After signalling Sayuri to sit on the platform below the parasol tree, Overlord also took his place across her.

"Child, now let's start with your second part of your Soul aspect training. Splitting soul consciousness. As i had already told you before, an overlord needs attunement with all the seven elements of the nature and draw them at the same time into the chakra systems of the body. For that you need to learn to split your consciousness and synchronise them at the same time. There are some special techniques to split one's soul , but in the long run of cultivation it is detrimental to a cultivator.Once the soul is split, it will be not as much effective as full potential of a complete soul. So we are going to do it in a simple, old, traditional way .First try to get a feel and communicate with a single element, then try with 2 elements at the same time, increase the numbers of elements with time. This procedure may sound easy at first, but trust me, you not only need to feel and control them, you must synchronize your actions perfectly without zero errors. It's a long and tedious work, but by the end of this training , you will know how to bring up the full potential of the soul.

Remember, all you need to do is feel,communicate and control them, don't try to to absorb them, if you by chance absorb any element, it will mark your soul and will end your path of overlord. With enough luck and comprehension during this training , you may also gleam into elemental laws. These laws will help you strengthen the elemental attacks. " - Overlord

At first Sayuri thought, it's like drinking coffee while reading some books. Only now, did she realize , how small her margin of error is.

"Teacher, i can understand feel and control, but what does communication with elements mean, do the elements talk with us? Also teacher, if it's a long training session, how i am going to strengthen my soul ?"- Sayuri

"Yes, they do.Just like us, they are also a part of nature. It's just the way to communicate with them is a bit harder. Every element has a emotion of it's own.They can communicate us through these emotions .You just need to understand these emotions. As for strengthening your soul, same split consciousness separately for it. I will be, beside you, in case you mess up your training."- Overlord

She slowly stretched her soul sense around her. In her previous training, she just followed the soul strengthening technique and absorbed the spirit energy from the spiritual air. Now that she started sensing presence of individual energies on her own , without any mantras. She can feel the strong exuberance of life energy, indomitable presence of primordial essence, calm spirit energy and finally the elemental energies. She started to slowly spread her soul sense across each element at a time. She started to spend her time analysing each and every element at a time and found that each element carried a certain emotion as mentioned by her teacher. As time passed by, she spent even more time to understand just what these emotions stands for. After a long time she came across some conclusions.

FIRE is a hungry, intense Element. It is associated with strength, emotion, and change.

LIGHTNING is a stark, vigorous Element. It is associated with focus, willpower and potential.

EARTH is a static, monolithic Element. It is associated with endurance, determination and fertility.

WATER is an enigmatic, amorphous Element. It is associated with flexibility, intellect and momentum.

AIR is an aloof, dynamic Element. It is associated with speed, creativity and confidence.

SPACE is a radiant, energetic Element. It is associated with, wisdom and clarity. TIME is a steady, progressive Element. It is associated with patience and purity.

YIN - YANG is both light and darkness.It is associated with both vitality and creation.

After coming to these conclusions, unlike before she started to slowly draw a single strand of spirit energy and control fire element, but whenever she tried to absorb the spirit energy, fire element followed it on cue. It took her close to 10 years to absorb the spirit energy without absorbing the fire element. After a long time of concentration and steadiness, she was able to split her consciousness in both ways. Then she started to slowly control spirit,fire and earth . This time it took another 50 years. As she tried to increase the number of elements each time, the time to progress also took longer.

Control over 4 elements took 100 years

Control over 5 elements took close to 400 years

Control over 6 elements took 1900 years

Control over 7 elements took 6000 years

Control over 8 elements took close to 18000 years

When she was able to control all the 7 elements and absorb the spirit energy , she came out of her meditation stance , she found her teacher smiling at her

"Child, your progress is much faster than i expected.Instead of directly going for control over elements , you spent enough time to study them. I guess you must have come to some conclusions of your own after communicating with them . But remember you are still only half way through the training , you still need to exercise control over primordial essence and life energy. Even though they are part of physical aspects of training, they are absorbed into your body through control of your soul. So unlike elements, you don't have to worry about your soul absorbing these energies, but still try to treat them as elements and control them for the time.It will sharpen your soul to a larger degree. Also if you want to push yourself harder, you can try combining various elements. "- Overlord

Sayuri did as she told, and this time it took close to 2 years to get into her previous rhythm. when she did, she was quickly in control of all the 8 elements, she had previously and tried to control life energy for extra this time

It took her 300000 years this time to control all the 9 at once and another 800000 years for all the ten. So the remaining part of the time, she decided to push herself to the limits and started to combine 2 elements at once. At first it was tough like the other previous exercises, but was able to get some interesting results from combining and she was having fun doing it. She was able to form ice, snow, flame, ash, stone, dirt, metal , crystals, storm, magnet and wood etc. After finishing with combining 2 elements, she started combining 3 elements at once.This time it took a lot of effort, but the results were nevertheless fun for her. She spent the next 1.5 million years of her training, strengthening her soul and control exercises .By the time she finished her training in the dimension, her soul had an extra edge and pressure to it. She can cover a radius of 100 million km easily with her soul sense.When she opened her eyes, she found her teacher opposite to her playing chess.

"Child, very good.I am very happy your tried to push yourself to the limits, i can see you were very happy playing with the elements.I was about to wake you up, if u took any more time. It's about time you move onto your second life. You only have 3 more days left in the dimension.So for the next 3 days accompany me with playing chess."- Overlord

In the blink of an eye, she spent over 2 million years in this dimension.She felt at home here. Now she has to move on. After brushing unnecessary thoughts , she started playing chess with her teacher.

" Teacher, can i know about the world i am going to reborn in ? "- Sayuri

"Hmm yes. It's called Kaguya world. It's bordering between High mid state world to Low higher state world.It's divided into 3 continents, each separated by a mighty ocean. None of the each continent people know, the existence of the other 2 continents. First continent is called Barbarian continent, it is full of tribes fighting each other. In the recent times, they started to come together and formed a complete militaristic society. In terms of population and area, it dwarfs the other 2 continents. The second is Monster continent, as the name suggests it is a continent inhabited by monsters, it is rich in resources as well. It is smallest of all the continents but stronger in strength. Third is Shinobi continent, this is where you are going to start your second life. It is the second biggest but, weaker in terms of strength compared to the other 2 continents. Constant wars among ninjas weakened its strength. The world is rich in spiritual air, but due to the lack of proper cultivation techniques, even the strongest person of this world, was only able to bring out 5% of his true potential compared to what the world is offering. For you this is the perfect place to cultivate and increase your battle potential. This is a continent, where only the strongest have the voice to express themselves. Show mercy only to those who are worth it, otherwise, not only you, the one close to you will also suffer worse fate." - Overlord

With the current strength of her soul, she can easily weed evil people from good ones. She is not going to show any mercy to those who endanger the life of her loved ones in the future. When, she was in her thoughts, she heard CHECKMATE sound. Soon she started her second match with her teacher.

"Remember, the room that was sealed on the first floor. It is now opened, i left you a small gift there.You can check it later. Also, small advice, when you are in your mother's womb, try to do the same spiritual air controlling exercises, because the feeling will be a bit different compared to a true body and only soul. Also try to draw 0.001% of spiritual air only at the last month before you were born. If you even absorb 1% of spiritual air, you are gonna attract unwarranted attention to yourself. Also don't go all out during your first year training. Otherwise it will be hard to get your bed and diapers wet."- Overlord

Sayuri wrapped to the first floor of the pagoda in embarrassment after hearing her teacher's last sentence. If she is gonna not follow that advice, she might scare her new parents, hinting something is wrong with her body.When she entered the room on the library floor, she noticed the room is designed in a simple medieval architectural style.The three sides of the room is lined up with shelves containing battle,strategic and manipulation techniques jade slips.There is a very well crafted wooden throne like chair and huge wooden desk in the middle of the room. There is a single scroll of unknown leather resting on the center of the desk. She knew just based on the aura emitting from the scroll, it must be the gift mentioned by her teacher. She slowly approached the desk, and spread her soul sense into it.The moment she did that, the room was covered in a blinding light and the scroll dissolved into particles, imprinting the information containing in it directly on her soul. This is a unique cultivation technique to refine the body and strengthen the soul at the same time. The only requirement to use this technique is a strong soul . It's called Overlord Cultivation Technique. There is also a detailed explanation on how to overcome certain breakthroughs of cultivation. After digesting the information on the scroll, she appeared back at the base of the parasol tree. Next three days both teacher and student , spent their time playing chess. Soon the time was up.

" Alright Child, the time is's time to start on a new journey."- Overlord

Sayuri didn't know, how to bid farewell to her teacher, so she did the only thing, she can do, she kowtowed to him three times again with utmost sincerity and devotion. By the time she finished her kowtow's, she was gone from the God's dimension surrounded by darkness.