14 years

Shinobi year 72

The countries of Land of Fire, Land of Wind and Land of Earth along with the Samurai nation of Land of Iron formed a coalition and vowed to protect each other. If anyone breaks the oath, the other 3 nations will attack and destroy the one to break the oath. It ushered a new age on Shinobi continent. Most of the smaller countries and Hidden villages like Tanigakure of Land of Rivers, Takigakure, Ishigakure, Kusagakure, Yugakure of Land of Hot Water and Shimogakure of Land of frost also joined the coalition. Any attack against any single member of the coalition, will be jointly reflected by the full strength of the coalition. When the news was announced to the public, it made most of them celebrate and few others cursed that this coalition will not last long in jealousy. Numerous trade and military agreements were made between the countries which will help all the countries in the coalition to become strong.

At the end of the shinobi year Fourth Hokage, Minato Namikaze married his long time girlfriend Aunt Kushina Uzumaki in a grand marriage, which is attended by famous dignitaries across the world.

The same year, Me and Uncle Minato also strengthened the Barrier protecting the Village, now the only way to enter the village is through specific token issued by the Hokage Office. Unlike the previous barrier, the current barrier reads the soul of the person, and everybody soul is unique. So there will be no more secret infiltrations into the village anymore. If any does try to infiltrate, consider their life forfeit.

Another happy news is that, Our small family of four will be increased by another member. Mom is now pregnant with our baby brother.

Since now i am a very important person in the village and a Royal princess, the Hokage appointed me 3 able bodyguards, who are close to my age.

Kakashi Hatake 13 year old Jonin, who always read ero books.

Mighty Guy, green spandex bushy eyebrow taijutsu specialist, despite being my bodyguard, always challenges me for a fight.

Shisui Uchiha 13 year old jonin, who always pester me for more training.

Shinobi year 73

I officially took over the governorship of Naha state. It is easily one of the top 3 states in size in the country. But it's completely oriented only towards Agriculture, there are no specific minerals to be found within the state. So i concentrated fully on working the strength of the state, agriculture. I tasked my 3 useless bodyguards to completely register each and every citizen details in the state with the help of state officials. While i created 2000 clones and spread throughout the state. First i used earth element to build water canals and stretched the major roadways throughout the state that passes through each and every village. At high and spacious ground, i built strong dams to store enough water even during droughts. Then i placed a strong spirit gathering array and defence barrier across the state to increase the quality of the crops and safety of the village. I received 500 million ryo as monetary reward for the completion of SSS class mission, so i purchased all the unregistered lands as i can in the state to plant medicinal herbs.

When all the preparations are done, i warned all the citizens to take shelter and used water element to rain it nonstop for 7 days. Because i already made enough pathways for the rain water to flow, there is no serious damage to property or people. Now there is no shortage of water in the state for farmers. I convened all the village heads and instructed them about crop rotation policy. I also opened agriculture libraries throughout the state. Because of the increased spiritual air in the state, the quality of the crops will be increased and their duration to mature will decrease. We can easily have 3 harvests every year. Based on the reading of the soul, i appointed honest officials in major positions of the state and severely punished anyone who neglected their duties, harassed the civilians and took bribes. I built a nice 2 storey wooden building in the middle of the 1000 hectare(2471 acres) field i purchased and planted them with rich medicinal herbs.

My baby brother Sasuke was born on July 23rd. He is cute and by the way he looks, he will definitely be a lady killer in the future. Hmm, like i will let those vultures around him.

Aunt Kushina also gave birth to a baby boy Naruto on october 10th. Well few problems rose during Naruto's birth. The Kyuubi seal weakened a lot and it tried to escape, it also became hard for us to completely seal the full Kyuubi into aunt Kushina again, so we split the kyuubi into two halves. The Yin half is sealed in Aunt Kushina while the Yang half into the newborn baby Naruto. Being a Uzumaki, His body quickly adapted to the Kyuubi's chakra.

My Father and me, thoroughly beat discipline into all the Uchiha Ninjas, making then improve their all round skills, rather than rely on just their Sharingan.

I did few missions for the village too and i came across few bandit gangs and rogue ninjas during these missions. Needless to say , i sent them all to Uzushiogakure for rehabilitation.

Because of my young age and strength i was listed as a SS class Nin in the Bingo Book. I often encountered assassins or Bounty Hunters on my missions. Only this year alone, i encountered close to 50 assassination attempts on me. As usual, i sent them also to Uzushiogakure.

Shinobi Year 74.

Akatsuki leader Yahiko was killed in a ambush set by Hanzo with the help of White Zetsu clones, posing as rogue ninjas. His friend Nagato became the new leader of the Akatsuki.

One of the famous seven swords man of the mist Zabuza Momoichi, attempted to kill the Fourth Mizukage Yagura to stop the bloodline purge. But instead he failed and escaped the village becoming a missing nin.

The Naha state became famous for their top quality crop produce, which is rich in chakra and became a brand. This brand became famous among Ninjas, Nobles and wealthy making the farmers of the Naha state richer and thereby increasing the state taxes. With the help of these taxes, new schools and hospitals are build in every village. The children are offered basic education for free. If they show aptitude for Ninja, they are given scholarship to study in Konoha.

Shinobi Year 75

My mother Mikoto and Younger brother Sasuke moved to my new home in Naha state. My mother told me, that my father and elder brother can look after themselves in Konoha. Mom instantly fell in love with the surroundings of my home. During their stay, Sasuke became too attached to me and i thought him some interesting games for his age.

Nothing noticeable happened this year, except more training and beating up my lazy bodyguards. At the end of the year, Aunt Kushina also moved into my new home on a invitation from my mom, stating the environment here is good for babies. Sasuke and Naruto are like oil and fire and always fought to gain my attention.

Shinobi Year 76.

Finally i was able to upgrade my 3 dantians from basic white colour to brown in colour. It not only increased the dantian reserves, but also the quality too. The 7 chakra systems are also 40% complete. I also released the 4 wolf pups from the pagoda. Even though they are only 6 year old, they are ridiculously strong at 2 meters height,because of their unique body cultivation technique in the Time Chamber. They are also well behaved around people close to me. Soon they became favorite playthings of Sasuke and Naruto, much to the pups annoyance.

This year i did a lot of S class solo mission, some with collaboration of other Hidden Villages Ninjas.

I also officially started training Sasuke and Naruto in ninja training. They really have a lot of untapped potential.

Shinobi year 77

At the beginning of this year, the Fire Daimyo Tora Madoka officially paid a visit to the Naha state. He was totally impressed with the lifestyle and security here. He decided to make this place his summer capital and ignoring his status, he only ordered for a large wooden courtyard to be built here to spend the time in peace.

Amegakure Leader, Hanzo of the Salamander, was killed by Nagato and he became the true leader of Amegakure.

As for Kirigakure, the rebel blood line users requested for help from the coalition. But both the representatives from coalition and kirigakure didn't come to a proper agreement.

Shinobi year 78

For the first time in elemental nations, taking the concept from modern world, i ordered for the construction of a large scale University on a very good place, which will become the knowledge center of this world. When it is open, it can easily enroll upto 15 million students easily. This is one of the serious and prestigious projects iam overlooking personally. When the plan was presented to the Fire Daimyo and the purpose of the University, he totally supported my decision with right permission and funds.

Former Village S rank criminal Orochimaru, established his own official Hidden Village Otogakure, Hidden Village of Sound.

Shinobi year 79

I almost spent the entire year as an ambassador of Fire Daimyo, Visiting all the coalition countries Daimyo's and Hidden village leaders. When the Fire Daimyo, disclosed about the construction of the University during the annual Coalition countries meeting, the other Daimyo's also became interested in it. So they also requested for some of the student spots in it. Since i am the main reason behind it, Fire Daimyo left me full decision powers to discuss with other Daimyo and allot the seats accordingly. That is why i have been travelling throughout the entire year.

When i arrived at Iwagakure, i was welcomed as i was their own. Almost all the influential people of the Hidden Village were there to visit me. I spent like 2 weeks there. Onoki challenged me for a duel the next day i was there. We fought in the village stadium in the presence of almost all the villagers. He improved a lot for an old man, but so did i. We almost ended up destroying the entire stadium, if not for the safety seals placed around it. I won the duel and as usual Onoki vowed to improve again and challenge me. Onoki granddaughter Kurotsuchi became a fan of me. She literally spent the 2 weeks of my time with me much to Onoki annoyance. I ended up giving a lot of pointers about training, jutsu and weapon handling.

When i arrived at Sunagakure, let's say the things are not going well for the Hidden Village in Sand. The jinchuriki of one tail Shukaku, lost his control and is going on a rampage. Rasa and the other elders were having some hard time with the automatic defence of the Jinchuriki. They would have surely subdued Shukaku after some time, but by then the casualties would have become huge.So i lent them a hand. The jinchuriki is none other than Gaara, Fourth Kazekage Rasa youngest child. He is the same age as Sasuke and Naruto. I literally roared at Rasa and the village elders for using a third rate sealing technique on a young child, forcing him into nightmares and to treat him like a demon. I removed the previously placed seal and placed 8 Divinity Trigrams Seal on him. With this he can easily control his own power as well as Shukaku's.

I spent 2 months staying in Suna helping Gaara control his new found strength. His elder siblings also joined the training sessions. I cleared the desert around Suna and placed some barrier formations. Now the cleared land can be used for growing crops. Rasa and his elders thanked me again and again for what i did. The day i left their village, almost all the villagers came to give me a send off. Gaara was almost in tears and i promised him, he can meet me any time in Konoha or send letters.

At the end of the year, when i was close to Takigakure, Hidden Village behind Waterfall, i was attacked by one of the most notorious S rank Bounty Hunter Kakuzu. He is a very cautious guy and only sent 3 of his 5 heart monsters to kill me. But i crushed all 3 of his heart monsters.

Shinobi Year 80

During the last leg of world tour, at Yugakure, Hidden Village of Hot water, for the first time i came into personal touch with the legendary pervert Ninja Sannin Jiraiya sama. He was peeping on the women's bath. So i ended up beating some sense into him.

After almost 2 years of work, The University Of Fire was finally completed and officially opened to the world. The Fire Daimyo Inaugurated the University and i became it's first Chancellor. Every country and hidden village sent their most well known personalities and Scholars for the opening ceremony of the University. Even Kumogakure sent some official envoys. The Bulk of the student seats were taken by Land of Fire and the remaining seats were distributed accordingly between the other coalition members. I ended up giving the first speech as its chancellor.I used a certain person speech from my memory.


We are living in a world of crises, mistrust and uncertainty.. With such mistrust and scepticism, there is less readiness for real dialogue. There is less willingness to listen, less incentive to engage with the other side.

It is a pity, that in our age when there are more opportunities for communication than ever before, there is also a growing tendency to think in silos and to shut yourself off from any exchange of views.

In these countries, we are seeing a worrying trend towards isolationism on many levels. It seems that their answer to every problem is more isolation, and less dialogue. More separation, and less talking. Those who still want dialogue, who want to find common ground with others, are under suspicion. They are under suspicion for sharing the opinion of the other side, simply because they are speaking with them. In such an atmosphere, a real dialogue cannot take place.

This is worrying because it leads these people to believe that their way of thinking is the only truth out there. This is worrying because we must recognise that the world is diverse. At the end of the day, we all depend on each other. There is not only one singular truth.

These trends in these countries should give us reason for concern. After all, This university stands in stark contrast to this Spirit of Time. We stand for dialogue and understanding. We stand for peace, diversity, tolerance and respect. In this University, everyone is equal, regardless of background, belief or nationality.

These trends are a call to action for us. More than ever, the world needs our University Values of peace, respect and understanding. This gives all of us even more motivation to strengthen the Peace Movement. In our fragile world, the relevance and need for our University Values have never been greater.

Let us convince the world, that our values of a shared humanity are stronger than the forces that want to divide us.

Our world needs such symbols of hope. At this moment in time, no other event brings the entire world together, let this University be a part of that hope."

I shamelessly borrowed the speech of President Thomas Bach, i felt it suits this Shinobi Continent environment perfectly. After my speech almost everybody stood up started clapping. I felt a bit embarrassed inside, but didn't show it on the outside. The enrollment for the university will be for 2 months straight and classes will begin starting in January.

Shinobi year 81.

Sasuke and Naruto left Naha state to start their academy classes in Konoha. As for me i was literally flying everywhere around the University to calm certain energetic people. I made tons of clones, started writing all the information present in the Pagoda Library jade slips on to books. I didn't add anything that is related to war or destruction. Even working almost 24 hour a day throughout the year, i was not even halfway to fill the university library space.

Shinobi year 82

Same as the previous i was almost struck writing books and receiving various countries dignitaries. The University became famous for its wide range of knowledge and more people applied to it. With the help of Daimyo's, we created a scholarship system for financially lacking students. Fights are strictly prohibited here and anyone who commits the crime are immediately kicked out.

Shinobi year 83

By the first half of the year, i was able to set up a complete working system in place in the University. I also completed writing books. Now the number of books in the university are easily over millions.

This year i turned 16 and is officially considered as an adult. My father invited me back to Konoha for the adult ceremony of Uchiha in the family temple of Naka Shrine. Since i was already free and didn't leave anywhere for the last 2 and half years, i thought of taking a vacation and do some missions for the village. I left a perfect wooden clone and went to Konoha.

Since my status went up as Councellor of the only prestigious university in the world, i had to inform the Konoha Council in advance. Konoha lets say, it changed a lot, since i had last seen it 4 years ago. There were Ninja's running everywhere. Almost at every turn, i was able to see jonin squads. Because of the changes we made to educational policy of Ninjas 11 years ago, the ranks of Ninja forces increased a lot. I was received personally by Hokage Minato, Various Shinobi Family clan Heads including my father, as well as civilian council members. We were scheduled for a meeting in two days time before leaving with my father to Uchiha District.

Uchiha District also changed a lot. Instead of the initial arrogance i used to see in Uchiha members, now i see confidence and humility in them. I heard from my father, the Konoha Military Police Force, never failed in the past 7 years in cracking a case. A unique achievement i had to say, considering the village size and its population.

As soon as i stepped into the family courtyard, i was tag teamed on left and right by Sasuke and Itachi. Itachi has grown 2 inches taller than me at 5.9. He is one of the jonin guards of Hokage. Sasuke also grew a lot taller. He will graduate from the academy in 2 years time and will become a genin. Ah, time sure flies by. I gave each member of family the gifts i bought. That night, we ended up talking for a long time, late into the midnight.

The next day we had an early family breakfast before i was dragged by Sasuke towards the Ninja Academy. Well i am free anyway until evening, so i joined him. Naruto bear hugged me as soon as he spotted me. This kid is as energetic as ever. Most of the kids didn't recognise me, but one of the chunin instructors of Sasuke and Naruto, Iruka san recognized me and practically announced to the whole academy of my presence. Soon i was surrounded by almost all the teachers before the academy dean stepped into settle the noise. Guess my surprise, who the academy dean was, it was my old teacher Granny Naori. For someone who is 76, she is still strong and fit. I was invited to her office for a long chat till afternoon and after lunch break, Iruka san dragged me to his class to introduce me to his students.

" Students, today we have a special guest here. Can anyone tell me who she is ?" - Iruka

"Elder Sister" Sasuke and Naruto.

"Super beautiful elder sister" - Remaining girls.

Iruka face palmed at their responses and roared at them and introduced me himself.

"Forgive me Hime Sama for my students lack of knowledge"- Iruka

"Students. She is Ichika Uchiha Hime. She is the Honorary Royal Princess and is the Daimyo representative in Konoha. She is the one who helped clean Konoha of its scum. She is the one who revolutionalised the education system of our village. She is the governor of the most prosperous state in our country Naha state. She is also the founder and Chancellor of the only University in the world, University of Fire and last but not least she is rumored to be stronger than our Hokage Sama" - Iruka.

With that chaos erupted in the classroom drawing attention from other class students and teachers. Most of the students don't recognize me, but the name Ichika Uchiha is famous in konoha. All the students surrounded me and started to ask all type of questions before Iruka san once more roared at the students to calm them and telling them to sit in their own seats. Sasuke and Naruto were bombarded by questions as they called me eder sister before.

"Its nice to see you all so energetic. But one question at a time" - iruka

"Hime sama, is it true you are stronger than Hokage sama"- Ino

"Well it was 10 years ago. I don't know how strong he became by now, so its better to call it we are equal in strength" - Ichika

"Hime sama do you have a boyfriend?"- Kiba

"Not at the moment"- Ichika

"Hime sama, how did you become so strong?"-Shino

"To protect my village and family i needed strength. So i worked hard every day without slacking a single day"- Ichika

"What it is like to become a ninja Hime sama?"- Sakura

"Responsibility. It is scary at first, but you can overcome any hurdles if you work together with your friends and teammates."- Ichika

"How … scary ...can ...it ..be ...Hime..Sama?"-Hinata

"Enough to lose your lives and dignity. Especially for us Kunoichi's. If you don't work hard, not only will you endanger your life, but your entire teams. If you want to be a ninja just in name, then i suggest you all drop out of the academy, for the world outside is most dangerous and life threatening. Only if you work hard everyday to the limits can you survive out there, otherwise you will ruin the day where you didn't even work hard a single day."- Ichika

There was silence inside the classroom, but i can see few determined gazes from the children. Iruka san gave me grateful look.

At the end of the day, it was mine and Itachi adult ceremony. We all arrived at the Naka Shrine with family elders. There is a huge tablet there. We prayed to our ancestors and vowed to protect each other.

That night i informed my father that the tablet is a duplicate and is replaced by the original. He almost turned to stone at first, but when i explained that the stone carvings on the tablet are only around 100 years old, while our Uchiha clan is more than 1000 years old. So someone, must have replaced it intentionally to harm us Uchiha. He asked me not to reveal this information to anyone and promised to look into it secretly.

The next day at council meeting is simple, they just wanted me to provide a quota for the village from the crops developed in the Naha state. Because the crops are rich in chakra, they are essential for the growth of the ninjas.So i promised to provide them at least 10% of the produce.

I spent nearly 2 months in Konoha and left to Naha state.

Shinobi year 84

More Missions from the village and some bad news.

First Akatsuki started to recruit most dangerous S rank criminals of the continent and they are collecting information on the tailed beasts. I passed the information to all the village heads to be vary of them.

Second. The Barbarian Continent, at the other side of the mighty ocean sent vanguard forces to occupy and explore the mighty ocean. So far they were able to cross half of the mighty ocean and occupied more than 100 islands. They have very good sealing masters, who opened channels to their home base, making travelling easier. With the speed they are moving they will reach Shinobi Continent in 5 years.

Shinobi year 85.

Because of the presence of Akatsuki hunting for tailed beasts is already revealed to the village heads, Konoha Council came to a final decision in protecting and nurturing their Jinchuriki. I already received news that i will be jonin instructor of the village Jinchuriki.

Sasuke and Naruto will graduate this year from the ninja academy.

The rebel wars in Kirigakure is finished with Yagura's death. Mei Terumi became the Fifth Mizukage of the village. But the village still decided to remain isolated, as they are severely weakened from bloodline wars.