Yesterday Night the news have been released to Konoha citizens and Coalition forces of new Hokage taking office. But the most happiest of them all is My students Sasuke, Naruto and Sakura. They were with me in the hospital when i was appointed. But Sakura seemed a bit worried for something.

"Sensei, will you be training us as usual, now that you have become a Hokage, you will be busy with village affairs. "- Sakura

"Silly girl. I can balance between training you and managing village affairs. Remember i have my shadow clone technique to multitask"- Ichika.

They all seemed happy, We all left the hospital early in the morning. Sakura to her house. Naruto stayed with aunt Kushina. Sasuke and me moved towards our home in Uchiha District. Throughout the way, we met people who congratulated me and asked to take care of them in the future. Once we were close to Uchiha District, i can see all the Uchihas line up the streets with a large cheering, enough to act as a wake up call for every citizen in Konoha. All the clan elders were also present with smiles blossoming their old faces. Granny Naori was the first to step out and congratulate me.

"Ichika Hime, today you made us all Uchiha proud. I thought i will never see a Uchiha become a Hokage during my lifetime. But i am glad, at the end of my life, we have one Hokage from Uchiha. Moreover it was you, we can rest easy that the Village and clan future is now in an able hands. Please take care of us all."- Granny Naori

With that Granny Naori did a formal bow to me, followed by all those present. After 2 minutes another elder stepped forward.

"Ichika Hime, Tomorrow you will take official oath at 8.00 am. But please get ready by 5.00am, there will be a ceremony to offer prayers to our ancestors. The ancestor spirits will be happy."- Karu Uchiha

"Yes father already discussed this with me, we will meet at the Naka Shrine at 5.00 am then"- Ichika

After that we reached our home. I took rest till evening and went towards the Konoha Council.Same as in the morning, i was greeted by almost all the citizens and Ninjas i passed through. I greeted them back politely. At the Council room all the Shinobi Family Clan heads, Fire Daimyo, Hiruzen Sama and on a rare occasion all the newly elected civilian council members were also present. I took the Hokage seat in the center. It was Shikaku who started the proceedings.

"Ichika Hime, we received news from Kumogakure, that their Raikage was also attacked by Akatsuki at Land of Frost borders. But Raikage repelled those attacks and safely returned back to Kumogakure after receiving the news about attack on Minato san"- Shikaku

"Are the identity of the attackers confirmed yet?"- Ichika

"Yes Hime sama. Deidara "The Bomber" and Sasori of the Red sand. They were lightly injured before they made their escape from Raikage wrath."-Shikaku

"Don't you find anything odd about these attacks Shikaku san?"- Ichika

"They are challenging us Hime sama"- Shikaku

"Yes. But that was not the correct answer"- Ichika

The entire council room became silent, as everybody tried to decipher the meaning of my words.

"Ichika Hime, just don't make our old cells go bad. Please speak up about your conclusions"- Hiruzen.

"They are very smart. They want to boost the ego of Kumogakure and worsen the relations between us. Uncle Minato and his guards are severely injured by Akatsuki and the same Akatsuki was repelled by Raikage with just minor injuries. Deidara and Sasori may be S class Missing nins, but they are in no way compared to the Two monsters who attacked Uncle Minato. From the beginning their plan was to make us Konoha look weak compared to Kumogakure. Deidara and Sasori are nowhere enough match compared to Raikage in speed, strength and elemental affinity. This will make Kumogakure think, that they are better left alone than forming an alliance with a weak nation. So our next approach to Kumogakure is a challenge to us. We have to show them that we are not weak and also make sure we don't hurt their pride when showing our strength. A superb tactic from Akatsuki"- Ichika

All of the clan heads are veterans at scheming and understood my reasoning. But Shikaku san came to an entirely different conclusion from my words.

"Hime Sama. Deidara and Sasori are former missing nins from Land of Earth and wind, who are our allies, they want to plant a seed of doubt in Raikage mind. Kumogakure is in danger. The Akatsuki purposefully appeared weak to loosen the guard of Kumogakure. Their target from the beginning is to go for 8 tails jinchuriki Killer B, who is the perfect Jinchuriki and stop Killer B from training other Jinchuriki."- Shikaku

"Exactly Shikaku san. If i am not wrong, the Akatsuki must be preparing a welcoming party for me now too. I am sure just who iam going to be facing."- Ichika

"Who is it Hime sama"- Tsume

"Orochimaru and Danzo"- Ichika

The council room completely fell into silence. Orochimaru and Danzo are 2 of the villages worst criminals and are waiting to exact their revenge for a long time on Konoha.

"Are you still planning on going to Kumogakure Ichika Hime, this will be one dangerous journey, if i have to say."- Hiruzen

"She has to go Hiruzen sama, She has to pass this hurdle or there will be only more chaos for us in the future. We really are playing into Akatsuki hands, but we have no choice."- Shikaku

"Alright. That's enough about Akatsuki for now. Shikaku san you will continue your job as Jonin commander as before. Kakashi Hatake will take over as ANBU commander. Hiashi Hyuga, Tsume Inuzuka and Shibi Aburame will be the working as the new advisors. Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi Sama will be the acting head of the village in my absence. The rest of the departments will continue as before. Hiashi san send ambassadors to our allies as we discussed before night. Select the proper candidates on your own. Also Shikaku San, send summons to all the kages to meet at the Land of Iron, for the Gokage meeting. Tell them its an important meeting concerning about the future of Shinobi world. The meeting will be held exactly a month from now. I will head to Land of Iron from Kumogakure directly. Each Kage can bring upto 3 members only.

As for Civilian Council, they are to remain the same, no need to elect new members. The rules are same as before, from next meeting onwards only one representative is allowed to the Council meeting.

Shikaku san, I will leave for Kumogakure tomorrow evening. For the next month, we will be communicating through my clone. I will be taking 3 temporary bodyguards with me, before i create my own guard platoon. The Guards are Mighty Guy, Anko Mitarashi and Shisui Uchiha. Tell guy to hand over his squad temporarily to Asuma san"- Ichika

Nobody expected for me to call for a Gokage meeting, but everyone understood the need for the meeting.

"Yes Hime sama"- Shikaku

We all left on our way after the meeting. I went towards the hospital to check on Uncle Minato. The Hospital is still guarded tightly by Anbu. I can see aunt Kushina and Naruto in the hospital corridor. I directly went into ICU and found Uncle Minato is recovering properly. I left the ICU quickly.

"Aunt Kushina, i will be leaving the village for a month on duty. I will leave my shadow clone here for communication if you need anything. Uncle Minato is showing good recovery progress. When he wakes up, you are to move to Naha state along with the previous Hokage Guard Platoon. My clone in Naha will administer the treatment on Uncle Minato."- Ichika

After another 30 minutes of talking about some personal matters, i called it my day and went straight to my home.

"The next day i woke up at 4.00 am and got ready. I was dressed in my complete Jonin Uniform. The only addition is a Uchiha style Haori of red and white, that has Uchiha family crest on the left shoulder and the Kanji for 5 on the back. We arrived at Naka Shrine at exactly 5.00 am. Unlike adult ceremony, this time the process was slow and systematic. There were some artists performing dance, which showed the history of the Uchiha clan. The ceremony was completed by 7.00 am. After a quick breakfast, i arrived at Hokage tower by 7.50 am. We waited till 8.00 before, Shikaku san announced publicly to all the citizens present of Uncle Minato Injury and the reasons for my selection. After that it was the same swearing ceremony to protect Konoha. Due to the immediate nature of Hokage ceremony, the number of foreign envoys are less than the usual. I met them all personally and promised better relations with them. The time quickly passed discussing and instructing the Konoha council of the actions to be taken in my absence. It was exactly at 5.oopm, that Guy,Anko and Shisui arrived at my office door. After a quick call to Shikaku san about Gokage meeting, we immediately set toward Kumogakure.

This time i didn't summon my thunderbird, despite Shisui pouting and complaining about running. I already informed Anko about the possibility of facing Orochimaru and don't let her emotions take over her. I removed the cursed seal placed on her. Guy was surprisingly calm and serious the whole way, checking the surroundings. We quickly reached Land of Frost borders in 7 days. As expected from before, Orochimaru and Danzo are waiting for me ahead. At our pace we will reach them by tomorrow afternoon. At night i prepared silencing seals and earth dome to cover me and my party.

"Orochimaru and Danzo are ahead. There also 2 more Akatsuki members present unknown to both of them. They may attack us when our guard is down. So be careful. Shisui, Guy and Anko will confront Danzo while i will fight Orochimaru. Here take this talismans, they will neutralize all genjutsu attempts and can take 10 full power attacks of a kage level. Tomorrow we will kill both these traitors for sure but until i call the end of the fight, you are all to remain on full alert"- Ichika.

The next day we moved at normal pace, but we slowed down when we came close to the ambush area.

"My ,My. What an honour. First its two monsters for Uncle Minato and 2 art loving Ninjas for Raikage. Going with the flow i thought it will be someone weaker than Deidara and Sasori, but i never expected the difficulty to rise to another level. So what does Orochimaru of the 3 sannin and Danzo the former advisor want with a kid like me."- Ichika

From the clearing ahead of us emerged 2 figures from the ground. They were dressed in black and red cloud cloaks. They were clearly not surprised by the fact that their ambush failed.

"Ku Ku Ku Ku, see didn't i tell ya Danzo, we will fail in our ambush. She is a strong sensory type rivalling Tobirama sama."- Orochimaru

"Yes you did, but we don't need a ambush to kill her right. I want to invade Konoha, but i couldn't as the odds are against me. But now she has nowhere to go. Look she also brought the perfect eye replacement for me. The Sharingan from Kagami Uchiha is weakened a lot during the last 2 decades."- Danzo

It was clearly to taunt me and Shisui to make us angry and lose our cool. This bastard certainly has his ways with his mouth. But iam better at it than him.

"Mummy Bastard, are you getting along well with Root these days"- Ichika

"You are the one right. You are the one who destroyed my Root right. My decades of work all ruined by you. I will make sure you will die a slow death"- Danzo

But before he attacked me, i stopped him with a hand gesture.

"You 2 guys are going to be spectators or join the fight. You see i wont feel comfortable with the idea of 2 unknown enemies silently observing us.

Orochimaru and Danzo were clearly shocked and surprised as they didn't sense any other people. Soon on the tree opposite of us emerged Zetsu and a spiral formed beside him forming Tobi.

"As expected of Ichika Hime, we can't hide from you"- Tobi

"So how is it going to be, is it 4 vs 4 or 4 vs 2. Decide quickly Goggle Boy? "- Ichika

Zetsu and Tobi panicked as they clearly know, i recognised his identity. Orochimaru and Danzo were puzzled at first seeing Zetsu and Tobi appear and are now more curious of the identity behind the mask, as no one in Akatsuki saw his true face.

"Ichika Hime, you are an excellent Uchiha like your ancestors, why don't you join us? I am sure someone as strong as you will be a good addition to Akatsuki"- Zetsu

"Zetsu right? Just how old are you? why did u modify the clan tablet in Naka Shrine? I am sure it has some related purpose in brainwashing this Goggle boy?- Ichika

Everybody was interested with my questions, especially Orochimaru and Danzo. Danzo knew there must be some kind of secret with the tablet. As for Tobi, he never expected that Zetsu is skilled enough to modify the Uchiha tablet. As for Zetsu, he literally started sweating.

"Zetsu, we need to talk once this is over"-Tobi

"How did you know it was me who modified the tablet?"- Zetsu

"The tablet is made of a special stone to record the thoughts. It will contain the aura of the one who wrote it. The Uchiha are a clan that is thousand of years old, but i sensed the tablet is just around 100 years old. So it clearly proves that tablet is a fake. The aura on the tablet matches you 100%. After going through some clan records, i noticed that the tablet was made around the time Madara Uchiha became the clan leader. I am sure you must be the reason behind him defecting the clan and Village. Also you were behind killing Yahiko. I wonder what's your true goal? If you were not a mere clone, i would surely catch you today."- Ichika

Everybody were shocked including Guy, Anko and Shisui. Because, if what i said true, then Zetsu must be more than 100 years old. Orochimaru interest seemed to pick up, while Danzo was contemplating on how to catch Zetsu.

"Kill Her, she is a threat to Akatsuki, if she doesn't die, then we will never be able to move forward."- Zetsu

"Wow Zetsu. I never thought you were a emotional bastard. So what she said are true. We will not kill her, but we will definitely catch her. I just want to make sure what else she knows,"- Orochimaru.

Zetsu and Tobi immediately moved towards a safe place. The first to attack was Orochimaru. He threw a single shuriken at us

"Shuriken Shadow clone jutsu". The single shuriken multiplied into hundreds but were easily deflected by Guy san with a kunai.

"Wind Release: Vacuum Great sphere" Danzo attacked by compressing wind into a great sphere shape and blew it at us.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu" Shisui countered the vacuum sphere with his fireball.

"My My Hime Sama, it looks like we have to split you guys up first, if we want to capture you alive"Orochimaru.

"Summoning jutsu" Orochimaru summoned Snake king Manda, which immediately dived towards us, making us all dodge in different directions, taking this chance Orochimaru attacked me, while danzo and Manda attacked Shisui, Guy and Anko.