the top, the place was already full of corpses of demons and humans. The wall's pathway which wasn't wider than three meters was completely covered in red blood. Lin Fang looked at this seen as the demons moved forward leaving a path of destruction in their wake. If Ruth Wakado couldn't come back quickly and use the formation to fight back, then the city would find it hard to survive today.

Lin Fang didn't waste his time anymore as he jumped off the wall to inside the city as he got ready to fight. The moment he hit the ground, all he could see was a chaotic battle, demons and humans fought each other with their lives, the floor was covered in body parts of beasts and humans who had died or lost their limbs mid-battle. Lin Fang could see that even though the demons were more in number, they were outclassed by the strength of the human army which was disciplined unlike the demons. He even spotted a few players but they were divided into various NPC units where they fought with them. Some of them had pale faces while other's looked like they had already vomited, a cruel warzone wasn't something an average person would ever see thus it was a bit troublesome for these people to get accustomed to this scene reducing their fighting power by a lot.

But the human side was only stronger, for now, once the bosses and their immediate subordinates entered, most of the soldiers would find it hard to even survive to see the outcome of the battle today.

All of this didn't matter to Lin Fang who pulled out his dagger's to begin his hunt. He had also been affected by the scene but only for a little while. Right now, his focus was only on one thing, getting as much experience points as possible. He looked once more at his gear as an evil grin covered his face, he was about to strike it rich.

{Ice Armour (Rare)

Stats: +3 Defence

Abilities: Reflect, under the durability limit of this armor, 30% of the attack would be reflected back to the enemy}

{Ice Sword (Rare)

Stats: +3

Abilities: Freeze, anyone injured by this sword would be under the freeze effect and would find his body heavier and slower than before.}

Lin Fang didn't pull out the sword right now as he felt that it would be more productive right now to hunt with dagger's since there were not many people of strength similar to him present right now. His experience bar was about to fill up allowing him to reach level 4. Though the quest for the stone didn't allow him to level up, it did allow him to reach close.

Lin Fang started moving immediately as he ran between the fighting enemies. Since the battle was so chaotic, no one noticed the addition of one more demon. Lin Fang used the movement technique of Lightning Wind Heaven Technique 'Lightning Pace' to move around quickly as his daggers took life after life. Every time he threw his dagger, he would always aim for the middle of the forehead or back side of the head if the enemy was facing the other way. His aim was mostly accurate as the dagger would hit around the spot which he aimed for even though it was not perfect like when he was blue-eyed, but it was satisfactory. Of course, his target was not hit every time as some of them with high preception felt the incoming attack and dodged it.

Lin Fang didn't chase to kill these enemies as he would be wasting precious time which he could use to hunt other weaker soldiers. His experience bar was increasing at a rapid rate as he killed. But as he killed more and more a ting of blue appeared in his eyes threatening to take over his body. Lin Fang realized this feeling as he had gone through it twice already and could be considered to have some experience with it, he resisted this change as he didn't want his body to be in control of somebody or something else. The feeling these blue eyes gave him was irresistible, they seemed to be whispering into his ears, telling him to slaughter everything in his path and for some reason, Lin Fang didn't feel that there was something wrong in senseless slaughter, in fact, it felt like the right thing to do. He shivered as this thought crossed his mind and his struggle increased, his back was covered in cold sweat when he realized that he had nearly given in to his urges.

While he was fighting back against his urge to slaughter everything in a mile of him, some of the humans who had noticed his threat had slowly circled around him. There were five of them in total with eyes full of killing intent. They were going to avenge there lost brothers who this demon had killed mercilessly. Lin Fang was resisting the changes in his body but that didn't stop his expression from becoming cold when he looked at these five men.