Vanguard Zone, it borders Blood Ocean for trillions of miles and is protected by High walls of 1000 meters in height and 30 meters in width that runs along the border. There are various entrances at certain set distances to allow people entrance into the zone.These entrances are 500*200 meter in dimensions, allowing even a group of giants to walk in freely. All of these entrances are only closed during emergencies, with strong 20 meter width doors, that is protected with formations. There is check points at each and every entrances manned by a select group of God level cultivators, who also act as guards. Viewing crystals are also placed at these entrances, to monitor all the people entering through the gates, incase they overlooked something. All these viewing crystals are connected to Monitor crystals, in the Guard Headquarters. There is a certain amount of tax you have to pay as entrance fees. Only those with token are allowed entry into the Vanguard zone. If by chance, you lost your token, then you will have to wait, until you are provided with another one.

Media also developed a lot in the past trillion years and they use each and every resource to gather sensational news. Each Media Sect placed a bunch of their own reporters close to these entrances, in case they find something extraordinary or some powerful cultivator returning from monster lands after their training sessions. These powerful cultivators are treated as superstars and will be swarmed by reporters to gain news of their experiences and harvest. Media is scary on Earth, but here they are more like devils. Most of the reporters are above God level and close to High God level. They chose this path, as they don't have any chances of making further breakthroughs in their cultivation. They will use their soul sense to stalk all kinds of people and cultivators to gather any news that can be sensationalized.

Clark Moor, is such a reporter. He is from Shade race, subspecies of Demon clan, that is known for their stealth skills and information gathering. Couple it with his lower High God cultivation, there is no cultivator who escaped from him, once he set his eyes. He is a veteran of this field with millions of years of work experience. He unearthed a lot of Scams, scandals and haunting cases, that his case files are used as notes for aspiring reporters in Media sects. Recently because of him 2 powerful Sects, Azura Dragon Sect and Black Turtle sect almost went to war, as he revealed that the chosen God Son of Azure Dragon Sect was having a love affair with Black Turtle Sect, Elder's daughter. These two sects are not on good terms for a long time and when this news was revealed, it took a lot of effort from other influential people to calm them down. For his actions, a large bounty was placed on him in Assassin guild. These sects can't act openly against someone from media sects. If you anger them, they will unite together and reveal all kinds of real and fabricated news about you.

Because of the bounty placed on him, Clark Moor's boss ordered him to go to non suspicious place like the Vanguard Zone entrance, as no one will expect someone of his ability to be stationed here. Clark Moor was bored watching all kinds of people for the last 2 weeks, as the reporter in him is screaming for some sensational news.

He is currently using his record crystal and taking an interview of a young upcoming businessman. Record crystals are the technology developed by gnomes to record images as they are, with high quality. The amount of data they can record depends on the quality of the crystal. All you need to do is use your qi to channel into the crystal for it to work. The interview was boring for Clark, as the businessman just kept on bragging about his company, it is at this time, he noticed a huge carriage that is 18 meters in length, 6 meters in height and 5 meters wide, being pulled by 8 white horses of Mearas race. Mearas race horses are the rarest of the rarest breed and are said to be the descendants of Felarof, the first Monster Horse king. Because of their rarity, power and endurance, they are considered as a type 8 monsters. They are highly sought after by even royal families. Even owning a single Mearas Horse is considered as a show of status. But here the carriage is being pulled by 8 of them. That's not all, the carriage is made of Kiork Wood, Grade 9 material. It is gilded and the panels on the sides are painted with high quality works. There are 4 sculptures of golden chineese dragons ready to breathe fire, on the 4 corners of its roof top. There is a huge white flag, picturing white and red colour fan symbol flying proudly on the center of it's rooftop. That fan is definitely the clan symbol, but Clark never saw this clan symbol before in his life.

But still that is not the shocking point, the carriage is guarded on it's four sides by 6, 2 meters height cultivators and one of the 6 is also acting as its driver. They are completely dressed in black clothes and black armor covering them from head to toe. Clark Moor, could sense a fearsome presence from them, even though he is a High God. He never experienced this type of pressure even from his boss who is a peak High God. That only means all these 6 cultivators are minimum Paragon levels. When he came to that conclusion, he almost dropped his recording crystal. Paragons are the strongest beings on this world and even the strongest Royal family of dragonoid race only has like 30 of them. All paragons are haughty figures. But here 6 paragons are acting as a guard for someone inside the carriage. Just who can afford that luxury? The carriage, mearas horses and these cultivators are all screaming at him, that someone extremely powerful just entered Vanguard zone. He immediately called his boss through soul talisman.

"Boss, i just came across some sensational news, you will be shocked at it"- Clark

"Clark, if you are trying to escape from the entrance zone, then i am not buying it. You should be careful, there are so many assassins who are after you even now. So stay low until then."- Cynthia

"Well, what will you do, if i say, that a carriage just entered Blue Leaf City from the entrance, the carriage is pulled by 8 mearas horses, the carriage is protected by 6 paragon level cultivators as guards and i never saw this clan banner before, are you still not interested?"- Clark

"You are not joking, right? Otherwise i will personally skewer you"- Cynthia

"Did i ever make a joke, when it comes to my profession?"- Clark


'Where did your concerns go regarding my safety, from just a while ago? Also you personality completely turns 180 degress, compared to mine, when it comes to breaking news''

The one inside the carriage are Ichika and Zetsu. It was Zetsu's idea, to make such a grand entrance into the Vanguard zone. Initially they both wanted to lead a peaceful life. But Zetsu was thoroughly against it.

His reason was simple, that this world is where, strong prey on the weak, more than Kaguya world. Because of Ichika's personality, even if they stay low key they are gonna end up fighting with some of the humanoid races in the future. Ichika doesn't stand crime or injustice, when she comes across them. This reason alone is enough for them to make some powerful people as their enemies. So Zetsu, thought of intimidation tactics.

There are 5 types of intimidations, threat, verbal abuse, physical bullying, powerful background and Money. They can't use the first 3 intimidation tactics on their own, before they are provoked. Also it is not their style to use these kind of tactics. So they decided on the last 2 tactics.

They will act both powerful and rich, like they are descendants of some strong hidden aristocratic family. Just the mere act of bringing these 6 puppets of paragon level cultivation as guards will make others think twice, before they dare to cross their paths. Zetsu wanted Ichika to be their last trump card, as it is more beneficial for them, as long as she can hide her strength and remain mysterious.

Ichika and Zetsu also added few expensive ornaments to their aristocratic white clothing. For Ichika, it is first time using so much jewellery, as she used only a gold chain gifted from Itachi so far. Now she is wearing Hand harness, Small tiara, Chandelier earrings, Bracelets, exquisite rings, necklace, anklets and hairpins, tying a small knot, but still letting her hair loose. All of these ornaments are grade 10 treasures. Zetsu was also decked in necklace, bracelets and rings. After taking a clear look at them, people will be screaming My Lady, Just how rich are you? Because, even a powerful aristocratic family will never use such high grade treasures as ornaments, openly in public. Otherwise, it is an open invitation to thieves, asking them to, 'come rob me'.

Ichika used 'creation of all things' to secretly create few tokens of human race for her and Zetsu. She also placed identification formation similar to other tokens on it. Now no one will say that these tokens are forged.

Ichika and Zetsu silently passed vanguard zone, Blue leaf city and few other cities on their way to Avalon city, the capital centre of Vanguard Zone. All of the major sects, organisations, Aristocratic families and guilds operate from this place. It is called a capital city in name only, but it's size is millions of times bigger than Kaguya world.

Unknown to her, Clark Moor, started live feed of their presence to all the citizens in the Vanguard zone, alerting all the major players in the city as they are heading here. They want to know about the Master of this carriage, before they decide whether to attack or make friendship with the master.

The whole Avalon city is circular in formation, divided into 5 districts. Commercial district, Noble district, Academy district, Cultivators(civilians) District and Administrative district.

Their current destination is to find a Bank and Real estate dealer in Commercial District.

Authors Note: Whenever i read Cultivation novels, i always had this weird idea, what will happen if the Cultivation World, have high technology and Media is added to it. Normally media will not let go of any news among us Humans. But in Cultivation world, literally all are Gods. So what kind of havoc and influence can they bring to these type of worlds. I know it is an experimental idea and sounds crazy. But for my satisfaction, i want to test this crazy idea of mine and see whether i can create some interesting parts with it in the story. I just ask readers, to give me some time, as it will take some time for me to give you all, the clear structure of media in the story. Also some of the readers must have this crazy thoughts too. So i will take all your inputs into consideration, if you can provide me some funny tips. Also thanks to reader, NoWords suggestion of Shade race.