The Truth(Part 3)

Lin Fang immediately ran in the direction of the scream. It had come from a room that he had already searched. This confused him as he wondered how someone had escaped from his search. His question was answered the moment he entered the room.

This was the City Lord's study, it had a massive size with two floors and thousands of books covering tens of bookshelves. The City Lord's library and study were merged as one for ease of use.

What Lin Fang saw inside was a silver armored soldier lying in front of a broken shelf with a passageway inside of it, looking at the passageway, Lin Fang understood why he hadn't been able to find anyone, all of them must be inside it, he thought.

Lin Fang ran up to the soldier, he was breathing lightly as he laid there, there was a massive cut on the front of his armor as blood flowed out of the wound. The cut seemed to be that of a sharp claw of some kind. The guard had also fallen unconscious, maybe due to the blood loss, the wound had also turned purple.

"Hey.", Lin Fang used his hands to lightly hit on the unconscious guard's face trying to wake him up, his efforts worked as the guard after getting slapped for the third time opened his eyes wide as he took in deep breathes, his eyes looked at Lin Fang's face trying to recognize him, but because he was too close to Lin Fang, he wasn't able to see the small symbol floating a few inches from his head identifying him as a demon.

"Save-Lord-Betrayed...", as the guard too in deep breathes, he said in a voice that seemingly lacked any moisture trying to tell Lin Fang something very important. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to complete his message before he lost all signs of life. Looking at his dead body, Lin Fang somehow felt like he had entered a weird state, even on his dying breath, this man was worried about the city lord, not his family(if he had any), not his parents or friends but the city lord. Had he lived a life with no regrets except his master that he would say something like this? Lin Fang wondered. His eyes also narrowed as he thought about how this guard came to an end like this. If there was a murder, there would surely be a killer.

After staying still for a few seconds, Lin Fang stood up as he looked at the hole in the wall with burning eyes, without a second of delay he entered the secret passageway. The small second of contemplation about the dead guard's life had only been a thought on Lin Fang's part, he had other important things to do and he couldn't waste his time here. If Lin Fang had stayed behind a little while longer, he would have seen a scene that might have scared him into leaving the city. The body slowly started withering as it seemed to have aged a hundred years in the few seconds that Lin Fang had left, even its bones could be seen after a few seconds as a burning red energy rose from within him.

The red energy went into the air and entered the formation. If any other person had seen this scene, they would surely realize how terrible things were about to get.

The moment he entered the tunnel, the scenery surrounding him changed, from an ancient looking beautiful castle, he entered a dark and gloomy pathway with only a few lights at large intervals. This didn't trouble Lin Fang, what troubled him was that his body somehow felt heavier than before he entered this place, just what was going on Lin Fang wondered but his movements didn't stop as he traveled down the small cave.

He had only traveled a small distance when he felt a very distinctive smell in the air, the smell of blood. He got more vigilant as he entered the next area with more stress on his hiding skills. When he reached the first room in the cave, he was horrified to find hundreds of dead bodies lying together in a cluster. To make matter's worse, the demon and human bodies were intermixed giving the whole mountain a very shocking look, Lin Fang already couldn't control his emotions when he saws the small red streams flowing out of the mountain of skin, his face was drained from all colors as he tried to fight back the urge to vomit for the second time today, this scene was even more terrible than the first one.

After a few seconds of deep breathing, Lin Fang looked was able to control his urge as he looked around the room only to realize that all the guards that were lying inside this room had worn a similar armor like that dead person outside, why weren't these guys given a proper funeral and what is up with these monster carcass? Lin Fang frowned as he thought these questions, the situation was getting more and more complicated, he had hundreds of questions and no answers. After taking one final glance in the surroundings and making sure that he didn't miss anything, Lin Fang moved forward.

As he got closer and closer to whatever was at the end of this tunnel, the suppression on his body only increased until he had started sweating, only at this moment did he see the end of the tunnel, looking at the bright light on the other end, Lin Fang couldn't help but sigh in relief, if the tunnel had gone on for any longer, he wouldn't have been able to reach the end, he was already starting to have trouble walking straight right now.

When he crossed the light, the scene in front of him once against shocked him, the scene in front of him was similar to the last one as it was also covered in dead bodies, but the main point of difference was that all the bodies were completely intact and all the people in the area seemed to be 'old', they looked like they had died of old age instead of a battle but this didn't make any sense, why would these old men wear silver armors, were they about to fight something when they died. No, there was something else he couldn't place his finger on.

As these thoughts flashed through his mind, he looked around vigilantly, if these men were going into battle, then the one they fought and the demons and humans who were killed outside should have the same enemy and according to Lin Fang's calculation, the enemy should be around here somewhere. Also, what happened the to the City Lord and his guards, where were they?

The area was actually quite beautiful if you ignored the human bodies that littered the whole area, there were green plants, long grass. The area was enclosed in an inverted cone-like structure with a massive hole on the top to allow sunlight inside, just where was he, Lin Fang wondered, a hole that big should have been noticed long ago. Some kind of magic or formation may be he thought as he glanced at the bright sun above his head. Lin Fang also realized that the bodies in the surroundings all had a similar gash on their chest as the guard who died outside, this further intensified the unease, Lin Fang felt.