Ichika took a good rest before the banquet is ready. It really is a new experience to her, as this is the first time she is attending a banquet held by the monsters. There are all kinds of meat, vegetables and drinks laid in front of her. While the two 'brothers' are sitting together and going through the finer details of 'Operation Downfall'. She only picked up couple plates of dishes, before passing the remaining dishes to Zetsu and Kuro. Zetsu was interested in meat, while Kuro just kept on drinking barrels of wine, much to the pain of Crimson Snake. That is his finest "Golden Vine", made of grade 8 ingredients. Just a barrel is enough for low type monsters, to make significant breakthroughs in their strength. Even he himself, never drank more than a single barrel. But here, this black monster is drinking as if it is water. It only brought him more tears after seeing the number of barrels dwindling down at a rapid pace from his wine collection. As for Zetsu, it is his first time, tasting so many different types of delicious meats. He alone cleared more than half of the meat dishes. His stomach was so bloated in the end, that he had to reluctantly stop eating any further. He may look scrawny, but his appetite will never lose to even most of the Elder dragons. The banquet went on for 2 days straight, before Kuro was knocked out finally from his drinking.

After the banquet, Crimson Snake brought Ichika to his treasury and as expected from someone who is the richest boss in Blood Ocean. The treasures she collected from Hydra is already considered as a more than fortune, but what she is seeing in front of her right now, easily dwarfs Hydra by miles. It is like the difference between copper and gold. She didn't disappoint Crimson Snakes expectations even one bit.

"You really proved yourself as a loyal subordinate. The treasures in this room can really be counted as a small token of your appreciation. Then i will receive them all without holding back"- Ichika

Crimson snake was already crying blood, when he brought her to the treasury. He expected her to choose, most of the treasures she was interested in, but she treated his entire treasury as a gift. Also to his shock, it is still considered as only a small token of appreciation. Great ancestor, i spent billions of years collecting all these treasures through all means. It will not even fall short of any Humanoid races, Royal family treasury and you still call this 'small'. If it's not to maintain his dignity in front of her, he would have coughed up all his blood and joined the cycle of reincarnation by now. Much to his shock, she stored the entire collection of the treasury in her pagoda, not even leaving a single grass blade. The treasury room was picked up so clean, like it was, when the treasury was constructed.

"You did a good service to me, so i have to give you something in return as your boss"- Ichika

She quickly gave him Grade 12 armor and battle cultivation technique, just like she did with Hydra. Crimson Snake' s dark mood brightened up after knowing the value of these armor and battle technique. He quickly bowed to her before accepting the gifts.

Ichika spent 2 weeks calmly sorting through all the treasures she obtained from Crimson Snake. His wealth easily surpassed Blue Dragon. After 2 weeks she went with Hydra and Crimson Snake to meet the other 3 'good' bosses Millennium Duck, Green Bullfrog and Titanic Crab. They also followed by 'gifting' their treasures 'wholeheartedly' by following the example of their previous 'brothers' and restoring balance among themselves. They were all so 'happy' when she left their domains, as if they avoided a great disaster. All of them were picked clean, making Hydra and Crimson Snake enjoy their misfortune. They were also given a grade 12 armor and battle technique, that suited their physique. 3 months later She returned to Hydra's island and collected the treasures Hydra's minions gathered again. After that she ordered Kuro to rush towards the Humanoid races lands.

Of all the treasures, she collected from the bosses, she picked up a primal treasure from Millennium Duck. It is a large old brown paper parchment, that has been inlaid with a large number of powerful formations. Luckily the monsters are not good at breaking formations, so this paper parchment was also grouped with other collections and made to collect dust. She settled on a nearby island and started to break the formations on it.

There are treasure rankings ranging from Grade 1 to Grade 15. But above grade 15 there is a sovereign grade treasure and above it is a primal grade treasure. This paper parchment is a primal grade treasure, that is definitely not from this world. Even with Ichika's skill in formations, she spent 17 years breaking through all the formations on the paper parchment. After breaking each and every formation, Ichika's skill in formations also started to take a tremendous leap. When the last formation was broken, the large parchment turned into a Blue painting of a Old man sitting at a table and writing something. Then shocking her, the Old man in the painting turned towards and started to speak to her.

"To My Successor, My name is Arthur King. I was a peak sovereign grade cultivator in my life time and also one of the 12 rulers of the Sovereign state world. This parchment is a primal treasure called "Miracle White'. I was betrayed by my own son for this treasure, who joined his hands with other 11 sovereign rulers and severely wounded me. I was able to escape to this world with my last bit of energy.

During my lifetime, i was not only a powerful cultivator, but a pinnacle formation master. Throughout all my cultivation journey, i was always intrigued by the mysteries of formations and the working principles behind it. I spent every bit of my effort and heart into unravelling these mysteries of formations. In the end, i only came to one conclusion that we all are a part of one major formation. Humans, monsters, devils,worlds, stars and universes are all a part of this major formation.Just i didn't know how to prove it, every attempt or Insight i had was ended up with more question marks. My main question was, who was this master that was able to arrange all these in such a grand formation. Still the beauty of this formation is, it's always moving forwards and ever changing, not sticking to a certain place or time. Most of the formations masters can only build, formations that are fixed and preprogrammed. I know i can never reach the level of this formation master, but still i wanted to replicate a small part of it. So i put even more effort and resources on creating a formation, that will satisfy my ego.

That's when things started to go wrong for me. One day when i was arranging all of my insights and knowledge as formations onto this parchment, a small accident occurred and i brushed a wrong stroke, accidentally creating a super miracle. That wrong stroke mysteriously blended with the previously placed formations on this parchment and gave life to this treasure. As it was not a natural born treasure, it invited the wrath of Creation. The treasure was subjected to a strong lightning tribulation, alerting all the other sovereign rulers of it's presence that a new primal treasure is born.

After the other sovereign rulers knew it belonged to me, they approached me with all kinds of intentions to get the primal treasure from me. Some used money, some threatened and some blackmailed to cut off all relations with me. But how can i pass this treasure to others, it is the proof of my life long efforts, so i denied all of them breaking all my relations with them. In the end, i was attacked by them all for this treasure and had to escape to this unknown world.

I don't want to hand this treasure to just any fool, so i placed all the powerful formations i can with the remaining part of my energy, leaving a tiny bit of my will in it. Only those who can break these formations are worthy of my successor and this treasure.

Successor, with your skill in formations and with the help of my treasure, you will really be a powerful cultivator and reach Sovereign Grade in the future. My only requests are, for you to continue my studies on formations and if possible punish the sovereign rulers and my son. I also left all of my other treasures in my spatial ring, which is inside the primal treasure.

Good luck with your future path."-Arthur King

Ichika was shocked after listening to the story of Arthur. She knew, who this great formation master mentioned by Arthur is, it is her teacher. Ichika was sure, that if it isn't for her, there is no one on this world, skilled enough to break Arthur's formations, letting this primal treasure collect dust. But still, Arthur is truly a genius, for he created a primal treasure with formations and stroke of luck. But Ichika was also interested by his concepts. She will surely work on moving formations in the future and study the formation laws even more closely.

"I will personally not initiate a fight with your enemies, but if they cross my path, i will make sure they regret it for their lives. You can rest in peace Arthur king."- Ichika.

After the last bit of Arthur consciousness faded from the parchment, she used a drop of her blood on it, establishing a connection with the treasure. As soon as the connection was established, the treasure started to absorb energy from ichika in large quantities. It only stopped after absorbing more than 80% of her reserves, then the old brown parchment turned into a golden parchment. With just a thought, she was pulled into the parchment world.

Soon Ichika appeared in the skies, sensing pleasant, powerful spiritual air brushing against her .All Ichika could see inside this treasure is white ocean. But when she observed, closely, she was shocked to notice that this ocean is not formed by water, but due to pure accumulation of spiritual energy in the form of liquid state. Single Divine grade spiritual stone, is only equal to merely few drops of liquid from this ocean. But in front of her is an entire ocean of this liquid. No wonder this treasure got the name 'Miracle White'. She took a breath and spread her soul sense. Even with her soul sense that can cover half of the monster world, she can't seem to find the other end of this ocean at all. She just found a small island a few thousand miles in front of her.

There is a huge wooden house in the middle of this island. Looks like the resting place of Arthur King, in this treasure world. Inside the house is clean and spacious. There are wooden racks, a single bed and a big table. The wooden racks are entirely filled up with Jade slips, that contained notes and concepts of Arthur on formations. Ichika found Arthur's Spatial ring on the table. The ring is shaped in the form of a dragon gnawing its tail. Ichika quickly bound it with her blood. The moment she sensed the treasures inside, she almost fainted from shock. Just the space in the ring alone makes it a High grade treasure. It has billions of cubic meters of space and almost filled up to 90% with all kind of treasures. She even found 20 spatial rings of same size inside the ring. Compared to the treasures in all these spatial rings, the one she collected so far doesn't even count as a treasure.

As Arthur is from a sovereign state world and one of it's 12 rulers, he is undoubtedly rich. She didn't find any Spiritual stone below Divine grade. All the spirit stones are divine grade spirit stones. She even found 3 spatial rings completely filled with Sovereign grade spirit stones, which are higher in quality than Divine grade spirit stones. She also found various tools, 6 life like puppets of 2 meters in height, few spiritual boats of the highest quality, formation flags, cultivation manuals, battle techniques, corpses of several Sovereign grade monsters, weapons, armors and billions of items of each kind that can be used to create all kinds of formations. She didn't find a single spiritual herb though. She can't use the cultivation and battle techniques, as she had better ones. She decided to pass them to her future followers. Similarly she can't use Sovereign grade weapons and armors, as she had better one's made by her 3 dwarf masters. Sovereign grade spirit stones are also a big no for the moment, as she will surely never run out of Divine grade spirit stones. They easily number in Quadrillions. Also there is an endless ocean, whose liquid can be used to supplement these Divine grade spirit stones. Ichika is now easily the wealthiest person on this world by a large margin.

Sovereign grade monsters corpses are definitely a treasure itself, as their parts can be used for alchemy and formations. Their blood can be used to draw powerful spells. She decided to use one of the Spiritual boats as transportation in the future. It will be interesting to ride on a flying boat. She quickly bound one of the boat. The boat may look only palm size on the outside, but it can easily expand to accommodate 20000 people at once. There are luxurious quarters inside the boat, with each quarter highly furnished to even suit a royal family. The boat can be powered by spirit stones. The higher the grade of the spirit stone, the better it's speed.

Then she turned, to the 6 life like puppets. After binding them, she came to know that, they are the artificial servants created by Arthur in helping with his studies and daily life. They can easily follow all the commands to the last details with high intelligence. They have strong defence as they are made of very rare metal Ul'cron, But their battle ability is the weakest in sovereign state world. But here, on this world, they can easily match a low level paragon. They only need single divine grade stone to power them for an entire day. But it varies during battles, depending on the consumption of energy. She immediately loaded a million Divine Grade spirit stones, in to the space socket on their chest.

After making sure she didn't miss anything, she came out of 'Miracle White'. She emptied one of Arthur's Spatial ring and wore it on her right hand. She completely filled it up with all the spirit stones that are lower than divine grade and a few more necessary items. She quickly summoned a spiritual boat and extended its size to fit her, zetsu and now a meter high Kuro. She placed 1000 divine grade spirit stones to fuel it. The boat vanished from the Blood Ocean at the speed of light and will arrive at the borders of Vanguard Zone in just 4 days.