Don't You Dare Come Near

1 minute later...

The five of them were lying dead on the ground and Lin Fang had already jumped onto the roof of a building to continue his journey. Lin Fang had a frown on his face as he jumped from roof to roof, he had been able to control himself from giving into the 'seduction' of the blue eyes but he could still feel that something was wrong.

Even though he felt this, he couldn't place his finger on what he felt was wrong. It was like a premonition that something bad was about to happen. If it will happen, it will happen, he thought as he pushed these things to the back of his mind. Lin Fang was moving towards the City Lord's castle, the place where quality beat quantity. The city guards fighting the demons on the walls and around it were only level 1 or 2 which would give him low experience and he might even be surrounded if he killed too many. Besides, no matter how skilled a level 2 player was, he was level 2 only so Lin Fang didn't want to waste much time now that his warm-up was complete. Any soldier above that was either guarding an important figure in the noble hierarchy of the city or was at the city lord's castle protecting it.

Originally he had left those people who could dodge his attacks as they would give low experience even if he killed them which would have taken a little more effort on his part. Lin Fan hadn't wanted to waste his energy on less rewarding tasks so he had ignored them. But soon Lin Fang realized that even though he had killed quite a few of them and his experience bar was rising, it wasn't as quick as he wanted, thus he decided to hunt for bigger fishes as killing a strong level 2 guard wouldn't give him as much experience as killing a weak level 3 guard.

While Lin Fang was running over roofs, many shops and homes had started burning. The black smoke rose into the air turning the sky which was blazing red due to the formation into black color. The demons were setting fire to various places in the city. Lin Fang was about to reach the castle when he heard the sound of a baby crying. His movements stopped immediately as he turned to look at the source of the sound. Someone must have gagged the baby's mouth as only a small cry had escaped but Lin Fang was sure that he hadn't heard it wrong, there was surely a young child in his area. His hearing was far more sensitive than normal people after reaching level 3, thus he could hear it even though it had been barely audible and immediately blocked after the cry escaped.

Usually, when a city battle happened, the young and old and even women were evacuated from the city, so why would a child be present here, was he left behind? Lin Fang thought. He wasn't present when Ruth bragged about how nobody had to leave the city for he will seal the Ice King and had stopped anyone from evacuating.

After a split second of hesitation, Lin Fang decided to take a look at what was happening. Though he was a demon himself, it still felt wrong letting a young life like this one die under the hands of the 'cruel' demons. Besides, he knew that he would surely regret it later on if he didn't do something about the baby he had just heard. He was no hero but he couldn't just let a child die.

Lin Fang took a glance in the direction of the castle before gritting his teeth and turning around.

To his left, he saw a small group of flame devils appearing outside an abandoned looking house which due to the fire devils had been set ablaze. Lin Fang was sure that the voice came from around this area so he moved towards the burning house.

Fire devils were a very weak kind of creature. They were small and would levitate in the air at a height of about 2 meters. They weren't much smarter than your average beast as they only knew how to kill and eat. Flame Devil's looked like small red balls that were on fire making them look quite pretty but they had two fatal weaknesses, one that they had low intellect and health, the other that they had a weak hearing. These flaws were quite easy to exploit in a battle and thus, they were graded as low leveled demons.

Lin Fang didn't disturb the three devils which had just set fire to this house and were moving on to the next one. He directly jumped into the burning house through a window on the second floor. He couldn't see any area burning in this room so the fire was either on the other end of this floor or the first floor (Ground floor is the first floor for those following the other system). He quickly glanced in the surroundings before moving on to the next room.

He had just checked the third and final room on this floor when the smoke from the fire on the first floor came up from the stairs.

Oh no, Lin Fang felt his heart sink, there were no other rooms on the second floor. This could only mean that the child and whoever had gagged him was on the first floor, the place which was surely covered in smoke right now. He didn't hesitate as he jumped down the stairs to look for the people hiding here. Since he wanted to hide his identity he had already covered his mouth with a cloth when he had entered the city thus he didn't waste time doing that.

The moment his feet touched the ground, he immediately felt that the temperature was unbearably hot as smoke entered his eyes. He waved his hands in front of his face trying to remove some of the smoke as he shouted, "Anybody There"

His voice was loud and easily spread throughout the house. As he waited for someone to answer, his body didn't stop moving and he entered the dining hall to look around. Everything in his surroundings was unbearably hot as the second floor finally started to give in and massive wooden beams which had started burning fell right where he had been standing a second ago cracking the floor.

Lin Fang was originally covered in sweat due to the heat was now covered in cold sweat as he thanked the Gods for his luck. When the beam fell, he heard a barely audible voice from the kitchen, "Help."

The person's voice was so inaudible that Lin Fang couldn't even make out the gender. Lin Fang jumped and ran forward the moment he heard the voice. The kitchen was connected to the dining hall by a small door which Lin Fang ran through and immediately took in the scene of the kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, there was no one, Lin Fang felt confused as he once again glanced at the whole scene, the fire had already spread to the upper floor as well and the house could come down anytime right now and the kitchen was in no better state, the whole thing was on fire and a large amount of burning wood had fallen from the second floor which had covered the floor of the kitchen. Just when Lin Fang was doubting his hearing, the massive piece of a wooden beam moved ever so slightly. He realized to his horror that someone was under the wood.

He moved so fast that it seemed like he had teleported to the place as he appeared in front of the beam. Lin Fang wiped the sweat on his forehead before reaching out with his hands to grab it.

"On the count of 3, push it upwards.", Lin Fang shouted as he felt his hands burning. It was painful but he didn't move his hands.

"Okay", Lin Fang was surprised when he heard the voice of the person as she turned out to be a girl and from her voice, her age wasn't much different than his. But Lin Fang didn't have the luxury to think about it more as his hands were hurting more with each passing second and a burn mark had appeared next to his health bar. The burn mark had a similar effect like freeze except that here, a person slowly lost his experience while in freeze a person lost his speed.

"1. 2. 3. PUSH", as he shouted push, Lin Fang used all his might to lift the wooden beam with his hands. The beam had only creaked at first but slowly, under the effort of the two people, Lin Fang lifted the beam over his head and was able to see the scene inside and this scene completely shocked him.

There were five children inside ranging from a child which looked barely one year old and had a cloth in his mouth to stop him from screaming to a scrawny kid of about five years old. There was one other person inside except the kids, she was a girl of about sixteen, had long black hair, bright brown eyes, beautiful features, and an amazing figure which would make any man have fantasies. Since fitness gained importance in the society and the appearance of martial techniques once again, girls and boy's had started looking more beautiful and handsome with time but it was still difficult to find a girl this good-looking.

Unfortunately, Lin Fang was in no mood of enjoying her hot body as he was sweating from the heat and the weight he had to lift, "Get out, quickly." He shouted. The house was going to collapse soon, he had to get these kids and the girl out of here.

The girl was also surprised by Lin Fang's face but her face paled when she saw the marker above his head. He was a demon, as the thought ran through her mind, she let go of the beam in her hand as she used her body to cover the kids.

"Don't you dare come near us.", She screamed looking vigilantly at him.

"Damn it, get out.", Lin Fang screamed as well, since the girl wasn't helping him anymore, the weight he had to bear had increased and he was already finding it hard to breathe. If they didn't leave now, there was a high chance that they might die of suffocation before the died of the house collapsing on them.