That night, the news spread around all of Konoha about the corrupt officials, councilors and advisors weeded out and sentenced to prison. During the T&I interrogation, all the evidences i submitted were proven true, Homura and Koharu were sentenced to immediate execution. Hokage Sama personally declared to the village population their offences and the various punishments they are going to face. He also promised a better future to all the citizens, since most of the scum in power are cleared. That night the whole village celebrated once more for a better tomorrow. As the center of all this storm, i was surrounded and visited by various clan heads, elders and some veteran ninjas with gifts of all kinds.

It took almost 2 hours to calm my mom, when she came to know her father Kagami Uchiha was killed by his fellow comrade, but not in war. She screamed for Danzo blood. As for my Father, he was totally at peace for the first time in a while. I also talked to him to decline Hokage position if he was offered, "stating that tall trees attract more wind".My father was a clever man, so he understood what i am implying, that we Uchiha are already drawing too much attention. With my strength revealed, we Uchiha are literally the strongest decision makers in the village, which is not good for the stability of the village in the long run. It is time for us to take back seat, for the village needs to stand up on its own, otherwise they will rely too much on a single clan. I also talked to him about various assets of Danzo and how i occupied them. I also told him about building a base in Uzushiogakure. He was surprised at first, but stated he will believe in all decisions i make and he was happy i was thinking about Village and clan at the same time. I also advised him to keep the clan members in check and maintain a proper relations with the village citizens. That night our whole family had a warm dinner, for the first time in a while.

The second day, we were at the council meeting a bit early, as there a lot of things to be settled. Compared to yesterday, there are a lot less seats in the council room and even lesser numbers. Apart from 2 to 3 council members, almost all the civilian council members turned out corrupt or accomplices of others. Today i was seated beside Hokage Sama to suit my status as a princess. Almost all the shinobi clan heads greeted me warmly. The meeting went well. We allowed civilian council to be selected again. But there will be a separate office for them. Only one representative from the civilian council is allowed inside the Konoha council, that too if it is related to civilian matters only. A retired group of veteran ninjas will observe and oversee these civilian council members, so as to prevent anymore accidents. We had a quick lunch break before we started on serious matters. We started with education policy,

"As we all know, the number of students attending the Ninja academy every year is not even close to 20000, and the number of final graduates is not even in the 3000's. There are almost billions of population in the country, and the ratio of children is easily in the millions. Even if we find at least one eligible student among 1000, we can easily have more genius students and talented ninja joining our ninja ranks in the future. We may even come across some unknown Kekkei genkai students. It will strengthen our village and country tremendously. "- Ichika.

All the shinobi clan heads started to think over my words, before Shikaku Nara spoke up.

"Hime sama, it is a very good idea. But to train a single ninja, the amount of expenditure is already high. If we were to recruit and train 1000's of more it will bleed our pockets. Maybe we should request Fire Daimyo for more funds" - Shikaku Nara.

All the people present agreed with Shikaku even Hokage Sama.

"No need Shikaku san. If it is still yesterday, maybe we would need Daimyo sama help. But now there is no need. We already arrested a large number of corrupt officials and able to seize their properties and funds. According to my estimation, the total assets of all these seized properties cost easily around 12 to 14 billion ryo. After we sell these properties, we can deposit the money under Konoha Education Department in a bank. Just the interest generated from this money alone is enough to run the academy with super high standards. We can also build and run hostel for the non native students of konoha."- Ichika.

Everyone quickly agreed with the possibilities of my words.

"What about the teaching staff then Hime sama?" - Tsume Inuzuka

"We have plenty of retired ninja hanging around, we can recruit them. Their experiences will also help compared to a rookie teacher. We can also recruit some High level Chunin as a part of mission to teach at the academy for a certain period. This will also help them calm their nerves from life and death battles."- Ichika.

"Anything else you want to add on Hime Sama "- Shikaku Nara

"Yes. You see not every ninja student is a genius. Everyone have their own pace at learning things. Make sure these students are not neglected in favor of genius students. There may be one or 2 genius students, but the bulk of our shinobi forces are these normal students. So take extra special care and patience while training them according to their aptitudes. Be it Fuinjutsu, iryojutsu, ninjutsu, taijutsu etc, teach them according to the subjects they are interested in. " - ichika

"Hime sama, with every second we spend here in your presence, i am starting to see a more brighter future for our village." - Hiashi Hyuuga.

Everyone agreed with Hiashi words and i can see my father's smiling face.Soon we started to discuss on many topics and it came to military and Jonin teams.

"I strongly propose there must be a medical nin in every jonin squad. I would rather bank on an experienced shinobi who survived a life and death battle than a rookie shinobi. As mentioned earlier, it takes a lot of expenditure to train a ninja and every ninja is a asset to us. We should make sure the survival rate of these ninjas are always high. It will given them enough confidence to complete a mission, when they feel there is someone to watch out for their health." - Ichika

Everybody present here is a veteran ninja, who went through life and death situations and they clearly know the value of a medical nin on field. Soon this motion also passed easily. At the end of the say, Hokage Sama brought out the main topic.

"As you all know, i am too old and tired to carry the mantle of Hokage any longer. I have 2 candidates for the position of Hokage . Fugaku Uchiha and Minato Namikaze. Both of them are able and performed exceptionally well during the war." - Hiruzen

Minato Namikaze is not present in the meeting at the moment, so all eyes moved between me and my father. Since we discussed it already previous night, i voted for Minato san, so did my father, stating he has his hands already full with clan head duties and Konoha Military Police Force. From the relaxed expressions of most of them, they thought my father will seriously fight for Hokage seat. Instead he opted to step down from the competition and supported Minato san.

The day started with a lot of problems to solve but ended up with hopes for bright and better future. Soon we took our leave and went our own ways. It's time i think i visit this "Naha " State.