As soon as Manda and Danzo separated me and the others, Orochimaru quickly went through hand seals

"Four Violet Flames Formation", Suddenly surrounding me a purple square barrier started to take place, the walls are surrounded by violet flames.

"Orochimaru san, doesn't this formation require four more people to man the corners. I don't think you have the skill to make this formation to make it work on your own"- Ichika

"Yes, you are quite knowledgeable about sealing arts. But i polished this formation with the help of a sealing master in Akatsuki. I can use this formation with just a few objects, that are already placed in place before you arrived here. You can only escape this place after killing me or making me release the formation."-Orochimaru

" well i think i like this formation, you also can't escape anywhere now. So shall we start the party now or are there still any preparations you wanna make?"- Ichika

"Confident are we? I am not a fool Hime sama, i know you are easily stronger than me, so i brought a few helpers with me."- Orochimaru

"Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation". With that 2 caskets started to rise from the ground. When the caskets are opened two people stepped out of it.

One had waist length black hair in a centre parted fringe that framed his face. He wore standard shinobi dress of warring states period, consisting of dark red armour worn over a simple black suit with sandals. This armour was constructed from numerous metal plates, formed into multiple protective guards along his body, each collar of his shoulder bore the Senju symbol. He wore a standard Konoha forehead protector, he is none other than Hashirama Senju, the first Hokage of Konohagakure.

The other person was a fair skinned man with shaggy white hair. He wore blue armour with a distinctive white fur collar over a simple black suit. This armor was also constructed from numerous metal plates forming multiple protective guards over his body. He was wearing a happuri engraved with Konoha symbol. This man is Tobirama Senju, the second Hokage of Konohagakure.

Both of their faces are filled with cracks.

As soon as they came to their senses, they seem a little lost and started to look around and noticed me and Orochimaru.

"To think we were brought back by my own created jutsu, how ironic, that's why i banned this Impure world resurrection as a kinjutsu"- Tobirama

"So who are you little girl, from the looks of your attire you are from Konoha and this person behind us must be our summoner."- Hashirama

"Ichika Uchiha, 5th Hokage of Konohagakure, you are summoned by Orochimaru, one of the disciples of Hiruzen Sarutobi"-Ichika

"Saru eh. Then apology in advance girl, we can't control our actions."- Hashirama

"An Uchiha as a Hokage, you must be something to become a hokage at such young age"- Tobirama.

"Yes you are right Tobirama sama, she is stronger than me, so i summoned you guys. Now will you please capture her for me"- Orochimaru.

With that Orochimaru picked up a kunai with a tag at its end and inserted them at the back of their heads. With that both the former Hokages completely lost their will. With that the cracks on their bodies also started to mend and they became as if they are live persons.

I attacked them on my own initiative

"Fire Release: Fire dragon rampage". A huge fire breath attack that took the form of a thick dragon and rushed towards my enemies. Just when the attack was a few feet from hitting them Tobirama moved.

"Water Release: Water barrier jutsu". He created a water barrier around them all and attacked my technique. As soon as my technique died down, he started attacking with the water he formed as barrier.

"Water release: water dragon missile". The water took the form of a dragon shape and approached me at terrific speeds.

"Earth Release: Earth wall jutsu" i was able to block the attack from Tobirama sama, but Hashirama sama combined my earth wall and Tobirama sama water dragon missile and used his famous wood release technique.

"Wood Release: Forest tree genesis". Innumerable vines started to form from the earth wall jutsu and started to attack me, but before i realised, i was attacked from behind too and was completely bound by tree vines unable to move. The vines also started to absorb my chakra.

Soon Orochimaru started to approach me with a feeling of victory, but when he was a meter away from me, my body ran out of chakra and went up in a puff of smoke. From the start i was observing the battle between Orochimaru and my clone from the skies. i was using Shadow clone technique, to observe for any trump cards of his. As expected of him, he summoned the first 2 Hokages. He will be killed today for disrespecting the past Hokages even in their death.

Shisui P.O.V

Danzo removed his cloak and threw it aside. Then he removed his right arm from his robe covered in 3 large golden braces. He quickly went through 3 seals and the golden braces came off, revealing his arm covered in bandages. He removed those bandages revealing the arm fully with Sharingans.

"So this is the arm of the mutation called Shin, the one Orochimaru created with Uchiha in mind"- Shisui

"Yes. we went through a lot of trouble to obtain enough Uchiha samples for the experiment"- Danzo

He also removed the bandage covering his right eye, revealing mangekyo sharingan.

"So that is the sharingan of my grandfather. Today i am gonna kill you and bury those eyes at his grave."- Shisui

Shocking all, its was Danzo who charged at us, and at a good speed too, for someone of his age.He approached me in a quick time, but i used my mangekyo sharingan, to wrap myself in a Susanoo and caught him. Before he could even react, i crushed him. But after just a few seconds he appeared in front of us like nothing happened. But one of the Sharingan eye on his right arm was completely closed.

"Bastard, you even know about the Uchiha forbidden technique. Izanagi"- Shisui

"What is this Izanagi technique, Shisui san?"- Guy

"It is a technique, which turns reality into an illusion. But when one uses this technique, they will go completely blind in that eye. That bastard was clearly crushed by me, but he sacrificed a sharingan and appeared as if nothing happened to him"- Shisui

"You are right about this Izanagi. This is the technique your grandfather used to save our lives during second shinobi world war and it is also the only reason i was able to get my hands on his only eye."- Danzo

With that he again charged at us, but i was able to form a full Susanoo and again crushed him like a bug.

This time he appeared behind me and try to pierce the Kunai onto my back, but Guy san crushed his head with a strong kick instantly killing him

This time he appeared at a few meters distance from us and started to use ninjutsu

"Wind Release: vacuum serial waves" he started to shoot wind blades at different angles and started to attack all of us, but i shielded Guy and Anko behind my Susanoo.

Seeing his attack fail he took 4 shurikens and coated them with wind and threw them at us.

"Wind Release: Wind shuriken blades"

The Shurikens didn't attack in a straight line, but curved in mid air and went towards Guy and Anko san.

"Hidden snake hand jutsu"- Anko san stretched her right hand as a snake by catching the shuriken without coming into contact with the wind. While Guy san just used his Nunchakus to deflect them.

I used my fully formed Susanoo to form a sword in right hand and sliced Danzo in two. He again appeared a few meters apart from us. He must be measuring the range of my Susanoo and its strength.

"Yasaka magatama" i compressed chakra to form magatama with my susanoo.Due its structure , its acts in a similar manner to that of a shuriken when thrown by my susanoo, rapidly spinning towards the intended target and results in an explosion upon impact, but just before the magatamas could hit Danzo, he did something which surprised us.

"Spontaneous tree summoning" he created an entire tree from his body to alter the trajectories of my magatama attack. When the attack was clear, we could clearly see first Hokage Hashirama face etched on his right shoulder.

"Danzo, just how far have you fallen, no wonder your body was able to sustain more sharingans"- Guy

"I thought of using this strength to protect Konoha and make it the strongest village on the land. Now i don't care about it"-Danzo

"Strongest village heh, then you must want to become the King of this village right Danzo?"-Ichika

Ichika hime, was flying above us on her Thunderbird, she seems relaxed though.

"First Orochimaru summoned the first two Hokages with a forbidden technique and now you have stolen some of first hokage cells and implanted them on yourself. Because of your thirst for power, you guys have killed thousands of innocent civilians and ninjas. You have lost full right to live anymore. Go repent in hell"- Ichika

Suddenly Danzo right arm Sharingans were crushed, then his right eye, legs and other left arm.

"You can use Izanagi only when you have Sharingans to spare Danzo"- Ichika

"Today is my death, i can see it. But i will drag you all with me too"- Danzo

"Reverse Four Symbols Sealing" Suddenly four symbols formed from Danzo's body that took a shape of large black sphere trying to draw anything that is within its range. Luckily i was in my Susanoo form and was able to hold onto Guy and Anko, otherwise they would have perished in that suicide attack.

Danzo, one of the former elders of Konoha was killed in a suicide attack.

"Shisui, Guy and Anko you guys come up. The battle will get fiercer from now. You will only get in my way"- Ichika.

With that we all mounted the thunderbird, while Ichika Hime jumped towards the ground. Just as she jumped down, the four violet formation was released and 3 figures rushed from it towards Ichika Hime.