I arrived in konoha 2 days before the forming of genin teams. There are a lot of Jonin's checking at the entrance gate too. Next day i went to Konoha Council to decide on my complete genin squad. There are already genin instructors present there, taking the details of the genin teams from the council. They are 1200 genin graduates this year and so 400 teams will be formed. All the genin teams are balanced according to their overall skill. After each and every genin team is assigned to a jonin, the jonin are sent the respective information regarding their teams and their training grounds. My team consists as discussed before, the village Jinchuriki Naruto, my younger brother Sasuke and a civilian turned ninja Sakura Haruno. Iruka was given the team list before announcing it to the children tomorrow. When all of the teams formations are over, all the genin instructors left the council room except the Konoha council members.

"Hime sama. Thank you for accepting to train my son and are you sure you don't need any more guards, if anything is to happen to you during missions, we will never hear the end of it from the Fire Daimyo."- Hokage Minato.

"Hokage Sama, its alright, i am strong enough to protect myself, if there is someone who can beat me, then i wonder the guards can defeat them too. As for Naruto, i treat the him the same way as i treat my younger brother Sasuke. Just, i will train them a little hard so i ask for you to inform the civilian child Sakura parents in advance, as they will spend most of their time with me."- Ichika

"Yes, i will personally visit her parents and inform about the news."- Hokage

"Did we receive any news from Kumogakure, Raikage Ai?. They have two jinchurikis. Two tail cat Yugito Nii and eight tail Hachibi Killer B. Killer B is the perfect jinchuriki and you have already fought him once Hokage Sama. If Raikage sama agrees with our request, then we can train Naruto on Genbu Island with the help of Killer B, so that he can bring out his true potential as a jinchuriki."- Ichika

"Yes. we did receive news from Raikage. We are scheduled to meet him next month at yugakure. He is also inclined to get on good terms with our coalitions forces after seeing our coalition countries development. I guess he will also ask for joining the coalition and if he does we are more than happy to let him join. Any more news on Akatsuki Hime Sama?" - Hokage

"Yes. Orochimaru from our village is already confirmed to be one. Now, Orochimaru good friend and former advisor Danzo also joined Akatsuki on Orochimaru invitation. kirigakure former ANBU leader and their worst criminal "Blood Demon" Kiragi is also confirmed as one. There are some super strong mercenary groups that joined them, as they work only for money and didn't commit any crime against us, we can't take any action against them. I sent Jiraiya Sama on some trails to confirm some of Akatsuki movements. We will get a clear picture of some more members by his next report."- Ichika

"Danzo, that traitorous bastard. You should be careful of him Hime Sama, he will be coming for you as you are the one who destroyed his life time work in the village." - Shikaku

"Thanks for the reminder Shikaku San. I will keep that in my mind"- Ichika.

After finalising some more details on the Future Kages meeting, we went our own ways. The next day is to officially start as a jonin instructor.

Graduation Day, Sakura Haruno P.O.V

Two years, Two years since that small interaction with Ichika Uchiha Hime. After she told us, how is it going to be the life of Ninja, i started to work hard. I also started to notice, most of the ninjas coming into the village from doing missions are anything but healthy. Either they have heavy injuries or some broken bones. It only made Hime sama words clear to us. I pointed all these things to Ino, Hinata and other girls. From that day we asked for extra training lessons from Iruka Sensei. We even worked hard daily 2 to 3 hours after school is finished.

As for boys, they also started to compete amongst each other and trained very hard. Even the lazy Shikamaru kun and Choji kun. Its like they don't want to waste a single day getting strong or they will regret it. The strongest of the boys in this class is Sasuke Kun and Naruto Kun. They are clearly stronger than any boys in the class and would go all out even during regular spars. Which only fuelled the other boys determination to close the gap and trained even harder. It is when Ino asked Naruto, why they are so strong? He revealed us that Hime Sama trained them since they were kids. They were staying along with their mothers at Hime Sama home in Naha state. Which prompted more questions from Ino and us. From what Naruto said us,

Hime Sama, has a very good house built on her own farm land. The farmland is completely filled with various medicinal herbs, that calm any person who breathes the air surrounding them. She even has 4 cute wolves guarding that place. I want to visit that place once.

While i was still lost in my thoughts, Iruka Sensei came in and congratulated us on our graduation. Then he started to call team assignments.

"Team 10. Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi. Your Jonin sensei is Asuma Sarutobi san.

Team 8. Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka and Shino Aburame. Your Jonin sensei is Kurenai Yuhi.

Team 7. Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno. Your Jonin sensei is Ichika Uchiha Hime. I expect proper behavior from you all towards her.

All of you stay silent, your jonin sensei will pick you up. Good luck on your journey to be a true Ninja." - Iruka sensei

With teams announced, Iruka sensei left us, but no one seem to care about that, all the student eyes seemed to focus on Sasuke Kun, Naruto Kun and me. I can clearly see their gazes were filled with envy. As for Sasuke and Naruto, they were sweating bullets and shaking from fear.

"Sasuke kun and Naruto Kun, are you guys okay?"- Sakura

"Yes. Sakura chan welcome to the team. We will be relying on you"- Naruto

Strange, why are these boys afraid as if they are facing a catastrophe, they are going to be trained by their elder sister.

With each passing minute, the genin teams were picked up by their jonin sensei. Finally its close to afternoon, she came to pick us. She is dressed in a standard jonin uniform with hair hanging loose but still carrying regal aura.

"Team 7. I am your Jonin instructor Ichika Uchiha, today is your day off. I expect you all to spend today with your family well. Pack your bags and belongings for a 6 month tour and i expect you all to meet me at South gate tomorrow exactly at 5 am." - Ichika

"6 month tour. What about our missions Hime sama?"- Sakura

"First you all will address me as Sensei . As for your missions, you genins teams will be doing mostly D-Rank missions. There is no need to stay in Konoha to do those, you can find plenty of those missions in Naha state too."-Ichika

With that Ichika sensei vanished from the room. Sasuke and Naruto also hurried off after promising to meet again tomorrow at South gate.

With my mind still in confusion about the events that happened today, i reached my home. Just as i was about to step in, Hokage sama with his guard platoon exited our house and vanished from the place. What is Hokage sama doing at our house? I thought something might have happened to my parents and stepped in, but what welcomed me is bright smiling faces of my parents.

"Congratulations Daughter. You made us proud. Now we have enough bragging rights than any shinobi family clan head."- Kizashi and Mebuki Haruno

"Hmm Mama, Papa what are you talking about? Why is Hokage sama visiting us?"- Sakura

"He came to tell us about your training with Hime sama and there is nothing for us to worry about. Sakura chan, this is once in a lifetime opportunity for a civilian like us. Hime Sama is a treasure trove of knowledge, even if you learn a tiny bit of it, our Haruno Family will be set for generations. Don't waste this opportunity."- Mebuki

"Yes mother is correct. Also since you are Hime sama student, many powerful people in the world will be taking notice of you. Both good and evil people. So train harder and you will never find a better teacher than her, it must be the accumulations of your all lifetime karma. We are expecting great things from you Sakura chan."- Kizashi

"I will put my best effort Papa and Mama. I was told by Ichika Sensei, that we will be leaving village to Naha state for 6 months tomorrow morning at 5am. So help me pack my things"- Sakura

"Yes. lets do that after dinner. Now mama will cook all your favorite dishes on becoming a Genin."- Mebuki

That night passed quickly with mother helping me pack all my things. The next day morning my parents also followed me to South Gate to send me off. It was still 4.50 am, but Naruto and Sasuke are already waiting there. I introduced my parents to them. At exactly 5 am Ichika sensei arrived infront us. After a quick nod to my parents we set off to Naha state. After 20 minutes of setting off, she stopped us and summoned a huge Thunderbird. This bird is strong. We mounted the bird and arrived in the Naha state sky after 30 minutes.

Ichika sensei place is beautiful. Its as Naruto kun said, the air here is very good, but what about the wolves being cute? They are freaking 2 meters height with dangerous air around them.There is a simple 2 story wooden building surrounded by medicinal plants all around.

"Alright choose your own rooms separately on the ground floor and freshen up. We will discuss about training routine after breakfast"- Ichika.

The room is spacious with bed, reading table, wardrobe, shelf containing books and attached bathroom. I quickly unpacked my things and settled them accordingly. After one hour i was ready waiting in the dining room. Soon Sasuke and Naruto joined me. The breakfast was personally prepared by Sensei. It was heavenly, the best i had so far. After breakfast we started walking outside while exploring the place.

"Your routine will be hard. But if you want to become strong then, you have to endure it. Your day begins at 5am everyday morning and ends at 10.30 pm every night.

5.00 am to 8.oo am will be physical conditioning and taijutsu training

8.00 am to 9.00 am will be breakfast and refreshing time

9.00 am to 12.30 pm will be various weapon handling and chakra exercises.

12.30 to 2.00 pm lunch and break time

2,00 pm to 5.00 pm doing missions in Naha state

5.00 pm to 8.00 pm jutsu theory, nature manipulation and auxiliary ability training.

8.00 Pm to 9.00 pm Dinner time.

9.00 pm to 10.30 pm Reading the books i placed in your rooms. They contain strategy to battle maneuvering techniques. I wish you will study those diligently as they are going to be a huge help for you in the future.

After 10.30 pm i expect you all go to sleep.

Any doubts or you wanna add anything personal to the daily training schedule?"- Ichika

"Ichika Sensei, what is auxiliary ability training."- Sakura

"These are the supportive skills, which complement your battle skills.

Sakura from your academy record, you have very good chakra control. You will be focusing on Medical jutsu.

Naruto because you carry Uzumaki bloodline, you have inherent talent towards fuinjutsu, you will focus on it.

Sasuke as a Uchiha you will be focusing on genjutsu, but also will work on tracking and traps."- Ichika.

Medical jutsu, Fuinjutsu and Genjutsu. I feel like our teams chances of surviving increased a a lot.

"Spend the rest of the day on your own. The training will begin tomorrow."- Ichika