Darkness.That's what Sayuri felt, when she came to her senses. She spent nearly 8 weeks of time in this darkness.During this 8 weeks , she was just in static state, she can't even use her soul sense. Maybe it is a type of protection from nature when soul is slowly fusing with the fetus. When she regained her senses, she quickly scanned her surroundings. She noticed there is an another fetus beside her. May be her twin. For the moment she can only spread her soul sense to only 10 feet, compared to her usual 100 million km. Again she attributed it to her powerful soul, still in a state of fusion. She remembered her teacher words, to start controlling exercises when her soul is being fused with physical body. Because of being restricted to a limited area and weak soul sense, she had to struggled a lot in the beginning to get her synchronizing going.So as to not alert her parents and those around her, she decided to only train during night times with minimum intensity. she decided to split her time between controlling exercises during night and studying, after all there is a huge library waiting for her. But before that she want to first confirm her whereabouts and as luck should have it, she was able to catch few sentences with her soul sense.

"Mikoto sama, congratulations you are pregnant. By the pulse beat on the wrist, it must be twins" - Doctor

Then she heard a heartfelt laughter from a man, probably her father. The next few sentences confirmed it.

" I, UCHIHA FUGAKU am going to become a father. Our Uchiha main family is going to have heir's. This is time for celebrations." -Father( Fugaku)

She finally knew her parents name, Mikoto and Fugaku. She is going to be a part of uchiha family. Maybe she can find something about uchiha family in the library room. With that thought , she arrived on the first floor, Slowly sending her thoughts to the pagoda to search for anything related to Uchiha family. After few seconds a green jade sleep is floating in front of her. When she spread her soul sense into it, all the information related to her clan was directly imprinted onto her soul. It took almost an hour, before she came to understand, just how rich the history of her clan is.

The uchiha are descendants of Indra Otsutsuki, eldest son of Hagoromo Otsutsuki. Indra inherited hagoromo's eyes granting him powerful rich spiritual energy and chakra. Uchiha are a subject to powerful emotions, especially towards love, which activates their trademark eyes, sharingan at the loss of their loved ones. Indra's father hagoromo choose Asura as his successor over his elder son Indra. Which made Indra hate his younger brother and fight him over succession rights, giving rise to "curse of hatred". The Uchiha and Senju, descendants of Indra and Asura respectively began fighting each other for centuries, the reason for the fight which was long last with passing of time. By the time of warring states period, the Uchiha and senju are the strongest shinobi clans, when one country hires Uchiha, then their opposing country would hire the Senju. They rivalry between each clans fuelled more hatred, owing the death of their loved ones on each other. Centuries of war took toll on both Uchiha and Senju clan members. Madara Uchiha and Hashirama Senju are childhood friends, bonding over their disapproval of the combat and death that they and their younger brothers were constantly subjected to and dreaming for a time when children wouldn't need to fight. When they were forced to know each other identity as their rival clan heirs, they parted ways as rivals. Madara and Hashirama continued to fight each other as they grew up,during these fights he awakened his 2nd version of sharingan Mangekyo Sharingan. During one of these clan wars Hashirama younger brother Tobirama killed Madara's younger brother Izuna. Hashirama as his status of senju clan leader, offered peace between two clans.Madara awakened 3rd version of sharingan Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan by fusing his eyes with his brother Izuna's. Madara after one final fight with Hashirama for supremacy, which he lost, had to agree to peace, when Hashirama himself offered his life for the taking.

They Uchiha unified with Senju and made a pact with Land of Fire ruler, to build a hidden militaristic village within it's borders which is Konohagakure. Other clans also settled in Konoha to share their peace and Konoha's model was adopted across the shinobi continent ending warring states era. Hashirama became the first Hokage, Konoha's leader. Fearing that the Uchiha would lose it's supremacy under Senju, Madara tried to rally his own clan members, but none supported him as they are already tired of fighting. Displeased with how his own clan members didn't support him he left the village. Few years later he returned with Nine Tailed Fox under his control and Fought Hashirama once again. After one last earth shaking battle, he lost to Hashirama and was presumed dead.

Fearing another Uchiha going rogue, Hashirama offered Uchiha to operate Konoha Military Police Force. The Uchiha are known for their high affinity with fire.The current head of the Uchiha clan is Fugaku and his wife is Mikoto.

After her interested is picked , Sayuri started to learn about other tailed beasts, other villages. It took her almost a day to full understand the military,economy and social relations of each villages and the prominent clans in it. She was so hooked up with the information that gigantic beasts like tailed beasts can be sealed in a person. After browsing through few other jade slips, she went to the second floor.

She reached for the jade slip containing ancient words and started memorising all the 3600 words to the last detail with her perfect memory.Then she started going over basic formation slips which mostly contained a few simple formations that are easy to learn and practice like distraction ,illusion,spiritual air gathering arrays. By the end of the day she finished going through half of the information on basic formations.

For the next 6 months she repeated the same action like machine.Studying in the morning and practicing during night. By now her soul sense recovered enough to cover 80 million Km easily. Now her soul sense can cover almost half of the entire shinobi continent. In god's dimension there didn't appear any problems with using soul sense, at most there are her teacher, herself and few trees in the garden. But here it became increasingly difficult at the beginning to filter through all the information her soul sense would detect. The information contained all the things, good,bad and worst. Starting with worst, there are some vilest bastards out there who go to any lengths, starting wars, depriving people of their will and emotions, performing inhuman experiments on even children, brainwashing masses with a non existent god and encouraging genocides. The list just goes on. Sayuri never felt so much hatred in her life, to see people inflicting pain and torture on innocents to achieve their end means. Because of this endless hatred, she unknowingly unlocked a part of the gene code of her ancestors, the Sharingan. She decided in the future she is going to rid of certain mummy guy, snake and venus trap.

Good news is, she was able to watch ninjas perform their daily exercises which are varied depending on the persons,places,clans and countries. She was able to watch her father practice clan's trademark interceptor style and fire techniques in the morning, certain bowl shaped, bushy eyed ninja in green spandex clothes, walking upside down around konoha perimeters shouting something about youth prevails, a certain raikage wrapping himself in lightning to increase speed and defence. Few medical ninjas using medical jutsu on patients, a boy with mask and gravity defining silver hair performing summoning jutsu and her favorite of all of them is a certain blonde named Minato. She was simply fascinated by his applications of sealing techniques, she herself is at close to advance level in sealing techniques after spending the past 6 months daily in the time chamber going through all the knowledge she can grasp from library floor, formations, sealing and alchemy notes.She has to say his application of space time ninjutsu is unique and deadly, earning him the apt moniker yellow flash.

One of the bad news is her clan itself. Due to the almost non existent Senju clan, Uchiha are treated like royal clan in konoha. Because of this most of the Uchiha have become arrogant, not to say her father too. They have come to depend so much on their dojutsu sharingan, that their battle potential will fall by 80% without it. Seriously when do they learn that Sharingan is just a tool, it is not everything. Most of the Uchiha who activated their sharingan, move with head held so high that their nose almost touches the sky. She decided,the first thing she is gonna do after growing up is to beat these bastards back into shape. Second bad news is, almost all the powerful shinobi she can sense are either lazy or perverts.Jonin commander of the village, he is always lazing around watching passing clouds. A certain 4.2 feet Tsuchikage who always demands for konoha shinobi blood, ends up with nose bleed while reading a particular konoha shinobi literary works. Not to mention our very own Mr.Professor, who always complaints about paper work, instead of working on them , ends up doing the same as tsuchikage. The head of corrupting all these leaders with his third rate literary works is a certain long white haired toad ninja. The third and biggest bad news is, the Third Great Shinobi World War just started 5 months ago. There were already skirmishes along borders of each country, but the main thing which blew up these skirmishes into an allout full scale war is the disappearance of the third Kazekage. Hundred thousands of shinobi were deployed from each village, including the big and small villages to their own borders. The total troop count is already at a staggering 12 million, not to include the samurai from land of iron. The casualties were minimal at the beginning, but the losses started to pile up as time passed on. She was saddened to see loss of so many lives.

Only one month is left for her rebirth. So she upped her true training by practicing the Overlord Cultivation Technique. But only restricted it to absorbing 0.001% of spiritual air. With her repeated and constant practices , she was able to achieve perfect synchronizing and draw the spiritual air into their respective chakra systems and elixir fields(dantain).at first she felt like tiny ants crawling throughout her body, but it was soon replaced by a pleasant euphoria. She can feel the spiritual air passing through each and every pressure points,meridians and refined by the dantians.She can also feel all the chakra systems beginning to take their shape as described by her teacher. For the next 4 weeks, she totally concentrated on cultivating itself.

By the end of the month, she can feel her body is attuned to all the natures, where absorbing individual energies became a second nature.During one of these weeks, she noticed some of her blood contains her ancestors energy. Whenever the spiritual air completes a complete cycle throughout the body, the ancestors energy in the blood just started to refine and get stronger. Because of that her blood is almost 60% filled with her ancestors energy. Which helped her to unlock her gene code completely.When she opens her eyes people are in for a surprise.

At the moment mother is rushed to the hospital, with father beside her. Mother's good friend kushina is also present. After a few agonizing screams and curses from my mother, the first to born is my brother and after 4 minutes it was my turn. My brother was cleaned and my father is holding him.I have to act the part of baby and cried to assure my parents, i am fine. After cleaning me i was handed over to my mother. For the first time in millions of years i can feel how warm a mother's embrace can feel. I was blissfully happy and forgot about training and everything and slept with a small smile on my face.