As we were moving towards Konoha council, we were intercepted midway by My father Fugaku and Hiruzen Sama. Fathers emotions are fluctuating between fear, anger, frustration and hope. They both just dragged me towards the hospital, while Hiruzen sama started to explain the details.

"Yesterday evening at Yugakure borders, Hokage Minato Namikaze, Itachi Uchiha, Genma Shiranui, Raido Namiashi and Iwashi Tatami were ambushed by Akatsuki members "Blood Demon" Kiragi and "Thousand Monster" Chihiro. According to Raido, the ambush was preplanned and intended to kill Minato. Their plan was to stop Konoha from forming any more alliances with other nations. There was an accomplished sealing master among their ranks, sealing away Minato Hiraishin jutsu's, space-time, with a counter barrier jutsu in the area. With the advantage gone, Minato and his guards couldn't stand face to face with those two monsters. Itachi was able to awake his Mangekyo Sharingan and used Yata Mirror reflective ability to break away the barrier, allowing Minato to use his remaining strength, to teleport all of them back to Konoha. But according to the doctors, Minato fuelled the Hiraishin jutsu with his soul, as he must have ran out of chakra. Now he is in a coma, same with Itachi. As for Genma and Iwashi, they suffered severe serious injuries, but they can be cured with a period of time. Only you and Tsunade are capable of saving Minato at this time, but we couldn't find Tsunade whereabouts in a short period of time. I already informed Jiraiya to find Tsunade through his spy network. Now its all up to you Ichika Hime."- Hiruzen

Itachi was injured and Uncle Minato was in serious condition. Damn you Akatsuki. Unknowingly i started to leak large amounts of killing intent, its only when i noticed i was close to hospital premises, that i came to my senses and retracted my killing intent. Naruto and Sasuke are in the same worried state as me, Naruto for his father and Sasuke for Itachi. We soon reached emergency ICU wards on second floor, there are ANBU strongly guarding the entire floor. I quickly made a shadow clone technique on my way. Clone to treat Itachi and the others, while i moved ahead to treat Uncle Minato.

Just from a glance i can see, Uncle Minato condition is worse than Hiruzen sama reported. The usual bright glow on his face is replaced by dark death like aura. There were other doctors in the room too. They quickly made way for me on seeing me.I immediately ran a diagnose on him. There are 2 severe problems with him.

Since he used Hiraishin jutsu, when he was tired and at a very long distance with other people, some of the uncontrolled space-time energy ruptured his chakra coils very badly. There isn't a internal organ in the body that is not injured. Its a miracle for him to still stay alive.

Because of his will to save his guards, he burned the soul in a desperate and rather crude way to fuel the Hiraishin jutsu. His soul is only at 40% strength. It will take a really long time for him to heal completely. Easily upto years.

First i started to heal his internal organs one by one clearly and restoring them to their full working condition, next i started working on the chakra coils. I started with the badly mangled ones on his hands and legs first, Slowly the torso and the head. I started to heal every pressure point carefully taking enough time. The entire treatment of the body took 3 hours. Slowly colour started to reach his face, but the death aura is still there.

I secretly took a soul replenishing pill and crumbled it into powder. I opened up his mouth and dropped the powder in his mouth. Slowly i started to infuse his body with my soul energy and started to run the soul energy along with the powder, throughout the body. It took me close to 2800 rounds to finally get a reaction from uncle soul. It was on the process of recovering. After that i started to run spiritual air in the similar way and after exactly 12 hours, he was brought back from the clutches of the death. Even for me it was a small toll on my body to work non stop for more than 18 hours, if it was any other doctor, i can guarantee, Uncle Minato will be queuing up for reincarnation by now. After treating Uncle Minato, i moved out of the I.C.U ward and into the Hospital corridor for a breather. I soon collapsed into one of the chair and before i knew it, i was handed a water bottle from Sasuke. Then only i noticed i was surrounded by my parents, Naruto, aunt Kushina, Hiruzen Sama, Daimyo Sama and other Shinobi family clan heads. From their expressions i am sure, they are expecting some hopeful news from me.

"Everyone, no need to panic. Uncle Minato life is no more in danger. I restored his physical body completely to his peak condition. But he burned a lot of soul force, i was able to stop the rotting of the soul and it started recovering. But the strength of the soul is still at only 40%. It will be a long time before recovering to his complete strength. He will be out of coma in a 10 or so days. There is also some good news. If he can recover from this ordeal completely, then his Hiraishin jutsu will be even more deadly. Aunt Kushina, when he wakes up, you must move him to my home in Naha state. The medical herbs there will quicken his recovery. He should not be troubled with anymore burdens during his recovery"- Ichika

Aunt Kushina immediately hugged me and started crying. Seeing her crying like that, Naruto was also crying. It took some time to comfort her.

"Thank you Ichika. Thank you so much. All the doctors before you came here, told me to give up from any chances of Minato living. It will take a miracle to save him. Now you created this miracle."- Kushina

"Thank you Elder sister"- Naruto

"Hey we are family remember. Do you think i will let him die, even if there is a 1% chance of saving him. He will recover, stay brave."- Ichika

"Ichika sama, how long will take it for Hokage sama to recover according to your estimation?"-Shibi

"Somewhere around 5 to 6 years easily Shibi san"- Ichika

"Elder sister, how is brother?"- Sasuke

"He is only suffering from chakra exhaustion. I was able to detect some kind of foreign chakra in his brain trying to influence him. He was fighting it all the time, that's why he ran out of chakra so soon. Luckily i was in time. The enemies must have an incredible seal master. He created a form of strong illusional seal with a powerful will of another person. The enemies must have used this on Itachi during the fight."- Ichika.

"What does this seal do Ichika Hime?"- Hiruzen

" just like grandpa Kagami Uchiha's Kotoamatsukami. It will overwrite an imaginary will of the enemy on Itachi's mind, without him knowing it. If my guess is right, your old friend Danzo must be behind the idea of this seal. Looks like we have to spend quite a bit of resources and time, to prepare a counter seal to protect other important persons from it."- Ichika

Everybody who heard my words were shocked. This is really a dangerous way of infiltration from the enemies to target the important persons.

"Damn those Akatsuki. To think they will go this far to attack one of the coalition members leader, we will annihilate them with our full strength."- Tora Madoka

"Danzo that bastard is still taunting Konoha even from far away. He must be killed soon, he knows too many of Konoha's secrets"- Hiruzen.

"First. Akatsuki is not stupid. If they are daring enough to openly assassinate a village head, then they must have enough confidence and strength to face our retaliation. They must have used this imaginary seal on few other people already, like 10 to 15 people. The preparations to make this kind of seal is very taxing on the creators soul, so he can make only one or two seals in a year. If we have to start our investigation, we must begin it from Kumogakure. The meeting between the kages is known only among our two villages. Since our village is hard to infiltrate for information, they must have found it from Kumogakure. This person of kumogakure must be a highly important person too, if he was able to attend the meeting to discuss details about a kages meeting."- Ichika

Everyone agreed with my words

"Second. This seal is not a perfect one. Even if it can overwrite a person mind, there will be a residue of this person's chakra left behind. So our first priority is to make sure our own backyard is safe. Hiashi san, select some of the elite Hyugas and tell them to use their Byakugan to scout our Konoha's all civilians and Ninjas first. These people can be easily found out with a tiny amount of foreign chakra that is not of the user in the brain. When you are finished, we will move onto our allies and check them too."- Ichika

"Ichika Hime, we can do it in our village and country borders. But won't it be an international matter if we spy on other villages and countries secretly with the Byakugan?"- Hiashi

"Hiashi san, who told you about spying on other villages secretly. Whatever we do, we will do it openly in a fair way. We just need to send some ambassadors to other villages with ANBU protecting them. There will be one or 2 Hyuga hidden within these ANBU protecting the ambassador. Since the enemies pawns are powerful persons, they will try to get to this ambassador meetings. We just need our Hyuga ANBU to note down the name of the persons who are confirmed as the pawns."- Ichika.

Everybody was blown away by my idea, to infiltrate a village in such a open way, its a first for any of them.

"Hime sama, glad we are on the same side. I don't want to be on the wrong side of you."- Shikaku

"Everybody, think we are off track here. Since Minato kun need complete rest to recover for like 5 to 6 years, don't we need to select a Hokage candidate. We can't burden Minato kun with work right."- Tsume

"What are you talking about Tsume san, we are already talking to the Hokage candidate right. Did you forget Minato kun words, how much he wanted Ichika hime to be his successor"- Inoichi

I was shocked by Inoichi san words. Did Uncle Minato think of me so highly.

"Umm, what about dad, can't he become Hokage, afterall he was one of the previous Hokage candidates"- Ichika.

"Ichika. If it were ten years ago, i would have accepted it. But now, i can't see a better candidate than you. If you are not suited to become Hokage, then i doubt anyone here would. Wasn't it your dream to bring peace and happiness to all around you? You have better chances of accomplishing it if you become a Hokage"- Fugaku

"Your father is right Ichika Uchiha. You showed enough control over your anger, and spared your enemies during third shinobi war. You showed your diplomacy skill during the following negotiations. You brought prosperity to Naha state as a able Governor. Your speech during the opening of University of Fire, is still fresh in my mind, where you want to bring people together. Of all the people, i think you can accomplish it. You have friendly relationship with almost all the Hidden villages and other countries. You have no reason to refuse it.

I Tora Madoka, as power bestowed in me by my ancestors as Fire Daimyo of Land of Fire, Hereby appoint Ichika Uchiha as the 5th Hokage of Konohagakure."- Tora Madoka

I don't even have a reason to refuse, but father is right, i have better chance of bringing peace and protecting my village and family by becoming a Hokage.

"I, Ichika Uchiha, Daughter of Fugaku Uchiha, hereby vow as the 5th Hokage of Konohagakure to protect its people, properties and happiness with my full strength."- Ichika

All the shinobi family clan heads started to congratulate me. Naruto and Sasuke too.

"We will disclose the news to people right away and will start the Hokage ceremony day after tomorrow. Anything we need to prepare for Hokage Sama"- Shikaku

"Yes. We will start with where it ended. Inform Raikage of the ambush and i will personally head to Kumogakure to talk to him."- Ichika

All of them are shocked by my words, when i said i will personally visit Kumogakure.

" Isn't it dangerous Hokage Sama, our enemies will know of it and ambush you too. We are not even sure how Raikage will treat you in his stronghold"- Shikaku.

"Everyone calm down. First i want to drag these Akatsuki bastards out and second Kumogakure is not strong enough to contain me."- Ichika

It maybe a bold claim to others, but to me, it is more than a walk in the park. If i was captured by Raikage in Kumogakure, then it will insult my teacher more than anyone.