The Truth(Part 2)

When Lin Fang reached the City Lord's castle, his face had regained some of its vigour. The scene on the streets had been a bit too much for him but he had been able to get over it and focus on his main mission, killing guards to earn experience and looting the treasury, the order in which he would achieve his goals depended upon who or what he found first, the treasury or an army of soldiers.

The City Lord's castle was surrounded by a large number of demons but they didn't dare to enter it. Not because they were scared of the guards inside, no, they didn't dare because they knew that the castle was the spoils of their leaders, the dungeon bosses, any other demon who tried to enter would be dead meat, of course, this didn't include Lin Fang who had a strength similar to an average boss monster.

When Lin Fang tried entering the castle through the crowd, he was immediately blocked by a small group of about ten monsters around level 2. the other demons couldn't see his strength which came from his class instead of his level. As a result, he was treated like a weakling by the demons who surrounded the castle.

"Which Lord do you serve?", the leader of this small group, the only level 3 demon in it asked. If Lin Fang belonged to a weaker faction, he might not even gain the right to stand outside the castle let alone entering it. This might seem unfair but this was what the demon hierarchy was built upon, if you have the strength you can even covet the position of a god, if not, then you can blame no one for dying a premature death, this was the essence of the demon world, strength.

Lin Fang didn't answer the question the leader of the group had asked, he was a humanoid ice spirit so it would have been pretty different to spot the difference between him and other humans if not for his pale blue skin color.

The demons immediately started moving closer to Lin Fang when he didn't give an answer after a little while reaching the conclusion that he was a lone wolf. Looking at their actions, Lin Fang couldn't help but sneer, his strength was already compared to someone at Level 6, these demons were not even strong enough to make him sweat let alone make him leave. Besides, many believed that loose demons would always be weaker than the demons of the guild.

If he wanted to, he could slaughter hoards of this kind of weak demons as there was a massive gap between each boundary and Lin Fang was already comparable to someone at Level 6 while these demons were on an average Level 2.

Before anyone could even realize what had happened, a slash flashed through the air producing a metallic sound as a dagger cut through the air aimed at the demons surrounding him. The demons who had been walking towards Lin Fang paused as there was a pin drop silence in the area, all the demons whether they were big or small were watching the scene that was playing out of them. After a second passed, out of the original ten, five of them fell back as blood flowed out of their necks like a river. They died without even realizing what had struck them.

Only some of the stronger demons in the surroundings had been able to barely see what had happened and they shivered thinking if they could have survived if a dagger that fast had struck them.

Meanwhile, the backs of the other five were already covered in cold sweat, sweat could even be seen glistening on their foreheads but they didn't dare to wipe it or move a muscle without Lin Fang's permission. This was submission through absolute strength, no matter how smooth of a talker Lin Fang was, it would have been of no use if he hadn't been able to scare the demons and gain entry into the castle, fortunately, his plan worked, Lin Fang thought as he shook his hand.

None of the demons present noticed but there was a slight cut on lIn Fang's palm from which blood was dripping. This was a move from the first level of 'Lightning Wind Heaven Technique' the 'Wind Slash'. In this move, the blade of the dagger moved so fast that the enemy would only be able to see after images of the hands. According to the ancient records, if this technique at its peak, this move would allow a person to break through the encirclement of hundred's of people a lightning speed.

Unfortunately, Lin Fang hadn't still learned the very basics as he injured himself as well when he used this move. He would have to practice more of it future to perfect it. But the move had done its job like the rest of the demons quietly made way for him towards the castle gate.

Lin Fang gave his surroundings an expressionless glance as he moved forward without saying anything. What surprised and confused Lin Fang was that there were no guards on the castle walls firing arrows at the demons. It was as if they City Lord had surrendered. I should go up and see what's going on, Lin Fang thought as his pace increased, according to his calculation, the dungeon bosses would arrive in roughly half-an-hour and they would surely force him to share his loot with them, thus, he had to move quickly. Though he had roughly the same strength as those guys, this didn't mean that Lin fang could fight all of them if they joined together.

When Lin Fang entered the castle and studied his surroundings, he was once again surprised to find the place empty. Seeing the massive castle that seemed to have no signs of life, Lin Fang wondered if the City Lord had escaped from some underground secret passageway. This didn't stop him from continuing to explore the areas of the fortress which he hadn't visited before but this time, in search of people and the treasury instead of a stone. If the City Lord escaped, it would be physically impossible to carry a whole treasury out of the castle on such a short notice or without any carriages, thus even if the City Lord took important treasures with him, he should still have left quite a bit behind.

Unlike last time, when Lin Fang was advancing through the castle, he didn't find any other person as if the whole staff and the master included had disappeared from this place. While searching around, ten minutes passed and he still couldn't find the treasury. Lin Fang was now getting anxious as the demon bosses were about to arrive in a short while. Just when Lin Fang had given up hope that some miracle would happen, he heard a loud scream...