It's been 2 and half years since my birth. There are a lot of things happening around me and the world. First is my name, I am now called Ichika Uchiha. It took some time for me to get used to the name, but i came to terms with it, that it is good to leave my past self "sayuri" behind and move on with the current life. When i made that decision, it felt like i was free of some kind of natural constraints and my soul became even more stronger. Second my development. Even though i am 2 and half years old, i look like 4 years old. I have raven black, shoulder length hair. My current dressing is high collared white sleeveless blouse, blue pants and Ninja sandals. There is a golden chain with jade kitsune locket hanging to it around my neck. It was made by Kushina to help me from sensors. It was a very well crafted locket. I added a few more functions to it.

Barrier Talisman Armored Body - When the user's body is targeted, the barrier will be automatically activated. It can easily withstand a full powered kage level attack.

Chakra Draining Seal - just by placing my hands on any intended target, i can drain their entire chakra in minutes.

As for my dojutsu, my father didn't get any details in the clan's library, but i looked up in the Pagoda's library, its confirmed as a high class mutation of sharingan, because of my body refining techniques. Unlike other Sharingan users, I don't feel chakra drain. Mine is just like a normal eye. But because of my parents repeated urgings, i had to close my eyes all the time. Not like i mind though, eyes are just one of the senses, i can clearly see all my surroundings with my soul sense. At first my parents felt a little bad, that they ordered me to close one of the most gifted eyes and that i will have trouble doing daily activities closing my eyes. But when i didn't show any signs of problems and acted normal moving around by closing eyes, i had to reveal to them that i am a "sensor". Currently i was able to confirm few abilities of my eyes. I can copy and memorise anything, unless there is a bloodline limit. I am immune to Illusion techniques. I can see through a person soul literally and tell whether they are good or bad people. Based on the fluctuations of the soul i can also tell whether they are lying or not. Pure blue souls are good people, pure dark souls are extremely evil people. My parents souls are pure blue with a light dark color. Which may be because they have to grow in a world filled with deceit and murder.

As for my family, my father is still participating in the third shinobi world war. He was granted leave for only a month every year. So whenever he is home, My mom would have to deal with not only 2 children but an adult-child like father too. He will carry both me and Itachi on his shoulders to every scenic spot in Konoha, telling stories of his exploitations of the ongoing war, taking us along with him to clan meetings. He literally spends 24*7 with us.I will also sleep between my father and mother, while Itachi sleeps to my father's other side. Even though other clan's children visit us daily, only Itachi will play with them, that too, only for a while. While i always keep following my mom. Mom started teaching me and Itachi when we turned 1 and half years old. Because of my Eidetic memory i was able to learn the language of this world very quickly and started going around my father's study. It's huge, but i finished them all very soon. My mom doesn't know whether to feel good or bad, as she understood just how good my memory can be. There is literally nothing for her to teach me and i don't play with other children. But as i loved to hang around her, she overcame it. As for my brother Itachi, he would be labelled as a genius too, if we don't compare both of us. He is Sis-con, if i have to describe him in one word. When any clan children call's me blind, he will beat them up ruthlessly. He doesn't know about my eyes. Since i am blind in the eyes of the world, he is treated as the next successor. Any gifts he receive from elders or clan members ends up in my cabinet. It's not like i hate him though, in fact i like him too much, where can you see a child sharing his gift with others.

This world doesn't have proper cultivation techniques, but they have very good chakra control exercises. I picked very hard chakra control exercises to pass my time, when i am not training inside the pagoda. The training is to surround each and every dirt particle, small stones in the backyard of the house with chakra and levitate them. It was hard, but because of millions of years practicing in the God's dimension, it took just a few months time to levitate all the rubble in the backyard, this surprised my mom and Itachi, but when i explained, i found this exercise in the father's study, she was surprised i was able to mold chakra on my own without anyone's help. She just warned me about chakra exhaustion and not to over do it. Fuelled by my feat , Itachi bugged me to teach it too. But it was almost an impossible task for him. So i selected one of the advanced chakra techniques from the pagoda library and taught it to him in secret, threatening him not to reveal the technique to anyone without my permission. Itachi took 2 weeks time, before he started showing results with his training, so i taught him leaf exercise, tree walking, water walking exercise to increase his chakra control. with the advanced chakra cultivation technique and my training, Itachi soon started to challenge himself, by covering almost every part of his body with his leaves, standing on water and doing sand covering exercises. My mom used to observe us training after finishing her daily chores, but soon she also started to join us. She started training us in the clans taijutsu style, shurikenjutsu and kenjutsu. Even though i have better training styles than her, i don't want to make her sad, so i followed her training. But after a month of training, i started to attack her in a way, where she was forced to correct her stances, sharpening her skill even further.

When we turned 2 years old, our cousin Shisui Uchiha joined us in Konoha. Because of the ongoing war and his father being a Guardian of the Current Daimyo, he was sent here for safety reasons. He is 5 years older than us. For a 7 year old he already awakened a 2 tomoe sharingan. He is a very humble and down to earth person. Unlike most Uchiha, he was never arrogant about his talent, he was always open minded and very cool person to hang around with. Shisui after seeing our daily training regime, started training with us. Soon the clan kids who used to play with Itachi daily, also started joining us. But i downplayed my abilities, when i am with other clan kids. Both Shisui and Itachi are clever and understood my actions. Soon word spread out around Uchiha District, about how much of a genius my brother is and him helping train with other children.The number of children increased daily, so we have to shift our training to clan training grounds. It's a huge place around 10 football stadium sizes. In just a month our numbers swelled to over 500. Mom became the jonin instructor of all of us. Few of the retired Uchiha Ninja also volunteered themselves to help us. For these old Ninja, we are nothing but their pride, as how hard we are training despite our young age. Trainings ranged from running ,taijutsu, shurikenjutsu, kenjutsu, chakra molding exercises, chakra control exercises.

During one of these training exercises, i came across an interesting old woman. She is probably a high jonin ninja when she retired. Even at 60 years old, her back is still straight and has superb deadly taijutsu style. Just based on taijutsu, she can even give the current hokage a huge challenge. But her skill lies in medical field, she was there not only to train us, but to act as a doctor in case of emergencies. Her name is Naori Uchiha. We call her Granny Naori. She can treat multiple bruises of more than 2 people at a single time. She molds her chakra into invisible chakra strings and sends her chakra across them to act as a receiver and sensor. She combines 5 to 6 chakra string ends and forming them into artificial hands when treating multiple people. It's just like telekinesis. When i asked her for the theory of the chakra strings, she was so happy that she personally started training me. The theory is just like sand molding exercise, but we have to extend chakra out of our body in a thin line and will it to become invisible. For starters she made me extend chakra from my finger trips for as long as i can, while making sure the strings have enough strength and flexibility. If i stretch my chakra into strings, they will easily be 100's of km. But i extended them to only 20 meters. She then made me to lift whatever i can find on the ground with chakra strings. It took time, but i was able to do as she said. Every day she would tell me to increase the number of chakra strings from my body and carry various items, from lighter to heavy. When i told her i want to become Medical nin in the future, she just increased the training from normal to brutal.Her reason being, that medical nin are the prime targets for enemy ninjas.

She know i am a "special sensor', so she took that into the account too. She will always stretch me to rely on other senses and skills too. To challenge myself, i turned down my soul sense off. Now i can only rely on sounds,smells,touch, taste and chakra strings. I have to move according to the sounds, smell my surroundings, feel the momentum of wind on my body and just like a snake, test the humidity in the air by tongue. At first she had me point out the sounds, by hitting stones across the field. The sounds range from louder to bare whispers. Then she would stand somewhere around me, projecting killing intent, after that tracking her just by smell, telling its day or night just by the atmospheric conditions. Using chakra strings to stretch around me, to act as receivers and sensors. It took me a solid 3 months, before i reached her standards.

After that the training was brutal to hell. I had to dodge whatever stones she throws at me, if i can't block, then i have to use chakra string to either catch them in mid air or combine them to block the stones. Almost every day i would return home beaten black and blue. My mom almost went into her beast mode when she saw me with injuries, but i had to calm her down by explaining her it as part of training with Granny Naori. When mom heard the name Naori, she became as meek as a child and encouraged me further to train under her.

During my daily soul sense stretch to observe the third shinobi world war in my leisure time, i came across a broken technique. It is called Shadow Clone Technique. Only those with huge chakra reserves can use the technique. But for me it's a kid play, with my chakra i can literally create a army of own. The only back draw of this technique is information overlord. But for me its void, because of my strong soul. So i created 3000 clones and sent them into the pagoda. I set 300 clones studying on the library floor, 500 clones on the formation and sealings, 500 on practicing alchemy, 300 clones in virtual combat room to gain combat experience, 400 clones studying, deciphering and improving the elemental jutsu attacks. The last 1000 of them in the Time Chamber, to combine the elements. I Still don't have enough courage to face My 3 Dwarf masters. So forging is on hold up for now.

As for my Overlord Cultivation technique, So far the elemental chakra systems are at 10 % complete, as for my 3 dantians, they are endless black holes, they are not showing any signs of being full. They are still the basic white color. But due to the endless refinement of the primordial essence, life energy and spirit energy through the 3 dantians, i was able to refine my body completely. But this Overlord technique is special, everytime the life, essence and spirit energy complete a full rotation through the dantians and into my body, the technique keeps feeding each and every cell and keep strengthening them. Now my body may look soft on the outside, but it's harder than a adamantine metal. My internal organs too, they are almost gold in color. My blood is gold in color and it flows like a lava inside me. Because of the continuous refinement of the blood, the ancestors energy also got completely refined and assimilated with my golden blood. Now my blood is even pure and advanced than my ancestor.

As for the third shinobi world war, konoha was only fighting iwagakure on north-west borders, now we have to fight kumogakure on the north and kirigakure on the east. Compared to all the villages we were being hit hard. Our forces stretched thin on all the 3 sides of the borders. Kushina was leading the forces against kumogakure, Sannin Jiraiya Sama and Orochimaru on east against Kirigakure and Fugaku Uchiha and Minato Namikaze against Iwagakure. We were slowly running out of allies and resources to last long in the war. This is when the beast called war showed it's true colours and how it can push desperate people into a corner. The Jonin Commander Nara came up with an idea to deal with one enemy at a time. First is to completely blow up Kannabi bridge and Tenchi bridge, thereby by completely cutting of pathways leading from kusagakure to konoha. Destroying iwagakure's advances which currently occupied kusagakure. The explosives will be ready and available to the demolition team in 2 months. Until then it's just a war of attrition. After dealing with Iwa it will be to use lethal poison tactics against kirigakure. Last it will be deal with kumo by brute force.

Because of the urgency to bolster troops, even 3rd year and 4th year academy students are sent as reinforcements. As if the problems are not enough, the elder Danzo Shimura and his gang are trying to hold the explosives for as long as they can, because he want to get rid of Minato Namikaze and Fugaku Uchiha. Both future candidates for the position of Hokage after the third retired. Adding to it, he is personally planning to lead his Root members to Amegakure to join hands with Hanzo, the current leader of the Amegakure and Kill Akatsuki Leader Yahiko, who is the former student of Jiraiya Sama. Danzo, he accumulated enough forces in the dark, that if he lends a hand a lot of Konoha Shinobi can be saved. It seems i will have to act sooner than i thought. At most i have one year, in that one year i have to think of a plan to save my father, aunt kushina and other innocent ninjas.