My name is Uchiha Fugaku. I am 27 years old at the moment. I am the 38th overall and 5th current leader of the Great Noble Uchiha Clan of Konohagakure. I am a high level jonin and also head of Konoha Military Police Force. My wife is Mikoto Uchiha, 22 years old, youngest daughter of Konoha's hero Kagami Uchiha. She is a tokubetsu jonin excelling in Kenjutsu, Shurikenjutsu and tracking. I met her on one of my missions 2 years ago when we escorted Hokage Sama for peace talks to Kusagakure, Hidden Village of the Land of Grass, which occupies North-West borders with Land of Fire. The peace talks are about forming alliance between the two hidden villages, to stop Iwagakure, Hidden Village of the Land of Earth, which borders Land of Grass. As the current Uchiha Clan Head, i also attended the meeting, but i felt the kusakage as a manipulative bastard. Even though an alliance agreement is not reached, we ended up signing a few important trade agreements, which are beneficial to both the Hidden Villages.

On our return trip we were ambushed (at least what our enemies thought so) at Tenchi bridge, which is a bridge across a large ravine. Our ambushers are bounty hunters who are after "Mr.Profesor" Hokage Sama and Me "Wicked Eye Fugaku", the current clan head of one of the powerful clans in the world. We have a hidden Hyuuga Anbu among the escorts, Even though i don't like those pale eyes bastards because of their stick up ass attitude, i have to commend them for their skills. We were able to sniff the ambush from miles ago and counter attacked them. During one of these fights, i was captivated by my future wife Mikoto. The way she threw her shurikens without missing a target, her exquisite use of kenjutsu in decapitating her opponents, her eyes blazing with fury when she blew fireballs one after another, it is more like a dance than a fight. I thought i will never be moved by a woman in this life, but she won my heart. So throughout our return journey back to the village, i get to know her.

It turned out, she is the youngest daughter of Kagami Uchiha, who lost his life at the end of the second world war. She has an elder brother and sister. Her sister lost her life during one of her missions. Her elder brother is Haru Uchiha, who works as one of the guardian for the current Daimyo. He has a son Shisui Uchiha. She mastered her kenjutsu by practicing daily with her childhood friend Kushina Uzumaki. We partnered few more times after the escort mission, a few months of dating later, i expressed my love to her and we were married soon. It's during our marriage, i personally met Kushina who acted as a bridesmaid to my wife. She has her clans trademark red hair, stands at 5.4 feet. She has a cheerfully personality behind her sad eyes, i can see that clearly, she is one of the last uzumaki in the village. Her village was famous for it's sealing techniques and just because of that it was destroyed completely at the end of second shinobi world warby an alliance of Kirigakure,Hidden Village of Land of Water and Kumogakure, Hidden Village of Land of Lightning. At that time Konoha forces were busy fighting with iwagakure. Whenever Kushina was in the village after finishing her missions, she used to end up her spend most of her time at our house with Mikoto. She has a short fused temper and hit first and talk later girl. With time i started to treat her like a part of family. I wanted to adopt her as a sister and brought this matter with the Konoha Council, but that ever hateful mummy bastard Danzo argued that doing so will end the line of Uzumaki name.

During our return from one of the recon missions with my wife and others, she started to feel dizzy and collapsed, i thought it was from chakra exhaustion. Imagine my face, when one of the accompanying medical ninja informed me that she is pregnant and that too with twins. I was lost of words for a while, then an unknown happiness took over me and started to laugh madly for a while. Then i picked my wife in princess carry, despite her protests and brought her to konoha. I informed Hokage Sama that she will not be doing missions anymore.The same night i shared the news with elders of the clan and we had celebrated by drinking throughout the night. For the next month i was always by my wife's side looking after her, making sure no accidents occur. But as luck would have it, during her 3rd month of pregnancy, Third Shinobi World War broke out and as the head of Uchiha Clan i was ordered to move towards the borders of konoha and kusa to increase the morale of the troops. Our duty is to protect Kannabi Bridge and make sure our supply line is not broken.

For the next 6 months we fought with enemy shinobi forces from iwa. Everyday was a walkthrough from hell, during one of these fights i lost my best friend Haruto, who shielded me with his own body from an iwa ninja. That grief caused me to awaken my Mangekyo Sharingan. If it was not for him, i would have died and left my wife and unborn children at others mercy. Then and there itself i decided, i will survive this war no matter what and return home safe. As commander of my forces, i became ruthless and merciless to any enemy forces who want to cross the kannabi bridge. I employed all kinds of ruthless tactics,ambushes and explosion tags in huge quantities to defend my post. After 3 months of my stay at Kannabi Bridge, reinforcements came in.

It was lead by a blonde named Minato Namikaze, a strong ninja with expertise in fuinjutsu. My first impression of him was, " I HATE HIM", why ? simple, he was being all lovey dovey with my sister kushina, who is also part of the reinforcements. From what i know of Kushina, she is also in love with him. So i had to drag him personally to a secluded place in the middle of night and shared a piece of my mind with sharingan blazing , that if he ever makes Kushina cry, i will send him to hell. Even though i hate that bastard, i had to admire his Hiraishin jutsu, it almost made enemy piss their pants at the sight of him, with him it became increasingly easy to defend and our casualties reduced by a lot. So for the moment, the Iwa forces just occupied Kusa and didn't make any moves. But it didn't give me any reprieve, i was ordered to move a small squad of 20 members to patrol the area between Kannabi and Tenchi bridge. I have to push myself harder and overwork my brain more than a Nara, to make sure my team stays safe during patrolling. We came across Iwa ninja, who tried to move below the ground with their earth techniques and come behind our back to form a pincer attack. Luckily we had a sensor ninja and used explosion tags to bury them, me and my team came close to death on a daily basis, my body is almost riddled with scars by now. During the last week of my wife's pregnancy, i was granted a leave of month for my merits. I returned back to konoha with few of my trusted personal guards.

Now i am waiting outside the delivery room, moving around nervously. Kushina was also present in the delivery room to help my wife. It was a agonizing but fruitful wait, after some time, i heard baby cries coming from inside the room. The first to be born is a healthy baby boy with raven hair and after few more minutes i heard another baby cry, with some muffled thuds and a scream from the attending doctor It panicked me as to why a doctor was screaming and rushed In by blasting the door open. There i found the attending doctor and her two assistants knocked out lying on the floor. Kushina was the one holding the other baby, standing over the knocked out bodies. Anger rushed to my head as to why Kushina knocked out the doctor and yelled at her. She motioned for me to remain silent and placed the baby in her hands with Mikoto, who was also watching the scene unfold before her. After placing a few silencing seals over the room, she pointed me towards the baby. It was a healthy baby girl, but when i concentrated on her, i was almost petrified by what i was seeing, unable to believe the scene infront me. My baby girl, her eyes, the white Sclera is complete purple. The color of her iris is light blue, with a black dot in the middle, which is surrounded by a triple layered light black concentric circles, each layer containing 3 red tomoe, totalling nine tomoe. Now i understood why kushina knocked out the others.

" Brother, do you know anything about those eyes? I feel as if my soul is sucked into them when i look at them. " - Kushina.

"Same as you, i have no idea. It's a sharingan for sure based on the tomoe. Not sure whether it's a mutation of mangekyo sharingan or eternal mangekyo sharingan. I went through all the sharingan patterns registered in the clan book, which contains detailed description of each and every Uchiha who awakened at least 3 tomoe sharingan, outsiders can't tell, but we Uchiha can find even the smallest of details in the different types of sharingan and no 2 Uchiha contain the same pattern. This is to identify any powerful Uchiha going rogue with just their eye pattern." - Fugaku

"Brother Minato's master, Sannin Jiraiya Sama once met 3 Amegakure orphans, one of them contains the legendary Sage of the Six Paths dojutsu, Rinnegan. It is purple with concentric circles. But he never mentioned anything about them containing tomoe. Do you want me to send him a word?" - kushina.

" No kushina, if it's about Rinnegan, i am sure there will be some notes about it in the clan's secret library. Let me go over them first and if my efforts turn futile, then we will seek Jiraiya Sama advice." - Fugaku.

" Alright brother, but let me warn you, i know you are a show off, so don't go parading with the girl, it may bring unnecessary trouble to the girl. From what i know, it takes huge chakra consumption with every tomoe increase of sharingan and here she is maintaining 9 tomoe easily. This only tells her chakra reserves are monstrous. Until we find an answer to this problem, hide the eyes of the girl from the elders and hyuuga for they can see through her with Byakugan. I will be preparing a barrier type talisman for her by tomorrow, to keep prying eyes away from her. I have already placed barrier seals in the room, so wait till tomorrow and don't let anyone near the girl. Also if possible, use your sharingan to wipe out the memories from the Doctor and her assistants, if it is not possible, keep them knocked out and i will prepare some restriction seals for them too." - Kushina

Fugaku was grateful to Kushina for what she did and helping her child from troubles. So he immediately used his Sharingan and completely wiped out any memories related to the girl and replaced with some artificial memories. Fugaku knew he had hard days ahead, but he will keep accompanying his wife and children until they are discharged. When they do, he is gonna bury himself in the clans library searching for an answer.

" By the way brother did u choose any names for the children yet? " - Kushina

" We can up with the Boy's name, he will be named after my grandfather ITACHI UCHIHA. As for the girl's name, we didn't reach an agreement yet. Why don't you suggest a name Kushina , may be it will suit her." - FUGAKU

"Are you sure brother, if you accept the name i choose, i will be her godmother"- Kushina

" We will be more than happy with that kushina " - Fugaku

Kushina slowly started to observe the girl and going through all the names which will suit her, when Mikoto took the baby into her embrace, she saw the smile on her face. A dazzling smile as if thousands of flowers blooming at a time.

" Brother, her smile is beautiful, how about Ichika ?" - Kushina.

Fugaku went over the name and it's various meanings and he found that the name suits her well.

" Alright from now on her name is ICHIKA UCHIHA , one thousand flowers" - Fugaku

Thus the one to revolutionize the Shinobi World, Ichika Uchiha is born on June 9th of the 67th Shinobi year.